The court expelled from Russia journalist of “Novaya Gazeta”

The court expelled from Russia journalist of “Novaya Gazeta” The court found the journalist “the New newspaper” Hudaberdi Nurmatov guilty of violating the regime of stay in Russia and decided to expel him from the country. Basmanny court of Moscow decided to expel the correspondent of “Novaya Gazeta” Hudaberdi Nurmatov, known as Ali Feruz, in connection with the violation of the regime of stay in Russia, reports RBC. “Resolution of 01.08.2017 year Nurmatov H. T. was found guilty in committing an administrative offense under part 3.1 of article 18.8 of the RF code of administrative offences, fined 5,000 rubles with administrative exclusion for limits of the Russian Federation”, — told RBC in the press service of the court. Nurmatov was detained near the editorial, he was taken for identification in the Basmanny district police. Lawyer Daniel Haimovich confirmed RBC that the journalist of “Novaya Gazeta” was found guilty in the

In the Moscow regional court called the names of the participants of the attack on guards

In the Moscow regional court called the names of the participants of the attack on guards Moscow. August 1. INTERFAX.RU Press Secretary of the Moscow regional court said the names of the attacked guards accused in the case of the so-called “gang GTA”. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий “During the shooting, was eliminated three of the attackers — (Abdumalik) of Mamadjonov, (Mirzakalon) Mirzosharipov, Holick of Subhonov”, — said the “Interfax” press Secretary of the court Natalia Osipova. According to her, wounded and disarmed Fazlitdin Khasanov and Zafarjon Gulyamov. “The other four defendants — Hasraton Dodohonov, Anwar Lugardo, Umar Khasanov and Cherasco Kodirov in the assault did not participate because they were in the courtroom on the fourth floor,” — said Osipov. The attack occurred after the announcement of the break in the trial, when five defendants were placed in the Elevator to transport in the convoy room, located in the basement of the Moscow

In Australia took video of the landing aircraft at a wind speed of 100 km/h

In Australia took video of the landing aircraft at a wind speed of 100 km/h MOSCOW, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. In a network there was video on which passenger planes landed in the Australian airport in Melbourne with winds of 100 kilometers per hour. Video posted on YouTube. The record shows, as gusts of wind rock falling aircraft, among which were ships airlines from Singapore, Australia and China. As noted Yahoo7 News, all the planes landed safely and none of the passengers was hurt. During the download an error has occurred. Due to weather conditions, the number of flights at Melbourne airport have been detained. In addition, around 800 houses due to strong winds left without electricity, many trees were uprooted.

The Instagram star was killed in an accident, removing moturiki on camera

The Instagram star was killed in an accident, removing moturiki on camera Famous for spectacular motorcycle stunts by the star of instagram died in a traffic accident in Vladivostok. Experienced mototsiklistka not lost control of upscale BMW motorcycle, at high speed crashed into a fence and died on the spot. Eyewitnesses said that the woman may have tried to shoot a spectacular stunt on video. Despite 21 years of experience and the presence of a 16-year-old daughter, she loved the risk and went without equipment. Publication from @monika9422 Jul 22 2015 at 7:18 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Publication from @monika9422 Jul 26 2017 at 3:19 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Publication from @monika9422 Jun 2017 13 at 9:51 am PDT During the download an error has occurred. Publication from @monika9422 Aug 22 2015 at 3:22 PDT During the download an error has occurred.

A court in Moscow has arrested the property of the killed in Kiev ex-Deputy Boronenkov

A court in Moscow has arrested the property of the killed in Kiev ex-Deputy Boronenkov In the resolution we are talking about garages, mashinomesta and a large number of jewelry and men’s watches. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий MOSCOW, August 1, /TASS/. Basmanny court of Moscow has imposed a security lien on the property of the killed in Kiev, a former state Duma Deputy, Denis Boronenkov. TASS said his lawyer, Andrey Grivtsov. “Basmanny court of Moscow seized on the property Boronenkov. In the resolution we are talking about garages, mashinomesta and a large number of jewelry and men’s watches seized at the seizure of the safe Deposit box his wife Maksakova,” said the defender. The lawyer also said that the appeal against this decision in Moscow city court. “We only found out about it today and will appeal this decision in the near future, submitting an application, because the arrest is imposed to ensure

