The Russians were not injured during riots in Catalunya

The Russians were not injured during riots in Catalunya The Russian foreign Ministry also noted that in tourist areas, “the situation is stable”. 20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий MOSCOW, 2 Oct. /TASS/. Russian citizens were not injured in the violence in Catalonia during the referendum on independence. This was announced Monday by the Department of the Situational crisis center (DSCC), the Russian foreign Ministry on Twitter. “The situation in the tourist area is stable, victims among the Russian citizens there”, — is spoken in the message. Sunday, October 1, in Catalonia voted on the question of secession from Spain. Madrid considers the referendum illegitimate, while in Barcelona before the vote, said that the plebiscite will be for the authorities force. During the day throughout the region law enforcement bodies tried to prevent a vote, withdrawing the ballot boxes and the ballots, closing the polling stations. As a result of the actions of the guards,

The Plenipotentiary in the SFD presented Alexander USS in Krasnoyarsk in as acting Governor

Acting Governor of Krasnoyarsk region Alexander USS © Artyom Korotayev/TASS KRASNOYARSK, October 2. /TASS/. The presidential envoy in the Siberian Federal district Sergey Menyailo introduced to the political circles and the public of the Krasnoyarsk territory acting Governor of the region of 62 – year-old Alexander USS, almost 20 years head of the regional Parliament, the correspondent of TASS.

Cords dedicated the poem “vintilova” Bulk

Photo: RIA Novosti The leader of group “Leningrad” Sergey Shnurov has devoted poetic lines detention of opposition leader Alexei Navalny. His creation, the musician posted on Twitter on Friday, September 29. Climb rumors through twiterBulk undoing Not meeting agreedWell, the hype that caught ? ♀ app— Lanyard (@shnur0_ok) 29 September 2017 Cords also attached to the post picture, known online as “the Interrogation of the reptilians of the Slavic-Aryans” — in the way of the reptilians here, apparently, appears in the Bulk. Earlier on Friday it became known that the opposition politician was detained at the entrance of his house. Navalny explained to media that it happened in the moment when he was going to go to Nizhny Novgorod, where he was to participate in the rally. On the same day was arrested Leonid Volkov, head of the election headquarters of Navalny. According to him, he came to the

Erdogan and Putin are preparing to strike at US interests in Syria

Photo: Reuters Turkey and Russia are actively plotting against U.S. interests in Syria. This was the conclusion I came after a joint press conference of presidents Erdogan and Putin, which took place on Thursday, September 28, in Turkey. First, regarding Syria, Putin said that Turkey and Russia have agreed on the establishment of the ceasefire in Idlib province in the North-East of Syria. This statement may seem rather a good sign, but given that Idlib is the last major center of resistance of the Sunnis fighting against the Alliance of Assad, Putin and Iran, these are Putin’s words indicate that Erdogan intends to block the supply routes of the rebels from Turkey. As I warned in December last year, the ultimate goal of Russia has always been the complete destruction of the rebels in Idlib. But now that Erdogan has exposed itself as a puppet of Putin, and the United

Anton Alikhanov officially became the Kaliningrad Governor

Photo: RIA Novosti Today in the Kaliningrad region, held an extraordinary meeting of the regional Parliament, dedicated to inauguration of the Governor Anton Alikhanov, the press service of the regional government. 31-year-old head of the region took the oath, vowing to act in the interests and for the benefit of the Kaliningrad region and its inhabitants. Early elections of the Governor of the Russian exclave were held in a single voting day, September 10. For Anton Alikhanov, who became the youngest elected head of a region in Russia, voted more than 80 percent of voters. The turnout amounted to 39.35 percent. Thank you everyone who came on 10 September to the polls and voted for our program, for our team. I am confident that together we will be able to do much to be proud of the Kaliningrad region, — has addressed to inhabitants of the region Anton Alikhanov. With

The European Commission commented on the situation with the referendum in Catalonia

The European Commission commented on the situation with the referendum in Catalonia BRUSSELS, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti, Maria Knyazev. The Commission considers the situation with the past on the eve of Catalonia’s independence referendum an internal matter of Spain, said Commission spokesman, Margaritis Schinas at a briefing on Monday. 21фотография21фотография21фотография Madrid has called illegal referendum in Catalonia and the country’s constitutional court froze its implementation. However, according to the authorities of the region, the secession of the autonomy from Spain spoke 90% of voters. In some areas passed seizure of documents, clashed with the police. According to the Ministry of health of Catalonia, as a result of collisions suffered by 893 people. The interior Ministry of Spain said that during the riots affected 33 employees of law enforcement bodies. “In accordance with the Spanish Constitution, yesterday’s vote in Catalonia was illegal. For the European Commission as the President (Jean-Claude)

Lukashenko: Belarus to overcome the differences with the West

Lukashenko: Belarus to overcome the differences with the West MINSK, 2 October. /TASS/. Open, honest, pragmatic policy of Minsk helped to resolve differences and strengthen relations with Western countries. This opinion was expressed by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on Monday at a ceremony of presenting credentials by ambassadors of foreign States. “In dialogue with its partners Belarus always adheres to the principles of openness, fairness and equality. Now, when the world situation is far from tranquil, these approaches are especially valuable, — said Lukashenko. Is it coherent and pragmatic policy has helped us to realize and strengthen relations with Western countries.” According to him, Belarus is able to “overcome their differences and are now building a new platform for cooperation based on mutual respect and balance of interests.” “Virtually all restrictions that hindered this in the past, removed,” — said the President. Lukashenko stressed that Belarus is a peaceful,

A referendum on Catalan independence in pictures

A referendum on Catalan independence in pictures A referendum on Catalan independence was held on Sunday despite the ban by the Spanish authorities, however, throughout the day was accompanied by clashes with police that injured several hundred people. About how the voting went down — in pictures “News Mail.Ru”. Before the referendum many Catalans spent the night in schools, which was equipped for voting. | Source: ReutersPeople are sleeping in front of the school in El Masnou. | Source: Reuterson the Morning of the special purpose police of Spain began to storm the polls. | Source: AFP 2017At many sites were seized ballot boxes. | Source: AFP 2017People near the entrance to the polling station in Barcelona. | Source: Reutersa Woman glad that I was able to vote. | Source: AFP 2017Pretty soon between supporters of the referendum and the police began a fierce collision. | Source: ReutersSource: AFP 2017Source:

Gerhard Schroeder has opposed sanctions against Russia

Photo: Reuters Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder is opposed to economic sanctions against Russia. This is Schroeder said at a briefing in St. Petersburg. “I do not belong to those who support sanctions against Russia”, — he said. Commenting on U.S. sanctions against the project “Nord stream-2”, Schroeder said that he expects that the governmentGermany will show that the implementation of the “Nord stream — 2” is in the interests of the country. Earlier today, Schroeder was became a member of the Board of Directors of “Rosneft”, and then was elected its Chairman.