Russia has banned the catch of omul on lake Baikal

Photo: TRK Star October 1 came into force the rule of the Ministry of agriculture for the Baikal fishery basin. In accordance with it, prohibited the catch of omul in lake Baikal. Restrictions were imposed to prevent the extinction of this species of fish, according to Rosrybolovstvo. The ban on industrial and Amateur fishing of omul. An exception is made for fishing from the ice of lake Baikal barmashovo rod.

Trump has extended the ban on funding cultural exchanges with Russia

Photo: © RIA Novosti / Alexei vitvitskiy The US President Donald trump has extended the ban on funding the Federal government for cultural and educational exchanges with several countries, including Russia. It is reported TASS with reference to the press service of the White house. According to this decree, the United States will not provide “non-humanitarian and non-trade assistance or to allow funding for participation in programs of educational and cultural exchanges of officials and employees of governments of Eritrea, North Korea, Russia and Syria to 2018 fiscal year.” While trump said that such cooperation with Russia is possible, as it meets the American national interest. These measures include a ban on the entry of any persons or the freezing of assets. The decision was made on the basis of the law on the protection of victims of trafficking and violence from 2000. Each year, the head of state determines

Moldovan President invited Russian tourists to the country

Photo: RIA Novosti CHISINAU, September 30. /TASS/. The President of Moldova Igor Dodon invited Russian tourists to the country, where they prepared a lot of interesting tours. On Saturday was discussed during the round table “Open hospitable Moldova”, which was attended by around fifty agencies of the Russian Federation. “Moldova is a hospitable country with traditions and rich history. Come, you will be pleasantly surprised. The problems faced at the airport, some Russian journalists — these are isolated cases. We already are working on them, so there will be no problems”, — assured the President. He expressed satisfaction at the arrival of such a large delegation from Russia and promised to provide the project all necessary assistance. The idea of the project belongs to the Russian Embassy in Chisinau. In addition to the administration of the President it was also supported by the government and the tourism sector of Moldova.

The new US Ambassador in Russia, the huntsman gave Putin his credentials

The new US Ambassador in Russia, the huntsman gave Putin his credentials MOSCOW, October 3 — RIA Novosti. New US Ambassador to Russia John huntsman, which is expected to contribute to the restoration of relations of Moscow and Washington, handed President Vladimir Putin his credentials. The huntsman among the 20 new heads of diplomatic missions participated in the ceremony in the Alexander hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace. The head of the American Embassy in Moscow, was one of the last who gave Putin the documents. “Ambassador extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Russian Federation John Meade huntsman,” presented by the speaker of the new representative of the United States. The US Ambassador gave Putin the documents, then the Russian leader and the huntsman shook hands and turned to the rest of the heads of diplomatic missions. The American Ambassador attracted the most attention in

Prosecutors announced a list of property Ulyukayev laugh of the defendant and his lawyers

Prosecutors announced a list of property Ulyukayev laugh of the defendant and his lawyers Moscow. 3 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — the State announced a list of assets owned by the former Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev, who is accused of corruption, as well as his wife and mother. Thus, according to the announcement on Tuesday in Moscow’s Zamoskvoretsky court data from the Federal registration service, owned by the family of the former Minister are about 15 different apartments in Moscow, the Moscow region and Smolensk, more than 10 plots and a house and land in Yalta. In turn, the lawyers with humor reacted to the above by prosecutors. Yes, it’s funny. They list the same property multiple times in order to create you and the public the appearance that he has a lot of property. In addition, the state fails to mention that a large part of the above property

Vasilyev commented on the information about plagiarism in the thesis of Medina

Vasilyev commented on the information about plagiarism in the thesis of Medina MOSCOW, October 3 — RIA Novosti. Two of the dissertation Council has already made a positive decision in relation to the work of the head of the Ministry of culture of Vladimir Medinsky — the thesis no plagiarism; the Presidium of the Higher attestation Commission (HAC) will consider this issue in 2-3 weeks, said the Minister of education and science Olga Vasilieva in an interview with RIA Novosti. “After 2-3 weeks it will be considered. But I just want to emphasize that there was a positive decision of the two (dissertation) councils. And another very important point is the absence of plagiarism in the work. Well, the fact that the author presented his vision of history, it’s just that the story itself is a polemic that should be,” — said Vasilyev. On Monday, the expert Council of VAK

In Catalonia declared a strike because of violence during the referendum

In Catalonia declared a strike because of violence during the referendum Moscow. 3 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — IN Catalonia today will be held a General strike in protest against the harsh measures of the police against the participants of the referendum on independence, held on Sunday, informs “bi-Bi-si”. 20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий It is expected that a General strike will lead to complete stop of public transport, schools, hospitals and other public institutions in the region. Meanwhile, Twitter has already reported that the Catalans are already out in the streets and roads, blocking traffic. On the eve of the football club “Barcelona” has announced that it will participate in the General strike on Tuesday. What we have seen in our country yesterday (Sunday, October 1 — if) — is unacceptable. We, the Catalans have earned the right to be heard. Tomorrow we will join the strike.Josep Becomepregnant club Earlier it was reported that the

Tefft urged the United States and Russia to work together to tackle the problems of Syria and the DPRK

Photo: RIA Novosti U.S. Ambassador to Moscow John Tefft, who is completing his mission in Russia, called the key problems that Moscow and Washington must confront together. “We need to work hard on finding those areas where we can interact. As I said earlier, we need to find a solution to three big problems. Ukraine is number one. This is also the situation in Syria, which includes the fight against “Islamic state”* and a political settlement of the Syrian crisis”, — quotes his words. The diplomat also noted the threatening “global security North Korea.” “On the solution of all these problems we need to work together. IG our huge threat we all suffer from terrorist attacks. We need to tackle this problem thoroughly, and I think we will come to it. I saw many similarities in our people”, — concluded Tefft. Earlier it became known that the U.S. Secretary