Accused of murder, received 20 years instead of life

Accused of murder, received 20 years instead of life The court issued a verdict in the murder of opposition leader Boris Nemtsov. Zaur Dadaev, whom the jury found guilty directly to the murder of a politician, was given 20 years in prison of strict regime, although prosecutors asked for a life imprisonment. In addition, the court deprived him of his rank of Lieutenant and the order and ordered to pay a fine of 100 thousand rubles. Four other accused, which the court considered accomplices in the crime, received from 11 to 19 years in prison. As follows from the verdict of the jury, Dadaev was found guilty in the fact that in the evening 27 Feb 2015 Nemtsov shot at least six times on the Big Moskvoretskiy bridge near the Kremlin walls in Moscow. Once the Prosecutor on the basis of the verdict sought for him a life sentence, the

In Mexico, police have received dozens of years in prison for escape from criminals

In Mexico, police have received dozens of years in prison for escape from criminals MEXICO city, July 13 — RIA Novosti. Six policemen sentenced in Mexico to imprisonment for a period of more than 27 years for the escape of criminals, informs a portal Excelsior. According to the findings of the court, the guards were afraid of the bandits, who broke into the village of Cristo Rey in the South of Sinaloa state in 2016. Police arrived at the scene by a phone call from a local resident, however, seeing a few cars with the bandits who kidnapped the young man left the village, afraid of a possible battle. This moment was recorded on video by one of the locals and later became a evidence. The kidnapped man was found murdered on the highway Mazatlan-Durango. The authorities of convicted police tried to justify their actions by some strategic calculations, as

Ex-Brazilian President Lula da Silva was sentenced to almost 10 years for corruption

Ex-Brazilian President Lula da Silva was sentenced to almost 10 years for corruption This is the first such case in the history of the country. Moscow. July 12. INTERFAX.RU — Ex-President of Brazil, Luiz inácio Lula da Silva on Wednesday sentenced to nine and a half years in prison, according to Brazilian broadcaster Globo. According to her, this sentence was delivered by judge Sergio Mora Federal court in the Brazilian city of Curitiba, recognizing the former President guilty on the facts, “passive corruption and money laundering”. Broadcasting company notes that for the first time in the history of the country ex-the President of Brazil sent to jail on corruption charges.

CB found a virus that reads the data from the chip payment cards

CB found a virus that reads the data from the chip payment cards MOSCOW, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. The center for monitoring and responding to computer attacks in the financial sphere (“Fincert”) of the Bank of Russia has discovered a virus that reads the data from the chip card payment, the regulator reported on Wednesday. The data read from the chip Bank card will not automatically cause the unauthorized transfer of funds. In accordance with the technology of EMV (international standard for credit card transactions with chip) each transaction carried out with this chip that is unique through the use of cryptographic transformations. “Fincert” the Bank of Russia has recorded isolated cases of use of devices capable of reading information from the chip payment cards. Currently under technical study of these devices, the message reads. According to the regulator, the attackers use the information received to create a copy

Accused in the murder of Nemtsov requested a life sentence

Accused in the murder of Nemtsov requested a life sentence The Prosecutor demanded to sentence Zaur Dadaev, who is accused of the murder of opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, to life imprisonment. Such a requirement, the prosecution announced Wednesday in the Moscow district military court. For four other accused, the Prosecutor’s office also requested long terms of imprisonment. The state prosecution demands to sentence Anzor Gubashev to 23 years in prison, sadida Gubareva — to 21 years, Temirlan eskerhanova to 19 years, and Khamzat Bashaeva — to 17 years. Earlier, the jury found all five defendants guilty and not deserving indulgence. Now the judge must determine the terms of their sentence. The date of the verdict, the court has not yet named. According to the verdict passed by the jury, Zaur Dadaev late evening 27 Feb 2015 shot at Boris Nemtsov is not less than six times, and then fled the

In the parcel from Germany under the guise of children’s puzzles found 30 kg of drugs