The Deputy transport Prosecutor of Moscow sent under house arrest

The Deputy transport Prosecutor of Moscow sent under house arrest Moscow. August 1. INTERFAX.RU — the Golovinsky court of Moscow has sent under house arrest until 28 September, Deputy transport Prosecutor of Moscow Pavel Yurkin, accused of attempted fraud in especially large size. This was reported “Interfax” the press service of the court. “The court satisfied the petition of investigating bodies about the election in respect of the accused Yurkin Pavel Vladimirovich of a measure of restraint in the form of house arrest,” — said the press service. Yurkin charged with attempted fraud in especially large size (part 3 of article 30, part 4 of article 159 of the criminal code). Earlier, a spokesman for petty-bourgeois court of Moscow Yulia Bocharova said that the petition of the investigation about the election of Yurkyne measure was returned due to the fact that the crime imputed to the defendant, it was not

“Gang GTA”. Dossier

“Gang GTA”. Dossier August 1, 2017 in the building of the Moscow regional court five defendants attacked the guards and tried to escape. TASS-FILE. August 1, 2017 in the building of the Moscow regional court five defendants disarmed the convoy and opened fire. According to GU MVD in Moscow, they all belonged to the so-called “gang GTA”. Three of the attackers were eliminated, two others were disarmed and detained. During the shooting wounded two police officers and an employee of Regardie. Video: the wounded carried out of the building #Mosoblsud and — REN-TV | news (@rentvchannel) August 1, 2017. During the download an error has occurred. Editorial from the guardian, the DOSSIER has prepared a certificate of the GTA gang, whose members killed the drivers and passengers of cars on the highway M4 “don” in Moscow region. Murder on the highway “don” 2014 in the media appeared information

“Gang GTA” attacked court

“Gang GTA” attacked court Today the defendants in the case of the “gang GTA” in the building of the Moscow regional court attacked the bailiffs and guards and tried to escape. As a result, three police officers were injured, according to preliminary data, three attackers were shot dead by guards. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий About the shooting in the Moscow regional court it became known about two o’clock. First, the head of the press service of the court Natalia Osipova said that the building is evacuated, all meetings interrupted. It soon became clear and the cause. In court today continued the trial of nine people from the Central Asian republics, which, according to the investigative Committee, 2012-2014 attacked drivers of cars in the Kaluga region and the Moscow region. The victims were 17 people, two victims managed to survive. In total on business pass nine persons. Apparently realizing that to avoid a sentence

Australian thief elite drank champagne and fell asleep in a compromised building

Australian thief elite drank champagne and fell asleep in a compromised building Police in the Australian city of Esperance detained the thief, who broke into the house of one of the local residents. 36-year-old man was found drunk in bed, and beside her stood a nearly empty bottle of expensive champagne. It is noted that the level of alcohol in his blood was eight times the norm for drivers. Burglar found in his bed the mistress returned, and then immediately called law enforcement. It is noted that the level of alcohol in the blood of men was eight times the rate for drivers (in Australia — 0 ppm — approx. “Of the”), so he decided to first take him to the hospital. “It’s strange to sleep in a bed and lie, when the police. It was a shock for him,” said senior Sergeant Richard Moore. The man was charged

The Ministry of energy reported about the violation of power supply in the far East

The Ministry of energy reported about the violation of power supply in the far East Russian energy Ministry announced the irregularities in the supply of Khabarovsk Krai. According to the Ministry, August 1 in 14.07 action protections passed out 500 kV Bureiskaya HPP — Amur, the first circuit of 500 kV Bureyskaya HPP — Khabarovskaya, as well as inter-state VL Amur — Heyhe and other lines. According to preliminary data, the scale of power outages in the far East exceeded 400 MW, reported the press service of the Ministry. The supply of electricity to China in the accident were suspended, have informed “Interfax” in the press service of “inter RAO UES” (the operator of exports and imports).