Virus Petya began with Ukraine, said in ESET

Virus Petya began with Ukraine, said in ESET MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. Virus Petya began with Ukraine, which more than other countries suffered from cyber attack, the message at the ESET virus lab. “The outbreak seems to have started in Ukraine”, — said the company. According to the rating of the company for the countries affected by the virus, Ukraine has suffered the greatest harm. On the second place among the affected countries is Italy, the third — Israel. The top ten also included Serbia, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Argentina, Czech Republic and Germany. Russia in this list occupies only 14th place. Earlier on Tuesday the company Group-IB explained that the virus ransomware Forex has caused large-scale attack on the oil, telecommunications and financial companies of Russia and Ukraine: it locks computers and demands for unblocking the amount in bitcoins equivalent to 300 dollars. Later, the head of the

Due to cyber-attacks, the monitoring of the Chernobyl NPP was transferred to the manual mode

Due to cyber-attacks, the monitoring of the Chernobyl NPP was transferred to the manual mode MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. In connection with the cyberattacks radiation monitoring in the Chernobyl NPP is carried out in manual mode, reads the statement of the State Agency of Ukraine on exclusion zone management. It is reported that the reason for this was the temporary shutdown of Windows. All technological systems of the nuclear power plant and automatic control system of the radiation situation in the exclusion zone operates in normal mode. Earlier it became known after a hacker attack all computers on workplace for plant personnel was disabled. Several oil, telecommunications and financial companies of Russia and Ukraine suffered a large-scale attack of the virus-the extortioner Petya, locking computers and demanding $ 300 in bitcoins.

When the derailment of a train in the subway of new York affected more than 30 people

When the derailment of a train in the subway of new York affected more than 30 people Moscow. June 27. INTERFAX.RU — At least 34 people were injured in the subway of new York city due to the derailment, said Tuesday the U.S. TV channel Fox News. According to emergency services, threat of life affected no. However, 17 people sent to hospital. In the Transport Department of new York said that this train made an emergency stop, causing the accident. Also corrupted the way and part of the tunnel. New York City subway riders evacuated from disabled train — World News Tonight (@ABCWorldNews) on 27 June 2017 The accident was stopped several trains, of which carried out the evacuation of passengers. Transport office started the investigation of the causes of the accident. “I was leaning against the left door, on the left side of the train, and the

Nationalist Martsinkevich was sentenced to nine years in prison for the attack on drug traffickers

Nationalist Martsinkevich was sentenced to nine years in prison for the attack on drug traffickers MOSCOW, June 27. /TASS/. Babushkinsky court of Moscow has sentenced on Tuesday to nine years in prison for nationalist and leader of the public movement “Restrukt” Maxim Martsinkevich in the case of attacks on traders spice. About it the correspondent of TASS from the courtroom. “Recognize Martsinkevich guilty and sentenced him to nine years in prison of strict regime”, — announced the verdict to the judge. The penalty will be calculated from January 27, 2014. In the near future the court will announce the timing the other nine defendants in the criminal case, participants of movement “Restrukt”. They are accused of committing crimes stipulated by articles 162 (“Robbery”), 167 (“Deliberate destruction or damage of property”), 213 (“Hooliganism”), 161 (“Robbery”), 111 (“Causing of heavy harm to health, including causing death of the person”) the criminal code

In China, an elderly woman was thrown into a jet engine coins for good luck

In China, an elderly woman was thrown into a jet engine coins for good luck Flight from Shanghai to Guangzhou on Tuesday, June 27, was detained due to the fact that the elderly woman dropped the coins in a jet engine. The official newspaper People’s Daily China on the social network Facebook said that the woman did it for good luck. It is noted that on Board were 150 people. Airport officials had to delay a flight to retrieve all the coins, a total of workers managed to find 9 metal coins that were in the engine of the aircraft. The report also says that the elderly woman was detained by airport officials. It happened in the moment when she is using a wheelchair was heading to the ramp together with his family members.

