In India crashed a military plane

In India crashed a military plane MOSCOW, 6 Jul — RIA Novosti. The MiG-23 belonging to the army of India, crashed in Rajasthan on the North-West of the country, reports news Agency ANI. “The MiG-23s of the Indian air force crashed in the village of Balesar in Jodhpur district”, — stated in the message of Agency on Twitter. Rajasthan: IAF MIG-23 training aircraft crashes in Jodhpur’s Balesar.More details awaited — ANI (@ANI_news) July 6, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. It is reported that both pilots ejected. No other details were given.

At least 15 people went missing in Japan after the flood

At least 15 people went missing in Japan after the flood Moscow. July 6. INTERFAX.RU — At least 15 people are reported missing in floods in southern Japan caused by torrential rains, said local authorities. However, as has declared on a press-conferences the Secretary General of the Japanese Cabinet Yoshihide Suga, “there have been numerous reports of people which can not find.” He informed that the struggle against the elements brought about 7,5 thousand military personnel, police officers and rescue workers. In readiness for the urgent departures are 40 helicopters. The acting head of the government (in connection with departure of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to the G20 summit) Vice-Prime Minister of Japan Taro ASO has declared that the island of Kyushu had the “emergency”. Extensive damage caused to infrastructure, roads, residential and other buildings. Some residents were trapped by water. While the authorities are unable to calculate the amount

In the Central African Republic in the accident killed nearly 80 people

In the Central African Republic in the accident killed nearly 80 people In an accident a truck carrying people. Truck with people in the back got in an accident on the highway in the Central African Republic (CAR). According to Reuters, at the moment there are about 78 victims of the accident, another 72 people were injured. The number of dead could increase as some victims were taken to their home where they later died. The circumstances of the accident are not specified.

Participant of the “Orekhovo-Medvedkovo” gang have been detained after 16 years of investigation

Participant of the “Orekhovo-Medvedkovo” gang have been detained after 16 years of investigation Moscow. July 5. INTERFAX.RU Party “Orekhovo-Medvedkovo” criminal gang suspected of committing five murders in the 1990-ies detained in the Vladimir region, reported “Interfax” the representative of a capital Central Board of the Investigative Committee of Russia Yulia Ivanova. “Investigative agencies of the Main investigation Department of the investigative Committee of the Russian Federation the city of Moscow continues investigation of the criminal case against participants of the “Orekhovo” and “Medvedkovo” groups, who in the early ‘ 90s, the number of murders and other especially serious crimes,” — said Ivanov. According to her, Wednesday law enforcement officials in Vladimir region it is detained and delivered to Moscow by the investigator Alexander Sharapov born in 1971, “one of the members of the criminal community, which was in the international wanted list since 2001.” According to the investigation, Sharapov was

In Detroit at the General Motors plant explosion

In Detroit at the General Motors plant explosion WASHINGTON, 5 Dec — RIA Novosti. At the Assembly plant of General Motors in Detroit, Michigan there was a small explosion, there are wounded, reports FOX 2. “Call about the explosion was around 10 am on Wednesday (17:00 MSK)”, — transfers the channel. It is noted that there were reports of at least three victims. Around 10:30 the fire Department told FOX 2 that only one person was injured and that “no major incident”. The fire Department also noted that it is considered a “small explosion or chemical reaction”. UPDATE: @FOX2Erika reports that a rust inhibitor tank exploded inside the plant: — FOX 2 Detroit (@FOX2News) July 5, 2017 During the download an error has occurred.

Russian Tu-95MS missile strike on ISIS in Syria

Russian Tu-95MS missile strike on ISIS in Syria Destroyed three ammunition dump and the command post of terrorists. MOSCOW, 5 July. /TASS/. Strategic bombers Tu-95MS long-range aviation of the Air-space forces of Russia struck on Wednesday in Syria strikes by cruise missiles X-101 on targets of militants of the banned terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG). Destroyed three large warehouses with weapons and ammunition, told reporters in the defense Ministry. Russian strategic missile struck the terrorists in Syria “July 5, the strategic missile carriers Tu-95MS took off from the Engels airfield on the territory of the Russian Federation, made a flight with refueling in the air and attacked the latest cruise missiles X-101 targets of the terrorists of ISIL (formerly ISIS — approx. The TASS) on the border of the provinces of Hama and HOMS (Syrian Arab Republic)”, — stated in the message Department. It was said that “the strike destroyed

Russian TU-95MS bombers struck cruise missiles on objects of IG*

Russian TU-95MS bombers struck cruise missiles on objects of IG* MOSCOW, 5 Jul — RIA Novosti. Strategic missile Tu-95MS bombers struck at targets of terrorists “Islamic state” * at the border of the provinces of Hama and HOMS in Syria, reported the Ministry of defense. Was destroyed three large warehouse of terrorists, as well as a command post in the town of Akerbat. The blow was struck with cruise missiles X-101 from a distance of about a thousand kilometers. Objective monitoring data confirmed the defeat of all the purposes. It is noted that the aircraft took off from the Engels airfield and flew with air refueling. The cover of bombers were fighters su-30CM and su-35S from the airport Hamim. After a successful combat mission all the Russian planes returned to the airfield. X-101 — the latest Russian strategic cruise missile air-launched, manufactured using modern technology to reduce radar visibility. The

In Bulgaria there was a mass collision of buses, there are victims

In Bulgaria there was a mass collision of buses, there are victims MOSCOW, 5 Jul — RIA Novosti. More than 30 people were injured in a mass collision of cars on the highway “Trakia” in Bulgaria, reports local Agency Focus. All the victims were hospitalized, four of them are in critical condition. Massive crash involving more than 40 vehicles occurred near the town of Ihtiman in the Metropolitan area. Suspected cause of the incident was a thick fog. Also, the authorities are checking reports on the deterioration of visibility due to smoke from burning dumps in ikhtiman.

The Prosecutor demanded 2.5 years in prison for the leader of the “Humpty Dumpty”

The Prosecutor demanded 2.5 years in prison for the leader of the “Humpty Dumpty” The Prosecutor asked for the leader of the hacker group “Humpty Dumpty” Vladimir Anikeev 2.5 years in a General regime colony. About it RBC were informed by the lawyer of the defendant Hazrat Bizhoev. During the preliminary meeting Anikeev pleaded guilty and confirmed that his plea deal went voluntarily. According to investigators, Anikeev in the period from 2013 to 2016, together with other hacker groups have committed “illegal access to legally protected computer information” which belongs to “a number of citizens”, and then copied it with the “purpose of sale”, said earlier in Prosecutor’s office. Concerning it criminal case under part 3 of article 272 of the criminal code (illegal access to information protected by law, committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy or by an organized group). Anikeev entered into a pretrial agreement

In Leningrad region the passenger train collided with a trolley

In Leningrad region the passenger train collided with a trolley MOSCOW, 5 Jul — RIA Novosti. Passenger train Vorkuta — St. Petersburg collided with a car repair, told RIA Novosti in the North-Zapadnogermanskom emergency center. The incident occurred in the Leningrad region on the stretch “is published-If”. The incident occurred in the Leningrad region on the stretch “is published-If”. “According to preliminary data, went off the rails, only the front truck of the locomotive,” — said the representative of the centre. In St. Petersburg derailed train with 465 passengers — Channel Constantinople (@’) 5 Jul 2017 During the download an error has occurred. Anybody from passengers has not suffered. Employees of traffic police find out circumstances of incident. The train was 465 passengers. It is specified that the locomotive ran on the sliding rail mechanism repair machine RM-80. To the place of accident sent two emergency-vosstanovitelnogo.