Four members of the “gang GTA” was killed in a shootout in the Moscow regional court

Four members of the “gang GTA” was killed in a shootout in the Moscow regional court Moscow regional gunfire at the meeting in the case of the “gang GTA”. According to various sources, killed four of the accused. Among the wounded guard and bailiff. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий During a shootout in the Moscow regional court, which previously wrote RBC, were killed several members of the “gang GTA”. Sitting right at the center of events Publication of Sergey Nikitin (@_nickser_) 1 Aug 2017 at 5:01 PDT During the download an error has occurred. “RIA Novosti” with reference to the lawyer of the defendants, reports that killed four members of the gang. Lawyer Diana Tarasova also told Reuters that killed four defendants. The convict seized the Moscow regional court, is shooting. #moskovskyavenue#capture#Moscow — Krokodail (@OPilyavina) August 1, 2017. During the download an error has occurred. TASS, citing a source, reports that killed three

Shoot at the guards five bandits neutralized in the Moscow regional court

Shoot at the guards five bandits neutralized in the Moscow regional court Earlier media reported that the court the shooting happened at the meeting in the case of the “gang GTA”. Moscow. August 1. INTERFAX.RU — According to preliminary data, law enforcement officers defused in Moscow regional court, the five criminals who attacked the convoy, reported “Interfax” informed source. The first photo from #Mosoblsud and after the shooting — REN-TV | news (@rentvchannel) August 1, 2017. During the download an error has occurred. “According to preliminary data, five neutralized criminals. Before that, they were attacked with firearms on the convoy,” — said the source. Video: the wounded carried out of the building #Mosoblsud and — REN-TV | news (@rentvchannel) August 1, 2017. During the download an error has occurred. Earlier it became known that the Moscow regional court there was a firing, there are wounded. “During

In Moscow regional court skirmish

In Moscow regional court skirmish MOSCOW, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. In Moscow regional court skirmish, there are wounded, told RIA Novosti attorney Sophia Rabaska. “Moscow regional skirmish, injured employees who saw a wounded female Marshal,” said the defender, zatrudnilisj to report other details. According to the lawyer, she heard at least 20 shots. Press Secretary of the Moscow regional court Natalia Osipova has told RIA Novosti that the court was full of the evacuation of employees and visitors, all meetings postponed, however, she was unable to clarify the cause of PE. In the Krasnogorsk the ambulance station said that the building of the Moscow regional court has left the medical team. According to the database of the Moscow regional court, at 11:00 today in court was to begin hearings on the case of the so-called “gang GTA”, was operating in the suburbs. It is unknown whether this incident is

Metro Mayakovskaya is closed due to suspicious object

Metro Mayakovskaya is closed due to suspicious object The station “Mayakovskaya” and transition to “Ploschad Vosstaniya” temporarily not available to the passengers of the St. Petersburg subway in the afternoon on 1 August. As reported in a press-service of the metro “Mayakovskaya” closed at 12:41 because of a suspicious subject seen on the platform. While potentially dangerous find visiting experts, passengers can not move from the green line at “Vosstaniya Square”. Trains pass the “metro station” without stopping.

The robbers climbed into a moving truck and stole the iPhones at half a million euros (Yes, just like in the fast and the Furious!)

The robbers climbed into a moving truck and stole the iPhones at half a million euros (Yes, just like in the fast and the Furious!) Police in the Netherlands arrested a gang of robbers who stole iPhones for half a million euros (35 million rubles). All five detainees were Romanians aged from 33 to 43 years, the Associated Press reports. According to police, the robbers used a specially equipped minibus. They approached close to riding on the night road truck with iPhones, then one man climbed over the hood of the van, jumped in the truck and got inside. From there, it was shovel iPhones in the van. The police managed to find the car of suspected criminals and stolen iPhones. According to local media, the gang was involved in 17 similar offences committed throughout Europe in 2015 (only five of them committed in the Netherlands). They were carried out

