Commander Islands earthquake with magnitude 7.4

Commander Islands earthquake with magnitude 7.4 MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. An earthquake of magnitude 7.4 occurred on Tuesday in the Bering sea, 233 kilometres from the village of Nikolskoye, Kamchatka Krai, according to the US Geological survey (USGS). Tremors were recorded in 23.34 UTC (02.34 GMT). The epicenter was located 233 kilometers from the village of Nikol’skoe, which is located on one of the commander Islands. The earthquake lies at a depth of 48.3 km. Information on possible victims and destructions did not arrive. According to Reuters, there is a tsunami threat in a radius of 300 kilometers.

The former head of the disbanded Central Directorate of interior Ministry in NWFD received seven years in prison

The former head of the disbanded Central Directorate of interior Ministry in NWFD received seven years in prison Moscow. July 17. INTERFAX.RU — Dzerzhinsky district court of St.-Petersburg has pronounced a sentence to the former head of the disbanded Main Department of the MIA for the North-Western Federal district (SZFO) Vitaly Bykov on charges of embezzlement at the liquidation of the management, the correspondent of “Interfax”. “Recognize Bykov guilty and to appoint punishment in the combined 7 years of imprisonment in a General regime colony and a fine of 400 thousand rubles”, — announced the decision of the judge Anzhelika Morozova. According to the court, the Bulls also stripped of his rank of major-General of police. The other defendants also were found guilty of the alleged crimes. Aleksandr Monastyrshin sentenced to 3.5 years in a penal colony with deprivation of the rank of Colonel of police Ivan Lozuk to 5

Baboon left without electricity for tens of thousands of Zambians

Baboon left without electricity for tens of thousands of Zambians The baboon climbed into the high voltage transformer at the power station Zesco in Zambia, left without electricity for 50 thousand inhabitants of the city of Livingston and the Western part of the province. This publication reports ZNBC News. The Zesco representative Henry Capat (Henry Kapata) rejected suspicions that the reason for the lack of electricity had blackouts. He said that to blame a curious animal. Baboon, from which the electricity was disconnected, was still alive. To approve Capati the palms of these animals do not conduct electricity, which allowed the monkey to survive. It was removed from the high-voltage equipment and gave it to treat the representatives of the environmental authorities of Zambia. Baboon hospitalized after causing massive power cut in Zambia – — Dhacko Iliyasu (@IliyaDhacko) 17 Jul 2017 During the download an error has occurred.

Virus Petya could not hack the servers of the government of Sevastopol

Virus Petya could not hack the servers of the government of Sevastopol Moscow. July 17. INTERFAX.RU — Network virus the Trojan Petya attacked the servers of the government of Sevastopol, but the data stored on computers in state institutions of the region, was not affected, said the Department of Informatization and communications of the Executive authority of the city. “Attack of the virus have been unsuccessful largely because we use solutions based on Linux. The problem was quickly localized, all the shortcomings have been removed. The data do not suffer,” — are reported words of the head of Department of Informatization of Denis Timofeev. The attack occurred on Friday, July 14, but the city only learned about it Monday. Virus-extortionist Petya propagating in a similar way with malicious cryptographer WannaCry in June has hit the computers of companies, port operators and government agencies in Europe, USA and Asia. Experts ESET

The Kurds said that al-Baghdadi is alive and in Syria

The Kurds said that al-Baghdadi is alive and in Syria MOSCOW, 17 Jul — RIA Novosti. A senior representative of the Kurdish counter-terrorism force Lahur Talabani (Lahur Talabany) said that the leader of the terrorist group “Islamic state”* Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is most probably alive and is located to the South of the city of raqqa, reports Reuters. Earlier, the head of the Department of information and combating of terrorism of the interior Ministry of Iraq, Abu Ali al-Basri said that al-Baghdadi is most probably alive and hiding in the suburbs of the Syrian city of raqqa, which is still partly under the control of the militants. Talabani said the Agency, which is 99% sure that al-Baghdadi is alive. Last Tuesday, the Iraqi news portal “Sumaria news” reported that a source in the IG* acknowledged the death of al-Baghdadi. As reported by the Iraqi newspaper, in a statement, the group

The number of victims in road accident in Stavropol rose to 27

The number of victims in road accident in Stavropol rose to 27 MOSCOW, 17 Jul — RIA Novosti. In road accident with bus in the Stavropol region killed two, injured 27 people, 22 of them were hospitalized, including four in serious condition, reported RIA Novosti a source in the emergency services. “Injured 29 people, including one child, of whom two people died, 22 people were hospitalized, four in serious and 18 persons in a state of moderate severity. Five people, including one child, medical care rendered on an outpatient basis,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Earlier, the representative of regional management of traffic police told RIA Novosti that after midnight in the Soviet district of the Stavropol territory accident occurred involving a bus and a passenger car “VAZ 2110”. According to the preliminary version, the driver “VAZ 2110” went into the oncoming lane, where it collided with a Neoplan bus

Three Uzbek citizens were killed while trying to get the phone out of the toilet

Three Uzbek citizens were killed while trying to get the phone out of the toilet Moscow. July 17. INTERFAX.RU — IN the Namangan region of Uzbekistan, three people died, poisoned by gases from a cesspool to one of the private houses, according to the press service of the emergencies Ministry of the Republic. According to her, the resident of the Yangikurgan district of Namangan region hired two local residents to get cell phone fell in the toilet into the cesspool. There going down one by one, the men lost consciousness and were unable to get to the surface. To provide medical care to victims the landlady called a doctor, who when descending into the pit also lost consciousness. “As a result, two employees died at the scene, and the doctor died on the way to a local hospital”, — is spoken in the message. According to the MOE, the cause

The plane made a hard landing near the island of Olkhon on lake Baikal

The plane made a hard landing near the island of Olkhon on lake Baikal The pilot and passengers were injured. Moscow. July 17. INTERFAX.RU — Investigators began checking on the fact of a hard landing of a light aircraft Cessna-172R in the waters of lake Baikal near the Olkhon island, said on Monday a press-service East-the Siberian investigatory management on transport SKR the Russian Federation. The incident occurred on the evening of 16 July. “In the area of Olkhon island in Khuzhir, Olkhonsky district of the Irkutsk region made a hard landing on the water surface of lake Baikal light aircraft Cessna-172R owned by a private person”, — is spoken in the message. According to preliminary data, on Board were the pilot and three passengers. All of them received injuries. Two of the victims with injuries were taken to local village hospital. The aircraft partially sank in the water of

Off the coast of Cameroon overturned a warship

Off the coast of Cameroon overturned a warship MOSCOW, 17 Jul — RIA Novosti. Cameroonian military ship carrying troops, capsized off the southwest coast of the country, reports Agence France-Presse, citing a source in the security forces. The incident with the warship, carrying troops from elite units, occurred on Sunday between the city of Limbe and the Bakassi Peninsula, the Agency said.

In the US, four people survived a lightning strike

In the US, four people survived a lightning strike MOSCOW, 17 Jul — RIA Novosti. Four people, including a small child, were injured due to hit next to them lightning on the beach in the us state of South Carolina, reports the associated Press. The incident occurred on Sunday in the afternoon in the coastal town of Isle of palms. Victims receive emergency medical care, however, according to the Agency, their lives are not threatened. The bodies of three adults after a lightning strike left a red stripe, a child received a head injury because one of the adults was carrying him in her arms, and dropped lightning, the Agency said.