The quarantine is introduced in the TRANS-Baikal camp after 13 poisoning

The quarantine is introduced in the TRANS-Baikal camp after 13 poisoning The staff of the CPS establish the reason of mass poisoning of children in camp “Argun” near Chita. Saturday at the children’s institution imposed quarantine and disinfection, all pupils will be removed from him prior to July 10, reported on the Agency’s website. The incident occurred last Wednesday when admitted to the hospital with poisoning were delivered to 12 children aged 9-15 years. All the physicians diagnosed infectious gastroenteritis mild acute course. Later their condition was estimated as satisfactory. Camp “Argun” is located in the office of the company “Priargunsky industrial mining and chemical Union”. The children and staff remaining in the camp, been placed under medical observation. Its review in connection with the incident, conducts the TFR.

The police reported the burning cars and barricades in two districts of Hamburg

The police reported the burning cars and barricades in two districts of Hamburg MOSCOW, 8 Feb — RIA Novosti. Police in Hamburg reported that in two districts of the city burning cars and barricades. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий “There were reports of burning cars and barricades in the districts of St. Pauli and Altona, directed by militiamen”, — is spoken in the police message posted on the microblog Twitter. Law enforcement officers also noted that on the territory of the city circling police helicopter. Earlier the police reported that on Friday morning carried out an operation to arrest a group of about 200 people, trashed someone else’s property. Offenders pelted police with bottles and firecrackers, and then tried to escape, including jumping a fence. Arrested were 59 people, 14 were hospitalized with injuries. Whether the injury received in a fall from the fence or during the arrest, the police has not yet been

Italian official called the police to find in your table of 25 thousand euros

Italian official called the police to find in your table of 25 thousand euros ROME, 8 Feb — RIA Novosti, Alexander Logunov. President of the Autonomous Italian region of Valle D’aosta found in her Desk 25 thousand euros and reported the find to the police, informs on Friday a portal Quotidiano. Pierluigi Marquis took the post of head of the region in March this year, succeeding Augusto Rollandin, which was headed by Valle D Aosta for nine years. The envelope with the money and some papers were lying under cover of the Desk. The find was made on June 22 in the course of repair in the office Marquisa. He signalled the stash police. The origin of such a large amount of interested investigators who have studied the dates of issue of banknotes and documents. The local Prosecutor’s office opened an investigation.

Police in Hamburg said about dozens of detainees and arrested

Police in Hamburg said about dozens of detainees and arrested MOSCOW, 8 Feb — RIA Novosti. The police of Hamburg declared 83 of the detainees and the 19 people arrested in clashes with the protesters for two days, said in a statement on the official website of the office on Twitter. “The number of arrests at the moment is 83, the number of arrests — 19”, — said in a statement. Earlier, police reported about 70 detainees. In Hamburg on 7-8 July summit of the G20. The city has organized violent groups, they are trying to break through to the building of the international trade centre, where the summit. Attacks on several police cars, a helicopter police was released flare.

In the fall of a light aircraft near Tambov the person died

In the fall of a light aircraft near Tambov the person died MOSCOW, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti. One person was killed by a falling airplane near Tambov, reported RIA Novosti a source in the emergency services of the region. “The plane crashed near Tambov, the pilot was killed”, — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, the flight of the aircraft was authorized. On the earth of victims and destructions. Circumstances are PE are investigated.

Eyewitnesses reported an explosion in Lugansk

Eyewitnesses reported an explosion in Lugansk In Lugansk in the result of explosion in the vicinity of the Heroes square great Patriotic war, a woman injured, reports “RIA Novosti”. According to the Agency, the area around the site was cordoned off, work of the medical teams. On the website of the Luhansk information center confirmed the fact of the explosion with reference to the press service of narodonaselenie LC. The interior Ministry of the breakaway Lugansk national Republic (LNR) was unable to immediately comment on the explosion in the center of the city. “Any information I give you until I can not” — said the duty officer of the Ministry in conversation with RBC. The attack in Lugansk: one person was killed, five wounded in #Lugansk #LNR #теракт — Channel five news (@5tv) July 7, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. The source of RBC in the

The court pardoned two defendants in the case about the crash of the Falcon in “Vnukovo”

The court pardoned two defendants in the case about the crash of the Falcon in “Vnukovo” Moscow. July 7. INTERFAX.RU — the solntsevsky court of Moscow granted Amnesty to the engineer for airport service Vladimir Ledeneva and driver snow machines Vladimir Martynenko in the case of the collapse of the 2014 Falcon at the airport “Vnukovo”, which killed the head of Total company Christophe de Margerie. State charge asked to appoint Martynenko, Ledeneva and the sentence of four years and seven months of a General regime penal colony everyone. According to investigators, 20 Oct 2014 due to the lack of proper coordination between ATC and airfield services of the head of flights Roman Dunayev and neglect their official duties managers Hope Arkhipova and Alexander Kruglov, as well as the loss of chief of the engineering service Ledeneva control over subordinates, snow machines running Martynenko went to the runway that led

In the center of Lugansk the second explosion occurred

In the center of Lugansk the second explosion occurred The second explosion occurred in the center of Lugansk on Friday, July 7. As reported RIA Novosti, presumably, the car exploded. The incident occurred near the scene of the first attack. The first explosion killed the captain of the medical service of the LPR militia, and injured five people. Authorities have classified the incident as a terrorist attack. It is known that an improvised explosive device filled with pieces of rebar. The bomb was planted in a trash can near a grocery store not far from the home governments of the LC. The type, class, and power are specified. During the download an error has occurred. In connection with these events, the Ministry of state security breakaway Republic called on the residents of Lugansk in the near future not to leave their homes and not create large concentrations of people in

Russian flood: the largest flood of the XXI century

Russian flood: the largest flood of the XXI century The damage inflicted element regions of our country. Heavy rainfall with hail and Gale-force winds, held in Karachay-Cherkessia, has led to a sharp rise of water in the river Amanauz. Because of revelry of elements in the resort village of Dombay was flooded hotel “Adele”: the total of 77 children were on vacation, had to be evacuated. The Russian summer of 2017 was very capricious. Low temperatures, tropical storms, squally winds and strong storms lead to natural disasters — in particular, to the occurrence of floods. In the twenty-first century regions of Russia has survived many floods, most of which ended in tragedies. Stavropol flood In may 2017 in the Stavropol region was the largest for the last half-century flood. The reason was the heavy rains cleared in time and not rivers. Because of the threat of Otkaznenskogo overflow reservoir was

The IG has promised to release the audio recording of his surviving leader

The IG has promised to release the audio recording of his surviving leader In mid-June, the defense Ministry announced the destruction of al-Baghdadi, and its not showing up in public since causes among the militants disturbing. Moscow. July 7. INTERFAX.RU — Grouping “Islamic state” (banned in Russia) declared in the Iraqi city of tal afar, which is going to unveil on Friday a new audio recording of its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, to prove that he was not killed. Iraqi media reported, citing sources in tal afar, militants abolished in all mosques Friday prayers and announced that later allowed a new audio recording of al-Baghdadi, about the possible destruction which in recent times has repeatedly reported. Sources in the city said that a prolonged absence in public, the leader of the IG and his silence cause among militants a growing concern. Earlier, the Ministry of defense announced the death of