The plane of Turkish Airlines extra sat in the airport of Algeria

The plane of Turkish Airlines extra sat in the airport of Algeria A passenger plane of Turkish Airlines, which was flying from Istanbul to Casablanca, extra sat in the airport of Algeria due to a bomb threat on Board. This was reported by Algeria Press Service with reference to the representative of the airport. After the plane landed, all passengers were evacuated and inspected. “No bomb was found was not” — says the Agency. In turn, Reuters with reference to the representative of Turkish Airlines reports that the plane, EN route flight Istanbul-Casablanca made an emergency landing in Algeria due to “unruly passenger”. After the plane landed, a 24-year-old woman brought the security personnel, said the representative of the airline.

In Switzerland arrested attacked people with a chainsaw

In Switzerland arrested attacked people with a chainsaw Moscow. July 25. INTERFAX.RU — Swiss Police have arrested a man attacked with a chainsaw on people in the city of Schaffhausen, said Tuesday the British broadcasting company Bi-bi-si. According to police, 50-year-old Franz Brosis was arrested in the city of Thalwil, about 60 km from where the assault happened. In operation on search and seizure involved more than 100 Swiss and German law enforcement officials. On the eve of the attack by Brissa five people were injured, two of them are in serious condition.

Against a suspect in the theft of parcels in Rostov-on-don brought the case

Against a suspect in the theft of parcels in Rostov-on-don brought the case KRASNODAR, 25 Jul — RIA Novosti. A criminal case under article “theft” opened in Rostov-na-Donu against the courier, a suspect in the theft of parcels and packages, reported RIA Novosti in the press service of the interior Ministry in Rostov region. Earlier in social networks appeared a video showing the mountain opened inside the river. In fact the new Internet information to law enforcement authorities of Rostov-on-don organized the test. “Police found that the courier is one of the post offices located in Soviet district of the city, during unloading in a sorting center stole parcels and packages. Then, on opening the package, he threw in coastal thickets, the man hid the contents of the parcels in the trunk of the car of his friend,” — said in the message. It is noted that the police during

In Armenia you want to release the culprit in New Moscow with 18 dead

In Armenia you want to release the culprit in New Moscow with 18 dead YEREVAN, 24 Jul — RIA Novosti. Hrachya Harutyunyan guilty in road accident in New Moscow, which claimed in 2013, the lives of 18 people, can free in Armenia because of health problems. About the Agency Sputnik Armenia told his father-in-law Viktor Martirosyan. Hrachya Harutyunyan, sentenced in Russia to 6 years 9 months, was extradited to Armenia on 20 July this year to serve the remainder of his sentence in the manner prescribed by the European Convention “On transfer of sentenced persons.” Now Harutyunyan, there are serious health problems, said Martirosyan. According to him, the son-in-law was examined by the doctors of the penal institution “Nubarashen”, indicating the need for surgery. It is not excluded that Harutyunyan will operate during the month. Martirosyan said that Hrachya problems with the heart, spine and cancer. Lawyers do not rule

The ECHR ordered Russia to pay €6 thousand convicted for the murder of Boris Nemtsov

The ECHR ordered Russia to pay €6 thousand convicted for the murder of Boris Nemtsov The European court of human rights decided to pay the Boy Eskerhanova convicted of the murder of Boris Nemtsov, €6 thousand Recall that after the verdict in the murder of politician Boris Nemtsov condemned Temirlan Eskerkhanov and brothers Anzor and Shadid Gubareva filed an appeal to the ECHR. They complained about the mistreatment, violation of rights, ineffective judicial protection, and poor conditions of detention. The verdict in the case was rendered on 13 July 2017. The Moscow district military court gave Zaur Dadaev 20 years in prison. His accomplices received from 11 to 19 years of imprisonment. Recall Boris Nemtsov was gunned down on Great Moskvoretsky bridge on the night of February 28, 2015.

