At the airport of Barcelona formed a queue because of a strike of the security personnel

At the airport of Barcelona formed a queue because of a strike of the security personnel Employees who are responsible for checking passengers and Luggage, stops four times a day for an hour. MADRID, 4 Aug. /TASS/. The security personnel at the international airport of Barcelona El Prat on Friday began a partial strike, told the newspaper El Periodico. One single security gate opened for the whole terminal! #strike #barcelona #airport — J_Strotmann (@JStrotmann) August 4, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. According to her, the strike will also be held on Sunday and Monday. Employees who are responsible for checking passengers and Luggage, stops four times a day for an hour. As a result, in the airport formed a 45-minute wait. One single security gate opened for the whole terminal#eulan #aena #strike #barcelona #airport — Thibault JAMET (@tjamet) 3 Aug 2017 During the download an

On the mine of “ALROSA” water flooded the mine

On the mine of “ALROSA” water flooded the mine MOSCOW, 4 Aug — RIA Novosti. The Mir mine in Yakutia by ALROSA, the water flooded the mine, the company said. The incident occurred at 16:30 local time, rescuers brought to the surface nearly 150 miners. According to preliminary data, nobody suffered. “The emergency plan, set up operational headquarters, conducted a rescue operation,” the company said. As told RIA Novosti the representative of the operational headquarters, flooding will not affect the operation of a mine. To eliminate the consequences of accidents involved 36 people and six vehicles. The peace has already left the President of “ALROSA” Sergey Ivanov and the head of the Republic Egor Borisov. Also, the first Prosecutor of Yakutia. Underground diamond mine “Mir” started in 2009 and the planned period of operation — 50 years. Its capacity is about one million tonnes of ore per year.

Double benefit

Double benefit In Siberia, a woman 15 years illegally received two pensions. During this time she paid 1.5 million rubles. more. Jane DOE has applied for a pension in two different regions of the country and everywhere received a positive response. This is not the only case where older people have managed to cheat the pension system. Known for dozens of similar episodes. Director of public relations and media relations of the Pension Fund of Russia Margarita Nagoga has explained that the fraudsters used some common schemes, one of which has already been removed. How this was done: changed name for various reasons, my passport, move to another region. And another case where a person appoints early retirement in the same region, then moved to another region and there appoint another pension. Now this is impossible, because we are creating a Federal database of information that previously was regional. All

Under Vladimir for the death of three patients have condemned ambulance doctor

Under Vladimir for the death of three patients have condemned ambulance doctor YAROSLAVL, Aug 4 — RIA Novosti. The court of Vladimir region has banned local emergency physician to work as a medic because of the death of her three year old patient the court decided that the doctor committed a number of errors, in particular, despite the urgency of the call, she was ordered to stop at a gas station, according to SU RF IC in the region. The Department clarifies that a doctor convicted of causing death by negligence due to improper performance of official face of their professional duties. She no longer works at the ambulance station. “The verdict of the Murom city court, she was sentenced to a 1.5 years of imprisonment and prohibition to engage in medical activities for a period of 1 year”, — stated in the message. The investigation and the court established

Three people were killed and six injured in a traffic accident in Dagestan

Three people were killed and six injured in a traffic accident in Dagestan MAKHACHKALA, August 4. /TASS/. Three people were killed and another six injured in road accidents in Dagestan with the participation of two cars, reported TASS on Friday, the representative of the press service of the Republican interior Ministry. “On Friday morning on the Federal highway “Kavkaz” in the Karabudakhkent district of Dagestan, there was a collision of two cars VAZ 14-th and 7-th model. According to preliminary data, on a counter strip has left “the seven”. In the accident three people were killed and another six were hospitalized,” — said the source. In the Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in Dagestan, TASS said that the accident occurred at about 04:25 GMT, not far from the turn to the village of New Khushet. “Fire at the scene there. The movement is not broken. To eliminate the consequences

Fire in Dubai’s Torch Tower extinguished

Fire in Dubai’s Torch Tower extinguished Firefighters extinguished the fire in one of the tallest residential buildings in the world — skyscraper Torch Tower (tower “the Torch”) in Dubai, reports Reuters. A fire in a 79-storey structure with a height of 337 meters was extinguished at about 04:00 (03:00 GMT). According to the authorities, who were in the skyscraper people were evacuated, no injuries. Adjacent streets were closed. The government has stated that it is working to provide housing for those affected by the fire. The fire occurred in the night of Friday, August 5. Its cause is still unknown. In 2015, the Torch Tower was damaged by fire then also there were no casualties. Skyscraper “the Torch”, built in 2011, was recognized as the tallest residential building in the world. It is 676 apartments. #Dubai’s torch tower is currently burning in Dubai Marina @gulf_news ? — PepGenesio (@Mamad_ElShabazz)

In San Francisco, the unknown opened fire in the Park

In San Francisco, the unknown opened fire in the Park MOSCOW, 4 Aug — RIA Novosti. Unknown opened fire in one of the most popular parks in San Francisco, three people wounded, reports the associated Press. The gunman managed to escape, the police are after him. One of the injured is in critical condition. Park Dolores is located on a hill and is a favorite destination of locals and tourists who come here to sunbathe and enjoy the views of the city. Eyewitnesses of the incident said that many visitors first took the shots for fireworks. After it became clear that we are talking about shooting in the Park started to panic.

Terrorists planned to blow up a plane flying from Australia

Terrorists planned to blow up a plane flying from Australia SYDNEY, 4 August. /TASS/. Participants in discovery in Australia of a criminal conspiracy planned to commit two terrorist to blow up the plane and spray poison gas. This was reported on Friday on a press-conferences the Deputy Commissioner of the Australian Federal police, Michael Phelan. Terrorists planned to blow up the plane, Etihad Airways, flying on the route Sydney — Abu Dhabi. “We will argue in court that a homemade explosive device was planned to hide in the aircraft on 15 July,” he said. In addition, the terrorists planned to carry out attacks using “highly toxic hydrogen sulphide,” said Phelan, calling the terrorists ‘ plans “the most sophisticated conspiracy ever uncovered in Australia”. In turn, the Deputy police Commissioner of New South Wales David Hudson said that the suspects maintained contacts with militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (banned

In Dubai illuminates one of the highest skyscrapers in the world

In Dubai illuminates one of the highest skyscrapers in the world MOSCOW, 4 Aug — RIA Novosti. One of the highest towers in the world, the 79-storey Torch skyscraper burns in Dubai, according to a UAE newspaper Gulfnews. A police spokesman told the newspaper that the fire started on the ninth floor and spread to several levels above. On video footage of eyewitnesses posted in social networks, is seen as blazes top of the skyscraper, also known as “Dubai’s torch”, disperse thick clouds of smoke. The #Torch tower in #Dubai, the fifth-largest residential building in the world, is engulfed in flames — Benjamin Alvarez (@BenjAlvarez1) 3 Aug 2017 During the download an error has occurred. Previously, the skyscraper has become a victim of the great fire in 2015. During the download an error has occurred. In 2011 with the opening of a skyscraper the Torch height of 348 meters

The Russian Embassy in London has warned tourists about the attacks using acid

The Russian Embassy in London has warned tourists about the attacks using acid The Russian Embassy in Britain has warned Russian tourists about the frequent in London, attacks with acid, reports “Interfax”. Russian citizens in the UK, the Embassy urged to be extremely careful, especially in London, “do not walk close to the roadway, not to approach unknown vehicles, avoid close approaching people on mopeds and motorcycles, be careful on the streets at walks”. According to the mayor of London in 2016 only in London was 445 attacks, in the first quarter of 2017 — 144 attacks.