Russian defense Ministry: US base in al-Tape groups used by ISIS for attacks against Syria

Official representative of Russian defense Ministry major General Igor Konashenkov © Press service of the defense Ministry of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, October 6. /TASS/. US military base in Et Tape covered the “human shield” of Syrian refugees, has become a “black hole” on the Syrian-Jordanian border where make forays mobile groups of fighters of the “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). This was stated by the official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia major-General Igor Konashenkov.

The defense Ministry said that the refugees were “human shields” for US bases in Syria

The defense Ministry said that the refugees were “human shields” for US bases in Syria MOSCOW, October 6 — RIA Novosti. Refugees in the Syrian camp, Rukman are, in fact, the “human shield” of the us base in al-Tape, said the official representative of Russian defense Ministry major General Igor Konashenkov. According to him, in the area of “security” near an American base in al-Tape, almost in the wilderness, is the largest refugee camp, Ryban. As noted Konashenkov, according to the most conservative estimates, there are today more than 60 thousand women and children from Raqqa and Deir-ez-Zor, “to which Americans are not allowed any humanitarian convoys from the Syrian government, neither from Jordan nor from the UN and other international organizations”. “Refugees Rukmana today are, in fact, hostages, or rather “human shield” of the American base. Let me remind you that such “protective” barriers except the Americans are in

Ukraine has estimated the losses in the violent resolution of the conflict in the Donbass

Ukraine has estimated the losses in the violent resolution of the conflict in the Donbass The General staff also stated about the sufficient quantity of arms for such a scenario, but expressed doubt that Ukrainian society is ready to this method of resolving the situation. MOSCOW, October 6 — RIA Novosti. Ukraine in case of military solution of the conflict in the Donbass will lose 10 to 12 thousand troops in ten days, and 3 thousand of them were killed. As reported by “Ukrainian truth”, said the head of the Ukrainian General staff Viktor Muzhenko. Muzhenko also said that this approach be victims among the civilian population. According to him, on 2 300 military will have 10 thousand local residents. These figures, according to the head of the General staff of Ukraine, was obtained during exercises using special techniques. Moreover, Muzhenko said that the APU sufficient amount of weapons for

Trump after the meeting with the military announced “the calm before the storm”

Trump after the meeting with the military announced “the calm before the storm” Donald trump, commenting on the meeting with American military officials said that the meeting could be “the calm before the storm”. What the President meant, he did not elaborate. “You know,” assured the politician. The President of the United States Donald trump after meeting at the White house with members of the American military commanders and their wives made the “spontaneous” and “mysterious” statement, according to Politico. “Maybe it’s the calm before the storm”, — said the American leader about the meeting during a photo shoot. “In this room are the world’s great military leaders”, — he added, without explaining that it meant under its allegorical phrase. “You know [what will happen]”, — assured reporters the politician in response to a clarifying question. What topics were discussed at this meeting is unknown, says Politico. Currently, however, the

The Governor of Primorye has not confirmed reports about the resignation

Photo: RIA Novosti Earlier in mass media there was information about Vladimir Miklushevsky has filed a resignation. Meanwhile, the radio station “Moscow speaking” the head of Primorsky Krai stated that it continues to work. “I am in the workplace and work. I have better things to do.” Vladimir Miklushevsky held the post of Governor of the Primorsky territory in 2012, reelected in 2014.

Kim Jong Il told Putin about the presence of the DPRK nuclear bombs in the early 2000-ies

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Kim Jong Il back in the early 2000-ies told him at the presence of the atomic bomb, the DPRK and the ten years of its existence in this country under Western sanctions the situation did not change. “Look, in 2001, I on the way to Japan was in North Korea and met with the father of the current leader. I then said they have atomic bomb, Yes. Moreover, they are using simple artillery can easily reach Seoul. This was when? In 2001! Now in 2017, the country is living in conditions of constant sanctions, and instead of atomic bombs they have now hydrogen,” — said Putin, speaking on Russian energy week.

Putin said that Russia no one is playing a double game

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian leader Vladimir Putin at the plenary session of the forum “Russian energy week” stated that Russia is honest in relations with their partners and no one is playing a double game. “Can you believe, can not believe, you can ask our partners. Our advantage is that we never, who does not lead a double game. We’re always honest with our partners. We openly set out its position. If something does not agree, we directly speak,” said the President. He pointed to the “huge advantage” of Russia, as the country is predictable, “unlike many other countries.” “That is, instead of our military potential, and attracts our partners to develop relations with the Russian Federation”, — he concluded. Earlier, Putin said that some countries use sanctions in the energy sector for unfair competition and in their own interests. October 4, foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russia’s policy

“Christian state” included Kadyrov and Poklonsky to the blacklist

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov and state Duma Deputy Natalia Poklonskaya got in the black list of the organization “Christian state Holy Russia.” It includes public figures and the media did not condemn or support the movie “Matilda”. The list published on the website “Russia — Novosibirsk” created by members of a religious Association. Poklonsky members of the “Christian state” called a cheater. “It is the first “passed” the most active defenders of the Orthodox faith, when it became it is not profitable. (…) The sin of betrayal far worse than the sin of sodomite. Poklonskaya is Judas, the traitor defenders of the Orthodox faith, sold for thirty pieces of silver not only Sasha Kalinin, but also sold the faith”, — reads the text of the organization. Kadyrov condemned for its support of MP. “Mr. Kadyrov welcomes such a position of Judas Polonskaya, and at the

Peplum will require Spain to recognize them as a separate nation

Peplum will require Spain to recognize them as a separate nation Spanish autonomy under the name of Basque Country will achieve from Madrid, recognizing them as a separate nation. However, to hold a referendum as in Catalonia, the Basques until. This “Izvestia” said the representative of the Parliament of the Basque Unai Larrea. The politician stressed that in the future a referendum is possible, but only with the permission of the Spanish authorities. “Most of the Basques reacted to the events in Catalonia with sympathy and solidarity, we believe that they had no other options (except to hold a referendum — ed.). But we don’t want the same thing in the Basque Country don’t want police on our streets and do not want to act unilaterally,” said Unai Larrea. He noted that the Basques, like the Catalans, have a claim to Madrid, but they want negotiations. “The main problem is