Two German soldiers were killed in the crash of a helicopter of the UN mission in Mali

Two German soldiers were killed in the crash of a helicopter of the UN mission in Mali This was announced by the Minister of defence of Germany Ursula von der Leyen. BERLIN, July 26. /TASS/. Two German soldiers were killed in the crash of a helicopter of the Bundeswehr in the North-East of Mali. This was reported on Wednesday to journalists in Berlin, the Minister of defence of Germany Ursula von der Leyen. UN helicopter crashes in Mali accident — Arabs Today English (@arabstodayEN) 26 Jul 2017 During the download an error has occurred. Double the Eurocopter Tiger were part of the German contingent of the MINUSMA — UN mission in Mali. Both crew members are citizens of Germany. Reports of possible #UN helicopter #crash in the #Ilouk area of #Mali. According to some, a French Tiger combat helicopter, yet unconfirmed. — Force Analysis (@ForceAnalysis) 26 Jul

A German military helicopter crashed in Northern Mali

A German military helicopter crashed in Northern Mali A German military helicopter Tiger, which was assigned to the UN mission in Mali, crashed in the desert in Northern Mali in Western Africa. About it reports Reuters with a reference to the representative of the peacekeeping mission Ahmad Makkalu. On Board were two crew members. According to Mackayla, the helicopter crashed in the Gao region at noon local time. Aboard had German citizenship. Information about the victims of the crash and details of the incident yet. BREAKING German Tiger military attack helicopter crashed in Gao, Mali — AIRLIVE (@airlivenet) July 26, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. In early 2017, Germany has increased its presence in the Multidisciplinary integrated UN mission for stabilization in Mali (MINUSMA). It allocated an additional eight transport helicopters and 350 military. According to the decision of the UN security Council, the total

In Greece, the Russians detained for laundering $4 billion through bitcoins

In Greece, the Russians detained for laundering $4 billion through bitcoins In the Greek city of Thessaloniki arrested 38-year-old Russian. He for six years has headed a criminal group that laundered money. Russian arrested on US request. The Greek police detained a Russian citizen who was wanted by U.S. authorities on suspicion of involvement in the money laundering through bitcoins, according to the website of the police. The name of the detainee is not disclosed, but listed age: 38 years. He was detained in Thessaloniki. According to police, the Russians, in 2011 led a criminal organization. During this time the band have legalized at least $4 billion In the message of the Greek police, the Russians called the “brain” of the group. The Russian was arrested on the morning of July 25. The police also raided a hotel room where he lived. The arrest was made at the request of

Completed the investigation into the “drunk” the boy from Balashikha

Completed the investigation into the “drunk” the boy from Balashikha The police gave the court the case of death in a road accident in Balashikha six year old boy, in whose blood discovered alcohol. On Wednesday, July 26, said “the” in the interior Ministry. The investigation into the accident is completed. The investigation of negligence forensic expert, who claimed that the baby’s blood had 2.7 per Mille of alcohol continues. The dock will appear 31-the summer local resident. She is charged with as regards 3 articles 264 of the criminal code (“Violation of traffic rules and operation of vehicles, entailed on imprudence death of the person”). The woman is threatened with real term of imprisonment. On 6 July the culprit of the accident was detained as it violated the recognizance not to leave. On the same day the boy’s father Roman Shimko acknowledged victim in the case of negligence

Accused in murder of 9 people that found sane

Accused in murder of 9 people that found sane Accused of killing nine people at the beginning of June a resident of Moscow Sergey Egorov declared sane by results psihologo-psychiatric examination. This was reported on the website of the Investigative Committee of Russia. Investigation Egorova completed. “The consequence collected sufficient evidentiary base in this connection criminal case is directed the public Prosecutor to approve the indictment and subsequent transfer to the court”, — is spoken in the message. According to investigators, Yegorov, in early June, shot and killed nine people from a smooth-bore carbine “saiga” in the village of Redkino, in the Southeast of the Tver region. The shooting happened after a domestic conflict during the feast. The man, being drunk, entered into the quarrel, and then took off with the gun and shot him “the offenders and witnesses.” Police arrested Egorova. In fact the incident TFR opened a criminal

Rosturizm asks Russians to be careful because of the fires in Sicily

Rosturizm asks Russians to be careful because of the fires in Sicily Rostourism recommends Russian tourists in Sicily to observe personal safety measures due to forest fires. The message published on the website of the Department. “In connection with the distribution of forest fires in the South of Italy (Sicily) … the Federal Agency for tourism recommends to the Russian citizens on the territory of the region to remain calm, to observe personal safety measures, follow the instructions of local authorities and avoid visiting the area of forest fires”, — is spoken in the message. The strongest forest fires raging in Italy for two weeks. They covered almost all southern regions of the country — the Campaign, Molise, Apulia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicily, and the capital region Lazio and Tuscany. It is noted that according to the Consulate General of Russia in Palermo, forest fires involves aviation. A state of emergency

The Embassy will check the data on the withdrawal of Russian with Delta Air Lines

The Embassy will check the data on the withdrawal of Russian with Delta Air Lines The Russian Embassy in Washington initiated an inspection after reports that Russian citizen was removed from the flight American airlines Delta Air Lines because of the complaints of another passenger, who called the Russians “occupants of the Crimea.” This was reported on the website of the Russian diplomatic mission in Facebook. “Figure it out. Delta, any comments?”, — stated in the message. In it, the Embassy also brought a message of Andrei Eremin, who claims that he was removed from the flight Seattle-Atlanta. “The passenger who sat next to me, refused to work with me to fly. He explained this by saying that I am the occupant of the Crimea, and other Russian citizens”, — he said. In his message, Eremin said that Delta Air Lines “I supported him [the passenger’s] point of view”. “In

The media called the possible whereabouts of the leader of the IG

The media called the possible whereabouts of the leader of the IG The leader of banned terrorist organization “Islamic state” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is alive and is currently in the province of Deir ez-Zor in Syria. It is reported by the Arab newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabi, citing unnamed sources. Al-Baghdadi “continues to play a key role” in the leadership of the IG, despite the fact that “to communicate and hold meetings with other members of the organization is difficult,” said the sources. About the possible elimination of the leader of ISIS told President Vladimir Putin, defense Minister of Russia Sergey Shoigu in the middle of June. The press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said that during the strike the Russian VKS object of extremist groups at Raqqa killed more than a hundred people. Among them, presumably, was the leader of the “Islamic state”, said Peskov. Later, the commander of the

Media: the protein left in the dark for more than 45 thousand residents of California

Media: the protein left in the dark for more than 45 thousand residents of California MOSCOW, 26 Aug — RIA Novosti. Order 45,5 thousand people remained without electricity in the Californian city of San Diego for proteins, the TV channel CBS8. According to the channel, the incident occurred on Tuesday around noon. The reason for the massive blackouts in homes, schools and businesses, according to preliminary data, touched power lines protein. It is noted that after about an hour the workers managed to restore power supply in the city.

A magnitude 4.5 earthquake occurred under the volcano on the Kamchatka Peninsula

A magnitude 4.5 earthquake occurred under the volcano on the Kamchatka Peninsula Moscow. July 26. INTERFAX.RU — Seismologists recorded a magnitude 4.5 earthquake occurred on the territory of Elizovo district, said on Wednesday the Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in Kamchatskiy Krai. “Seismic event occurred on Wednesday morning local time at a depth of 120 kilometers. Its epicenter was located at the foot of Karymsky volcano 90 km East of the village Pushchino”, — stated in the message. According to the MOE, this earthquake in the settlements of the region was not felt. Victims and destructions.