In Syria reported the death of 60 people at impact coalition headed by the USA

In Syria reported the death of 60 people at impact coalition headed by the USA In Syria at the impact of the international coalition led by the US killed 60 civilians. On Tuesday, August 1, reported the Syrian news Agency SANA. According to him, the air attack was made in several areas of the province of Deir ez-Zor. Other details yet. July 30, SANA reported six victims of the bombing coalition. It was noted that the air force attacked the positions of militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), but the impact was in the hospital Aisha and sports club in the province of Deir ez-Zor. The Agency noted that the airstrike in this province, which killed civilians, was the fourth in a month. In June, the aircraft of the United States-led unions struck three blows on the city of al-Mayadin, and village of ed-Dablan.

Two sisters-American women arrested for fight with knives in front of the kids

Two sisters-American women arrested for fight with knives in front of the kids American police in Albuquerque (nm, USA) has detained two sisters for the fight with knives, which are arranged in front of the kids. About this July 31, according to the TV station KOAT. Police arrived home to the sisters early in the morning on July 28, after one of them called the station and said that the wounded with a knife. When the guards arrived, they saw that the two drunken women fighting. They were separated. Sister explained that he does not remember what led to the altercation. Police found a house of three children. One of them the blood of women filled the whole face. The children were taken to a safe place, women were arrested for child abuse. 2 of may it became known that child abuse, lost custody of the author’s YouTube channel DaddyOFive

Five Russian tourists died in Turkey for two days

Five Russian tourists died in Turkey for two days MOSCOW, 31 Jul — RIA Novosti. Five Russian tourists died at different resorts in Turkey over the weekend. About it reports a press-service of the Federal tourism Agency with reference to data from the crisis centre of the Ministry of foreign Affairs. Four of the five died while bathing, some of them due to health problems. The Agency encourages tourists to consider the peculiarities of the organism choice and to assess the possible impact of hot climate on overall health. Previously, the Agency IHA reported that 36-year-old Oksana Astafyeva died in the Turkish resort of Kemer from complications of asthma while swimming in the sea. The deceased became ill in the water when she forgot in the hotel room inhaler. According to the newspaper Milliyet, on Saturday in Turkey died two Russian tourists. One of them, 56-year-old Alexander Shevchenko, was drowned

On Altai have started an investigation after the death of the girl due to the long wait of an emergency

On Altai have started an investigation after the death of the girl due to the long wait of an emergency MOSCOW, 31 Jul — RIA Novosti. Roszdravnadzor has started checking in case of death of girls with disabilities in the Altai after a long wait for the ambulance, told RIA Novosti in the Department. Earlier SK the Altai region reported that a criminal case under fact of death of the juvenile child-the invalid at the hospital of Barnaul. According to authorities, on may 31, 2017 to the district hospital were moved the area was brought 10-year-old girl who, being disabled from birth, had a number of diseases requiring emergency medical care. A few hours later, in connection with absence of necessary equipment minor patient was delivered in medical institution of the regional capital, where few days later passed away from her disease. Criminal proceedings were instituted under article about causing

Bitcoin exchange rejected the connection with the prisoner in Greece by the Russians

Bitcoin exchange rejected the connection with the prisoner in Greece by the Russians Bitcoin exchange BTC-e has denied any ties with the detainees in Greece for money laundering via bitcoin Russian Alexander Vinnik. This is stated in the message exchange, published on the BitcoinTalk forum. “We officially declare: Alexander has never been an officer or employee of our service. Sincerely, btc-e”, — stated in the message. Vinnik were arrested in Greece on July 26 on suspicion of laundering $4 billion through bitcoins. He was arrested on request of the United States, where on July 27 he was charged. The Grand jury of San Francisco in California believes that for these purposes, the 38-year-old Russian used the bitcoin exchange BTC-e. Winnick is accused of laundering money obtained after the hacking and bankruptcy of the Japanese cryptocurrency exchange Mt. Gox (it was concentrated 70% of total world trade in bitcoins). In 2014,