In Tver partially collapsed a building of River station

In Tver partially collapsed a building of River station Moscow. 8 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — the building of the River station in Tver partially collapsed in the night of Tuesday, August 8, reports the website of the regional government. “Destroyed the ceiling and part of the southern wall of the second floor of the rotunda a total area of about 400 square meters”, — stated in the message. People were not injured. “The building requires complete restoration, is in poor condition and was preserved. Conducted investor selection for work. The collapse occurred because of design features of the building and deterioration of materials. It is possible to further destruction, so now the main task is to ensure the safety of people on the site,” — said the Deputy Governor of the region Andrey Belotserkovsky. During the download an error has occurred. He also said that the fate of the building of

The Moscow city court suspended the expulsion of the Russian journalist of “Novaya Gazeta”

The Moscow city court suspended the expulsion of the Russian journalist of “Novaya Gazeta” The Moscow city court decided to suspend the expulsion of the Russian journalist of “Novaya Gazeta” Ali Feruza. The trial in the Moscow city court lasted two days: on Monday, the judge postponed the proceedings by requiring additional documents, and in particular, translation into Russian language of the decisions of the European court of human rights, resolved not to expel Feruza. Feruz Ali was taken to the court. Today the second day of the appeal consideration on the decision on expulsion #Sogndal #taliateli — OVD-info (@OvdInfo) 8 Aug 2017 During the download an error has occurred. On Tuesday questioned the mother of the journalist Zoya Nurmatova. She confirmed that she is a citizen of Russia, as well as her other children. Nurmatov said that her Hudaberdi helped her financially, including raising money for her surgery.

The coordinator “the Left front” Sergey Udaltsov left on freedom

The coordinator “the Left front” Sergey Udaltsov left on freedom MOSCOW, 8 Aug. /TASS/. Convicted for organizing riots on Bolotnaya square, the coordinator of the “Left front” Sergei Udaltsov was released from prison in Tambov in connection with the completion of the sentence. TASS said his lawyer Violetta Volkova. “Currently, Udaltsov released. He had a family,” she said. The lawyer said that he had met opposition only members of the family. During the download an error has occurred. In July 2014 the Moscow city court found Udaltsov and Leonid Razvozzhayev, an assistant Deputy of the state Duma Ilya Ponomarev, guilty of organizing mass riots in Moscow on 6 may 2012 and of attempting to organize mass riots on the territory of the country. The defendants were sentenced to 4.5 years of imprisonment in a penal colony each. In March last year, the Supreme court left the sentence in force.

In Moscow began the trial of Ulyukaev

In Moscow began the trial of Ulyukaev MOSCOW, 8 Aug — RIA Novosti. Zamoskvoretskiy Moscow court began hearing the case of former Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev, the first in contemporary history of Russia, the Federal Minister charged with a criminal offence, the correspondent of RIA Novosti. Ulyukayev was taken to court by car FSIN. Before the hearing, he told reporters that not guilty. The Minister is accused of receiving a bribe in two million dollars. According to the investigation, this amount Ulyukayev received for issued by the Agency a positive rating, which allowed Rosneft to acquire state-owned shares “Bashneft”. SK says it has testimony of witnesses, audio and video, and a “specific marks on the fingers”. The former head of the MAYOR faces up to 15 years in prison. The case was investigated by the speaker in record time: it was initiated on 15 November, and six months

In Chechnya, the plane crashed into a car on a pedestrian crossing

In Chechnya, the plane crashed into a car on a pedestrian crossing In the village of Shali of the Chechen Republic light aircraft landed on a highway and crashed into the car. Video of the accident published in Twitter user @batsuev. The footage shows how a single-engine plane crashes into light-duty truck, stopped to let a man on a pedestrian crossing. On victims or victims as a result of emergency, and the date the incident was not reported. It is also unknown why the pilot decided to land outside the airfield. In Chechnya, even of the accident is not the same as in other parts of the world. Stanitsa Chervlennaya — Magomed Edilsultanov (@batsuev) 7 Aug 2017 During the download an error has occurred. On this incident the southern investigative management on transport SK of Russia has initiated preliminary examination, reports RIA Novosti.

