Kosachev: Canada adopted the “Magnitsky act” undermines the foundations of international law

The Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, October 5. /TASS/. Adopted by the Parliament of Canada “Law name of Sergei Magnitsky” undermines the foundations of international law. This opinion was expressed on Thursday the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev. “A dangerous trend is confirmed by the distribution of national law in international relations. That is undermining the very foundations of international law, built on the harmonization of the positions of different parties on the voluntary adoption of common rules,” Senator wrote on his page in Facebook.

Don’t shoot: Asgardia is preparing a law on registration of pneumatic weapons

Photo: RIA Novosti The law on compulsory registration of airguns can introduce to the state Duma already in autumn. Now the project is being developed by Regardie. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the information of the Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee for security and combating corruption Anatoly Election. According to the Elected, the law assumes that a license to use Pneumatics to citizens to not need to be, but each weapon they are required to register in the licensing and regulatory body, i.e. in Regardie. The Deputy also stressed that in law we are talking about absolutely all types of airguns.

The purpose of Vasilyeva, the head of Dagestan has broken a long-standing tradition

Photo: Dmitry Serebryakov/TASS Against the traditions. For the first time in post-Soviet history of the Republic of Dagestan headed by a native of another region. Vladimir Putin has accepted the resignation of Ramazan Abdulatipov, appointed ad interim Vice-speaker of the state Duma, the head of the faction “United Russia” Vladimir Vasilyev. This decision came as a surprise to almost all. Traditionally, since Soviet times, the authorities in Dagestan is allocated so that members of one ethnic group not held the posts of head of the region, the Prime Minister and head of the Parliament. In recent years the highest post in turn was held by Dargins and Avars. And so, after the Avar Ramazan Abdulatipov post was to take the Dargin. The decision on the appointment of Dagestan Vladimir Vasiliev was a surprise even to his faction. One of the party members, after hearing from the RBC on the appointment

Mattis: support of the Taliban in Afghanistan does not meet the interests of Russia

Photo: Reuters WASHINGTON, October 3 — RIA Novosti. Pentagon chief James Mattis said that the U.S. saw some evidence of support of the Russian movement “the Taliban*”, but can not determine the nature of such support, because they believe that it is not in the national interests of Russia. Earlier, officials of the former and the current U.S. administration has directly accused Russia of supporting the Taliban in Afghanistan, but did not provide any evidence of such support. Moscow denies such support. Speaking at hearings in the U.S. house of representatives of the Mattis asked whether he had seen any evidence of Russia’s support of the Taliban*. “We have seen some evidence. I need more certainty that comes from Russia, I can’t understand. It doesn’t make sense. But we are monitoring this closely,” said Mattis. According to him, support of the Taliban* does not meet the “interests of Russia”. At

Ivanka trump has offered to study computer science in kindergarten

Ivanka trump has offered to study computer science in kindergarten Moscow. 5 Oct. INTERFAX.RU the daughter and the counselor of the President of the United States Donald trump Ivanka trump called upon to give American children an education in the field of computer science and technology from kindergarten. “(Today) technology transformerait all spheres of the global economy, so for us it is extremely important to provide our citizens with the education and training necessary to guide them to well-paid jobs and growing careers,” wrote trump in an article published in the newspaper the New York Post. She noted that in 2017 almost in all spheres of activities using various high technologies. That is why education in this area should be given to citizens from an early age, says trump. Schools and programs of training of workers in our country should make the skills that they provide, consistent with the work

Ladder-escalator broke down during the release of the king of Saudi Arabia from the plane

Ladder-escalator broke down during the release of the king of Saudi Arabia from the plane The king of Saudi Arabia Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud on his first visit to Russia. At Vnukovo airport the plane of the monarch broke the ladder-escalator. The monarch was met by an honor guard of the Preobrazhensky regiment and the orchestra, and the Russian delegation. During the download an error has occurred. Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud will stay in Moscow until October 7. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin will hold with the king of Saudi Arabia talks on many international issues.

Kosachev believes that it is necessary to establish relations of Russia and Georgia

Photo: RIA Novosti The peoples of Russia and Georgia, there is a request for normalization and the restoration of relations, said the head of the international Committee of the Federation Council of Russia Konstantin Kosachev on Tuesday at a meeting with representatives of the faction “Alliance of patriots of Georgia”, headed by its Chairman George Lomia. “Recently, contacts at parliamentary level were frozen. I’m sure this is an error that must be corrected,” — said Kosachev. He stressed that the countries are neighbors, “I’m sure our people are ready to restore relations with each other”. The Senator noted that in such situations the parliamentary diplomacy is ready to find some window of opportunity to restore relations. “Public demand for the normalization of relations between the countries exist. We as parliamentarians should focus not on the political situation, and the needs of the people”, — said the head of the Federation

He revealed details of the conversation with Patriarch Kirill

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Moldova Igor Dodon told a meeting with Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill, during which the priest told him that the presidential mandate was given him by the Lord. He declared it on air of transfer of Megafon on NTV Moldova. “You know, Patriarch Kirill, told me at the beginning of the mandate: “Mr. President, this mandate given to you by God not to do something for you, and to do something for the people, for the country”, — said Igor Dodon. Earlier, Igor Dodon said that he had sent to the Parliament of the Republic of the query with the requirement to verify financial aid to Chisinau from foreign States and international organizations to determine its volume and to name specific recipients.