In the parcel from Germany under the guise of children’s puzzles found 30 kg of drugs In the parcel from Germany under the guise of children’s puzzles employees of “Mail of Russia” and Federal security service discovered the 30 kg of drugs worth a total of several dozen million rubles this is stated in the message of the postal operator (have RBC). According to the report, nearly 30 kilograms of potent synthetic “club” drugs that are most often used by adolescents who have been removed from the parcel where they were transported in the form of children’s puzzles. As has established a consequence, the shipment was organized by 26-year-old citizen of Ukraine and 22-year-old Russian woman from Astrakhan region — they colluded with employees of two Moscow offices and employees of the courier, which gave the suspect international mail without verification of identification documents and place of residence of the

Sergei Polonsky was sentenced to five years in prison and released for lapse of time

Sergei Polonsky was sentenced to five years in prison and released for lapse of time Presnensky court of Moscow sentenced the founder of Mirax Group Sergei Polonsky to five years in prison on charges of fraud. “To release Polonsky from custody in a court hall”, — quotes “RIA Novosti” judge Eugene Naydenov. I’m free! — Sergey Polonsky (@polonium_194) 12 Jul 2017 During the download an error has occurred. His accomplices — the former head of the financial Department of the company Alexander Paperno and Director General of OOO “AVANTA” Alex Pronyakin — were also found guilty. The court has appointed punishment in the form of three and two years imprisonment respectively, and released from punishment in connection with expiry of the Statute of limitations. We will remind, mister Polonsky is accused of stealing of 2.42 billion rubles in the construction of residential complex “Kutuzovskaya mile” and “Rublevsky Riviera”. According to

Two Russians were arrested during protests in Hamburg

Two Russians were arrested during protests in Hamburg BERLIN, July 12. /Offset. TASS Anton Dolgunov/. Two Russian citizens were arrested in Hamburg during protests last week, one of them is accused of grievous bodily harm. About TASS said the representative of the Prosecutor’s office of Hamburg Nan Frombach. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “In connection with the riots during the G20 summit were detained two citizens of Russia. We are talking about the inhabitants of Moscow at the age of 20 and 30 years. 20-year-old accused of attempted grievous bodily harm and resisting a police officer. 30-year-old accused of causing grievous bodily harm and violent resistance,” said Frombach.

General SC dismissed the case with the Nizhny Tagil factory

General SC dismissed the case with the Nizhny Tagil factory MOSCOW, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. The head of the Department of the RF IC in Sverdlovsk region dismissed because of red tape with the investigation of the unpaid wages for “Nizhny Tagil factory insulation products”, told reporters on Wednesday the official representative of Department Svetlana Petrenko. The situation immediately began to resolve after workers complained to President Vladimir Putin that the plant Manager allegedly refuses to pay until he’d ask himself head of state. On behalf of the head of the RF IC Alexander Bastrykin to assign an internal check because of red tape with the investigation, said Petrenko. According to the investigation, 195 employees have not been paid from April 2016 to January 2017. “Employees of the Central apparatus of the Investigative Committee went to Cogeneral SC dismissed the case with Nizhny Tagil savedatetime for test events. At

A former police officer pleaded guilty to killing ex-wife near Rostov

A former police officer pleaded guilty to killing ex-wife near Rostov MOSCOW, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. Former police officer Sergei Kadatskiy opened fire on the highway near Rostov, in the course of interrogation admitted his guilt in the murder of ex-wife and explained that a few months he quarrelled with her, according to the UK Russia. On the route Rostov—Taganrog, unknown fired several shots at the car in which were two people — a man born in 1960 and his daughter born in 1981. The woman from the received wounds has died on the spot, the man was hospitalized, he underwent surgery, he is in serious condition. As reported in the SU IC of Russia in the Rostov region, criminal case on the fact of murder. The suspect, who was a police officer, was arrested two hours later. It is established that in the car were his former wife