Virus-extortionist Petya attacked Russian and Ukrainian companies

Virus-extortionist Petya attacked Russian and Ukrainian companies The objects of attack were the oil, telecommunications and financial institutions. The virus locks computers and demands $ 300 in bitcoins. MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. Virus ransomware Forex has caused large-scale attack on the oil, telecommunications and financial companies of Russia and Ukraine, told RIA Novosti in the company Group-IB, specializing in solutions for the early detection of cyber threats. It locks computers and demands $ 300 in bitcoins. The attack occurred at about 14.00. Judging by the photos, this Cryptologic Petya. Method of distribution in the local network is the same virus WannaCry.The press service of the company Group-IB, specializing in solutions for the early detection of cyber threats According to preliminary data, the virus affected network, “Bashneft” and “Rosneft”, and also Ukrainian companies, “Zaporozhyeoblenergo”, “Dniproenergo” and “Dnipro electric power system”. “Mondelez International, Oschadbank, Mars, face, Nivea, TESA and others.

Hackers attacked the government, transportation, banks and energy sector of Ukraine

Hackers attacked the government, transportation, banks and energy sector of Ukraine The virus disabled the computers in the Cabinet of the country and deprived the passengers of Kyiv metro able to pay for travel Bank card. There was a threat of delayed flights from the airport “Borispol”. Spreading across the Ukraine virus-extortionist has led to the emergence of problems in the operation of a variety of enterprises and institutions. In particular, the channel announced the release down due to a virus attack of computers in the Central offices of the Ministry of energy and DTEK. The sites of both companies, is currently unavailable. On the failure of computer networks in the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine reported on his page in the network Facebook Vice-Prime Minister Pavlo Rozenko. According to him, in the moment all the computers of the government. First Deputy General Director of the airport “Borispol” Eugene

Hackers attacked the Ukrainian banks and companies

Hackers attacked the Ukrainian banks and companies Hackers attacked several Ukrainian banks, as well as some commercial and government enterprises in the country, according to the national Bank of Ukraine (NBU). The NBU does not say on what the companies and banks involved. According to the NBU, the banks experiencing difficulties with customer service and banking operations. “Now in the financial sector strengthened security measures and anti-hacking all participants of the financial market”, — underlined in the message. According to “Interfax-Ukraine”, the attack company “Kyivenergo” and “Ukrenergo”. According to “Interfax-Ukraine”, the attack company “Kyivenergo” and “Ukrenergo” and some state-owned banks.

After rescuing the pink dogs under the Gelendzhik police checks

After rescuing the pink dogs under the Gelendzhik police checks KRASNODAR, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. Law enforcement officers organized the inspection of the information found under the Noumea two dogs breed Samoyed, painted in pink, told RIA Novosti press-service of Prosecutor’s office of Krasnodar region. Previously, the community “Husky Help” the social network “Vkontakte” reported that the animal was discovered near Gelendzhik two abandoned dogs breed Samoyed painted with a pink color coat. According to activists, dogs were used as props for photo shoots paid on-street, and when the animals are worked-off, the owners left them in the woods, 60 miles from Noumea. Volunteers do not exclude that in the forest could remain a third dog, which is keeping to himself. “According to media reports organized check. Materials of check are sent to the police”, — reported in Prosecutor’s office of the region.

With the explosion of a car in Kiev killed the commander of the special forces intelligence service of Ukraine

With the explosion of a car in Kiev killed the commander of the special forces intelligence service of Ukraine In Kiev on the morning of 27 June blew up a car, the driver, who was in it died. The victim was a special forces commander of the Main Directorate of the defense Ministry of Ukraine Maksym Shapoval. Police are investigating the incident as a terrorist attack. In a car bombing in Solomenskiy district of Kiev killed one of the leaders of the intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine Maxim Shapoval. About this newspaper “Ukrainian truth” reported in the defense Ministry, in law enforcement and stated the sources. The deceased was chief of the reserve intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian defense Ministry, clarifies the issue “Strenia” with reference to sources in law enforcement bodies. The victim’s identity was established after the discovery of the explosion of the business