Victim of September 11 identified 16 years later

Victim of September 11 identified 16 years later Moscow. 8 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — the remains of the men killed in the attack on the world trade center on September 11, 2001, was able to identify almost 16 years, announced on Tuesday BBC News. Doctors were able to establish the victim’s identity thanks to the new technology of DNA. Information about the person is not yet published at the request of his family. Still failed to identify 1112 people died in the collapse of the building is about 40% of the total number of victims (2753). The last time the identity happened in March of 2015. The twin towers of the world trade center collapsed after they crashed two passenger planes to terrorists. Another plane crashed into the Pentagon. That day killed nearly three thousand people.

With flooded areas in the Primorye territory evacuated more than a hundred people per night

With flooded areas in the Primorye territory evacuated more than a hundred people per night VLADIVOSTOK, August 8 — RIA Novosti. Rescuers the night of Tuesday evacuated over 100 people from flooded areas in Primorye, including a woman in the prenatal state, reported the far Eastern regional search and rescue team of EMERCOM of Russia Past the showers on Monday was flooded several villages in four districts of Primorye. Past the showers on Monday was flooded several villages in four districts of Primorye. The head EMERCOM of Russia Vladimir Puchkov said that the region flooded more than 1.4 thousand houses in the region have introduced emergency mode. Because of the flood was washed out railroad tracks on three stretches in Primorye. On the evening of Monday remained cut off from the world five settlements. Earlier it was reported that in the area of Razdolnaya two buses with tourists and cars

The Pentagon has developed a plan for air strikes on the territory of the Philippines

The Pentagon has developed a plan for air strikes on the territory of the Philippines The Pentagon is considering a plan that would allow the U.S. military airstrikes on positions of the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (banned in Russia) in the Philippines. About it reports NBC News, citing two sources in military circles of the USA. Authorization to attack rebel positions in the island nation in Southeast Asia can be retrieved on Tuesday in the framework of collective self-defense, said the TV channel. Probably, the blows are applied with the use of drones on the southern Islands of the state where active IG. In the case of approval of the plan, the United States will be able to participate in the elimination of threats to its allies in the region, said channel. In conjunction with the American aviation operations on the ground will involve the Philippine army. On may 23

In Belarus in the case of pimping arrested a Russian priest

In Belarus in the case of pimping arrested a Russian priest In Belarus detained the priest of the Leningrad region, suspected of attempting to export Belarusian women to Russia for prostitution. Concerning the man criminal case is brought. According to the Investigative Committee of Belarus detained the priest, who is not named, questioned, and investigators are going to petition for custody. “It is established that the inhabitant of Leningrad region, born in 1978, in the territory of Vitebsk, by persuasion and promises, tried to export from Saint-Petersburg for prostitution two inhabitants of Vitebsk. Bring your intent to end he could not, as on August 3, after 17 hours was detained by employees of internal Affairs bodies”, — is spoken in the official statement of SK. It is clarified that the suspect, along with 20-year and 30-year-old women were arrested in the district of Vitebsk bus station when about to Board

The number of wounded in the blast in Lahore has risen to 34 people

The number of wounded in the blast in Lahore has risen to 34 people MOSCOW, Aug 7 — RIA Novosti. At least 34 people were injured in the explosion in the Pakistani city of Lahore, reports Agence France Presse with reference to representatives of local authorities. The incident occurred on Monday evening in the area of Islampur, is located in the West of the city. The blast damaged near the site of the incident, the car also struck the roof of the building. “In the truck with fruit was laid explosives. At least 34 people were wounded, mainly passers-by”, — quotes Agency the words of the representative of the local authorities, Abdullah Khan Sumbal. Authorities began an investigation.