The owner of the submarine “Nautilus” confessed to the drowning of a Swedish journalist

The owner of the submarine “Nautilus” confessed to the drowning of a Swedish journalist The Danish inventor Peter Madsen admitted that drowned in the sea body Swedish journalist, who went with them to sail in a homemade submarine “Nautilus”. As the press service of the Copenhagen police, Madsen told police that he buried the body Swedish journalist Kim Vallee in the Strait of køge. He stressed that the woman’s death was caused by accident. How dead the journalist, the police said. To the alleged drowning Valle divers inspected the area, but had found nothing. The representative of the rescuers Lasse Larsson said Expressen that because of the nature of currents in the Strait of køge the body of a female journalist in 10 days, could take anywhere. Madsen is still a suspect in the murder of the journalist. Madsen — Creator of a small submarine “Nautilus”, which he went to

In Marseille, the car drove into a bus stop

In Marseille, the car drove into a bus stop PARIS, 21 Aug — RIA Novosti, Victoria Ivanova. The car crashed into two bus stops in the southern French city of Marseille, the result of at least one person died, transfers on Monday TV channel BFMTV. As informs Agency Reuters, one person was injured. According to TV channel, the incident one person detained. Police are urging people to avoid the area of the incident, in particular, the Old port. ? #Marseille : Une voiture fonce sur deux abris-bus : ‘opération en cours de police. Au moins 1 mort. — GOSSIP ROOM (@GossipRoomOff) August 21, 2017 During the download an error has occurred.

John McCain commented on the incident with a “John McCain”

John McCain commented on the incident with a “John McCain” Us Senator John McCain in his Twitter account commented on the incident with the missile, the US Navy destroyer “John McCain”, which is in the Straits of Malacca collided with a tanker. “Cindy (wife of McCain ― approx. “Of the”) and I pray for American sailors on Board the ship “John McCain” and be grateful to search and rescue crews for their work”, — he wrote. Cindy & I are keeping America’s sailors aboard the USS John S McCain in our prayers tonight – appreciate the work of search & rescue crews — John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) August 21, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. Earlier it became known that the destroyer “John McCain” in the Straits of Malacca collided with a tanker, sailing under the Liberian flag. As a result of collision five sailors were injured,

The thing about the massacre in Surgut investigate from Moscow

The thing about the massacre in Surgut investigate from Moscow Criminal case about the mass attempted murder of residents of Surgut assigned to the GSU SKR. This decision was made in connection with a wide public response to the tragedy, which injured seven people, one of them is in serious condition. At the moment it is established that attacks on passersby committed by a local resident — 19-year-old Arthur Hajiyev, whose family arrived in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (KHMAO) from Dagestan. Despite the fact that responsibility for the incident took on the representatives of the banned in Russia organization “Islamic state” in the power structures of the version of the attack as the main consider. Exemption from production of investigators of the investigative Department of the TFR in HMAO criminal case about attempt at murder of the inhabitants of Surgut (article 105 of the criminal code) reported TFR spokesman Svetlana

Over the summer, the second American destroyer collided with a merchant vessel

Over the summer, the second American destroyer collided with a merchant vessel USS “John S. McCain” collided with the oil tanker in the Strait of Malacca to the East of Singapore. This is the second such case in two months. The collision of the USS oil tanker Alnic MC, flying the Liberian flag, occurred at 05:24 am local time (00:24 Moscow time). As specified in U.S. Navy destroyer was heading to the port of Singapore after patrol in the South China sea. As a result of collision with a merchant vessel and killed two American sailors. Four of them were evacuated to a hospital in Singapore from injuries that are not life-threatening. Ten more American soldiers were reported missing. In search and rescue operations involving American Seahawk helicopters and Osprey, as well as the ships of naval forces of Singapore and Malaysia. Oil tanker Alnic MC is about three times

In Thailand road accident with participation of Russian was killed two German tourists

In Thailand road accident with participation of Russian was killed two German tourists BANGKOK, Aug 21 — RIA Novosti. Two tourists from Germany were killed in Thailand road accident with participation of the Russians, said on Monday the online version of Nation newspaper, citing local police. The accident occurred in the night from Sunday to Monday on the island of Koh Samui, the report said. The motorcycle, which was traveling with two Germans, made a head-on collision with a car moving in the opposite direction, at the wheel which was the citizen of Russia, the newspaper reports. According to police, the paper reports that a Russian citizen charged with careless driving resulting in the death of two people. The Russian claims that riding in the lane when the motorcycle with the Germans left on this lane to pass the pickup truck, and the driver of the motorcycle lost control. The

The crew, collided with the American destroyer, was not injured

The crew, collided with the American destroyer, was not injured MOSCOW, 21 Aug — RIA Novosti. Singapore authorities reported that none of the members of the crew Alnic MC, which collided with US Navy destroyer in the Straits of Malacca, was not injured, the statement said the Maritime and port authority (MPA) of Singapore. The ship Alni MC is damaged in the area of the forepeak seven meters above the waterline, none of the team members were not injured, according to a statement published on the official website of the MPA. According to the authorities, reports of oil pollution were reported. MPA launched an investigation of the incident, the Singapore authorities are conducting search and rescue operations. According to Xinhua news Agency, were joined by Myanmar. The collision with the us destroyer “John McCain” and a merchant ship Alnic MC in the Straits of Malacca was gone ten and injured

In the area of search operation at the Mir mine, there was a threat of flooding

In the area of search operation at the Mir mine, there was a threat of flooding Moscow. 21 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — Water that continues to accumulate in the quarry of the mine “Mir” (Yakutia), at any time may collapse in mining where searches are conducted and flood pumping units, the press service of the Siberian regional centre (SRC) Russian emergencies Ministry. According to the report, the volume of water in the quarry due to the large water production steadily increased until to eliminate the threat of its breakout failed. It is noted that the water in the mine workings of the mine “Mir” already so many that there is a danger of failure of the power supply systems and ventilation. “Hydrogeological conditions of this Deposit is very specific. First, high water content, contributing to the powerful flow of water in underground workings and in the bowl of the quarry. Second,

The search for the killer of a powerlifter Drachev has been launched in all the far Eastern regions

The search for the killer of a powerlifter Drachev has been launched in all the far Eastern regions Police of the Russian far East are searching for the suspect in the murder of a world and European champion in weightlifting in the category up to 120 kilograms Andrey Drachev. About it “Interfax” was told by the senior specialist of media relations UMVD of Russia across Khabarovsk Kirill Blinov. According to him, under the control of law enforcement officers are all transport hubs in the Far East. Wanted involved investigative team, which included staff, specializing in the disclosure of grave and especially grave crimes against the person, said Blinov. Also the police checks a circle of acquaintances of the suspect. While pancakes are not confirmed that the suspect is the fighter of the mixed style (MMA). Earlier in the investigative agencies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation across Khabarovsk

Ten sailors were missing after the collision of a U.S. Navy destroyer on a merchant vessel

Ten sailors were missing after the collision of a U.S. Navy destroyer on a merchant vessel WASHINGTON, 21 Aug — RIA Novosti, Dmitry Zlatarev. The collision with the us destroyer “John McCain” and a merchant ship Alnic MC in the Straits of Malacca was gone ten and injured five sailors, the report said the 7th fleet of the U.S. Navy. “At the moment, ten sailors are missing and five were injured”, — stated in the message. It also specifies that the destroyer moves own way to the port.