The Prosecutor’s office began checking on the fact of the emission of gas and rock at the mine in the Kuzbass

The Prosecutor’s office began checking on the fact of the emission of gas and rock at the mine in the Kuzbass Moscow. July 25. INTERFAX.RU — Staff of Prosecutor’s office carry out an inspection at the mine “Anzherskaya-southern” in the Kuzbass, where after ejection of rock and gas went missing miner, the press service of the Prosecutor of the Kemerovo region on Tuesday. “To establish all the circumstances of the incident Kemerovo Interdistrict office of public Prosecutor on supervision of execution of laws in coal-mining industry on this fact organized and is checked”, — stated in the message. Previously it is established that in the conveyor drift during work on the production there was a sudden emission of coal and gas. “At 22:58, according to the sensors of methane, there was a sharp increase in the concentration of methane gas in the conveyor roadway 7-1-5 (to 62.5% — 63,7%),” —

The car crashed into a group of pedestrians in the United States.

The car crashed into a group of pedestrians in the United States. According to the AP, it is assumed that the driver’s actions were unintentional. TASS, July 24. The car crashed on Monday into a group of pedestrians in South Dakota, resulting in two people died and another eight were injured. This was reported by the Associated Press (AP). According to him, the incident happened near rehabilitation center in Alcester. In connection with the incident under investigation. It is assumed that the actions of the driver who is among the victims, was unintentional, the Agency said. BREAKING: Highway Patrol: 2 dead, 8 taken to hospitals after vehicle slams into group of people outside South Dakota building. — The Associated Press (@AP) July 24, 2017 During the download an error has occurred.

Father arrested in Turkey Russian girls confirmed that her daughter was with him

Father arrested in Turkey Russian girls confirmed that her daughter was with him SARATOV, 24 Jul — RIA Novosti, Eduard demjanets. The inhabitant of the Saratov region Sergey Ukhanov confirmed to RIA Novosti that his six year old daughter, who was arrested in Turkey along with her sister, mother and her boyfriend, is next to him. Earlier on Monday the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, who is Sergey Ukhanov asked to help in the speedy return of her daughter at the home, said that the girl was transferred to the mother father. Later the Russian Embassy in Ankara confirmed that the detained along with his mother and her civil husband and six-year-old Elizabeth in the state of Jalisco passed her own father. Publication from Ramzan Kadyrov (@kadyrov_95) Jul 24 2017 at 6:25 am PDT During the download an error has occurred. “Yes, the baby is with me… Feels good, here

Established the identity of the attacker with a chainsaw on people in Switzerland

Established the identity of the attacker with a chainsaw on people in Switzerland MOSCOW, 24 Jul — RIA Novosti. The police have established the identity of the man attacked with a chainsaw in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, they found 51-year-old Frank Brosis who last week lived in the woods near the city, according to the newspaper Blick. Have Brusis, according to the publication, no fixed abode, lately he lived in the community Avisen two kilometers from Schaffhausen. Thus, according to the locals, sometimes he was aggressive. So kam Franz Wrousis (51) nach Schaffhausen: Das Leben des Motorsägen-Mannes — Blick (@Blickch) July 24, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. As told one of the residents of the commune of Beromunster who Brusis previously rented an apartment, he moved in with him after a car accident in which he was injured. Another witness, who knew Brusis, stated that he sought

In the mine in the Kemerovo region, methane explosion

In the mine in the Kemerovo region, methane explosion Under blockages there are people, carried out the evacuation. Moscow. July 24. INTERFAX.RU About 80 miners independently evacuated from the mine “Anzherskaya-southern” in the Kemerovo region where there was an ejection of coal and gas, has informed Agency “Interfax” on Monday evening, the press service of EMERCOM in the region. “There was a release, 79 workers self-evacuated to the surface, the information on victims is specified”, — said the Agency interlocutor. He said that at the scene there are two offices of the paramilitary gornospasatel squad (VGSO), the task force and representatives of the Central Board of the Ministry. A source in law enforcement bodies has informed Agency that the equipment two miner. “To say that they are under the rubble, before, not everything from the rising to the surface were noted”, — said the Agency interlocutor.