Aksenov called fantasies of the requirements of Ukraine to cancel the call in Crimea

Chapter Republic Of Crimea Sergey Aksenov © Alexander Ryumin/TASS SIMFEROPOL, October 4. /TASS/. The head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov said fantasies Ukrainian politicians requirements to Russia about the cancellation of the autumn conscription in the Crimea, he told reporters Wednesday, responding to a question of the correspondent of TASS. “I the statements of the Ukrainian politicians not to comment. The talking here. It is their imagination,” he said.

Russia will not leave unanswered the adoption in Canada

Photo: © Vitaly Timkivi/TASS The intention of the Parliament of Canada to adopt the “Law name of Sergei Magnitsky” is a blatant interference in the internal Affairs of Russia will not remain unanswered. On Monday the correspondent of TASS reported the press Secretary of the Russian Embassy in Ottawa Kirill Kalinin. “The decision of the Parliament and government of Canada [on the enactment of this law], what they consider human rights and anti-corruption measure is regrettable confrontational act and a blatant interference in the internal Affairs of Russia”, — he said. The diplomat called it “a continuation of the failed policies of [the canadian government] pursued Russophobic elements.” He added that the decision “defies common sense and canadian national interests, it isolates Canada from one of the world’s key powers.” “This is a hostile move, as well as any anti-Russian sanctions will be met with strong and reciprocal countermeasures,” —

Shooting in Las Vegas raised quotes arms manufacturers

Shooting in Las Vegas raised quotes arms manufacturers Quotations from American manufacturers of small arms went up after the tragic events in Las Vegas, where he had been shot more than 50 visitors of the concert country music. Experts explain the seemingly irrational behavior of the investors that after each mass shooting in the United States renewed discussions about tightening gun legislation. This leads to an increase of sales of weapons among the population, which is in a hurry to add to your Arsenal before making new ones. 15фотографий15фотографий15фотографий Today, shares of American manufacturers of small arms continued the growth which started yesterday — the first day after the shooting in Las Vegas. Shares of Sturm Ruger after the opening of trading rose by 0.6% to yesterday’s 3.4% and shares of American Outdoor Brands (formerly Smith & Wesson) is 0.5% to yesterday’s 3.2 per cent. American experts note that the

The FSB said about the plans of the leaders of the IG to create a new global terrorist network

The FSB said about the plans of the leaders of the IG to create a new global terrorist network Moscow. 4 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — the Director of FSB of Russia Alexander Bortnikov said that the leaders of the banned in Russia, ISIS and other terrorist organizations are aiming to create a new global terrorist network. “Almost defeated in the construction of the Caliphate in Syria and Iraq, the leaders of ISIS and other joined her MTO (international terrorist organizations) as the global strategic objectives determined the creation of a new global terrorist network,” — said Bortnikov on Wednesday at the 16th Meeting of heads of special services, security agencies and law enforcement bodies-partners of FSB of Russia. He stressed that this year the number of victims of terrorist attacks in Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Mali, Turkey, Russia, the UK, Spain, Sweden and in other countries, “hundreds”. “Currently, the leaders

Russia has launched large-scale exercises long-range aircraft

Russia has launched large-scale exercises long-range aircraft MOSCOW, 4 Jul — RIA Novosti. In the far East began teaching the connection of Distant aircraft — involved more than 20 aircraft, airfields, and polygons from Kaluga to Kamchatka, said the Russian defense Ministry on Wednesday. The exercises are held under the guidance of the commander of Distant aircraft the General-Lieutenant Sergey Kobylash. During the exercise, aircrew will work relocation to operational airfields, flight refueling, as well as the use of guided missile weapons on ground targets on the range. “Involved more than 20 aircraft and five airfields and landfills in different regions of Russia, from the Kaluga region to Kamchatka”, — said the Ministry of defence.

Lavrov: Russia sees that the US coalition is obsessed with the “Dzhebhat EN-Nusra”

The Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS KRASNODAR, October 4. /TASS/. The Russian side does not see that the U.S.-led coalition is obsessed with the fight against the terrorist organization “dzhebhat an-Nusra” (banned in Russia). This was stated on Wednesday, Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on the sidelines of the SIXTEENTH meeting of heads of special services, security agencies and law enforcement.

Sands: Moscow will continue to evaluate data about the alleged captive of ISIS the Russians

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © AP Photo/Seth Wenig MOSCOW, October 4. /TASS/. Moscow will continue checking data allegedly captured by the militants of the “Islamic state” the Russians. “The relevant Russian services, of course, will use all opportunities for establishing them [captured by is militants] citizenship,” – said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov.

FSB: after the defeat in Syria and Iraq, ISIS is betting on a new global terrorist network

The head of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov © Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS KRASNODAR, October 4. /TASS/. International terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia) after the defeat in Syria and Iraq, intend to create a new terrorist network in the world. This was stated by the Director of the FSB of Russia Alexander Bortnikov on opening in Krasnodar of the XVI meeting of heads of special services, security agencies and law enforcement agencies from 74 countries.

Putin presented the President of Turkmenistan the order of Alexander Nevsky

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin presented the Turkmen leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the order of Alexander Nevsky for his contribution to strengthening relations between the two countries. “Prominent political figures of foreign countries are awarded this for his outstanding personal contribution to strengthening good-neighbourly relations with Russia”, — Putin said. Award of the Russian leader of the Turkmen colleague handed after negotiations of heads of state in Ashgabat. As Putin said, cooperation between Moscow and Ashgabat is developing largely through the efforts of state and society.