The Danish police has confirmed that at sea found the body of missing journalist

The Danish police has confirmed that at sea found the body of missing journalist The results of the DNA analysis showed that in the sea were found the remains of Kim Wall, which could kill the inventor Peter Madsen. OSLO, August 23. /TASS/. Danish police have confirmed that the body of a woman was found Monday in the sea near the island of Amager, who went missing on August 10 Swedish journalist Kim Wall. As they say on the page of the police Department of Copenhagen on Twitter, taken from the corpse DNA samples coincide with the samples provided to police by relatives of the women. “The DNA match Kim Wall and body. Further no comments,” — said in the message. Der er DNA match. Pressebriefing kl 9 foran PG. Indtil da ikke yderligere #politidk — Københavns Politi (@KobenhavnPoliti) August 23, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. Kim

Fire victims in Rostov-on-don will allocate 600 million rubles

Fire victims in Rostov-on-don will allocate 600 million rubles EMERCOM of Russia has prepared a draft government Directive on providing financial assistance amounting to almost 600 million rubles to victims of large-scale fire in Rostov-on-don. About the Agency TASS reported in the press service of the Ministry. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий In particular, it provides allocation of more than 524 million rubles for the provision of housing certificates for the victims of the fire, a lump sum payment of 10 thousand rubles and compensation for the loss of property in the amount of 100 thousand rubles. It is reported that all the fire housing has lost more than 600 residents. August 21 in the center of Rostov-on-don there was a fire in the dump behind the house in the Chuvash alley where the trash, planks and old tyres. The fire area reached 10 million square meters. Fire damaged in 107 buildings, including 83

In Ingushetia in a special operation dismantled a group of militants

In Ingushetia in a special operation dismantled a group of militants NALCHIK, Aug 23 — RIA Novosti. Law enforcement officers dismantled a group of militants in the village of Psedakh in the Malgobek district of Ingushetia, where on Wednesday morning introduced the CTO regime, the number of neutralized bandits is specified, reported RIA Novosti a source in law enforcement bodies of the region. Earlier it was reported that with a 5.25 GMT environment on the territory of the village Psedakh Malgobek district introduced the legal regime of WHO. Security officials in checking found militants who opened fire on the militiamen, after which they clashed with the bandits. “During the clashes eliminated several militants who had taken refuge in a private house in the village of Psedakh. The number of killed bandits is specified,” — said the Agency interlocutor.

CTO regime introduced in one of the settlements in the North-West of Ingushetia

CTO regime introduced in one of the settlements in the North-West of Ingushetia The counterterrorist operation (CTO) introduced in the settlement Psedakh Malgobek district in Northwest Ingushetia, on the morning of 23 August. About it “RIA Novosti” reported the regional operational headquarters. “With 5:25 Moscow time on the territory of the village Psedakh Malgobek district introduced the legal regime WHO”, — said the Agency interlocutor. He noted that the decision to conduct WHO was taken to prevent acts of terrorism and crimes of terrorist nature. In the operational headquarters asked the villagers to remain calm, avoid the chaos and riots and not to interfere with the law enforcement officials. Later the source of “RIA Novosti” in the power structures of Ingushetia, said that law enforcement officials found militants in Pledge and engaged them in a clash. With the introduction of the CTO regime in the settlement enhanced the protection of

The interior Ministry announced a reward for information on the whereabouts of the murderers of Andrey Drachev

The interior Ministry announced a reward for information on the whereabouts of the murderers of Andrey Drachev Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia across Khabarovsk territory has appointed an award in 500 thousand rubles for information about the suspect in the murder of world champion Andrey Drachev. This was reported on the website of the regional Department of the Ministry. “For the Commission of crime, the provided item “and” part 2 of article 105 of the criminal code “Murder”, wanted allahveranov Imran Aliyar oglu 19.01.1992 year of birth, born in the city of Amursk of the Khabarovsk Krai”, — stated in the message. The remuneration will be paid for information that contributed to the detention declared in Federal search of the suspect. Security forces ensure applicant anonymity and confidentiality. The search for the killer has been launched in all the far Eastern regions. Wanted involved investigative team, which included staff,

“The government” has a new helper

“The government” has a new helper According to TFR, is the Executive producer of the play “a Midsummer night’s Dream” Ekaterina Voronova. Moscow. August 22. INTERFAX.RU — IN a criminal case on embezzlement of budget funds in the organization “the Seventh Studio” was a new figurant — the Executive producer of the play “a Midsummer night’s Dream” Ekaterina Voronova, which is currently hiding from the investigation. On request “Interfax” to clarify the role of Raven in the criminal case the official representative of SKR Svetlana Petrenko said that in 2011 Voronova worked as a producer. “Earlier investigation issued a resolution on attraction it as accused on charges of embezzlement in the “Seventh Studio”, — said Petrenko. “Ekaterina Voronova is hiding from the investigation, it declared wanted,” — said the official representative of the TFR. Tuesday Petrenko said that Voronov, and former General Director “the Seventh Studio” Yuri Itin, ex-General producer

Got to Serebrennikov: who is who in the “Seventh Studio”

Got to Serebrennikov: who is who in the “Seventh Studio” The Director Kirill Serebrennikov arrested on suspicion of fraud. Former employees created the “Seventh Studio” are already under arrest. For the Director and his colleagues stand up actors and officials, and in fact there was confusion. Russian service Bi-bi-si talks about the main drivers of this business. On Tuesday in St. Petersburg had to go through another day of filming of the movie about Victor tsoe “Summer”. In the morning the crew gathered on the court, but the assistant Director announced that this day will be nothing: night on suspicion of theft of 68 million rubles was arrested the Director Kirill Serebrennikov. He was taken to Moscow for interrogation in Investigative Committee (SKR). Employees RCDS in may raided the apartment of artistic Director of “Gogol-center” Serebrennikov. The result was then announced that for two years investigating the theft of more

Kirill Serebrennikov was charged with fraud

Kirill Serebrennikov was charged with fraud Moscow. August 22. INTERFAX.RU — Director Kirill Serebrennikov accused of fraud in especially large size, have informed “Interfax” the official representative of SK of Russia Svetlana Petrenko. “The head Department on investigation of especially important cases of the TFR artistic Director of the Moscow theater “Gogol-Center” K. Serebrennikov accused of committing a crime under part 4 of article 159 of the criminal code of Russian Federation — swindle in especially large size”, — said Petrenko. According to her, the artistic Director of the theater was charged with “organization of embezzlement of at least 68 million rubles allocated in 2011-2014 for the project “Platform”. “During interrogation as the accused his guilt he did not recognize”, — said the representative of the RCDS. Investigation on criminal case proceeds, have added in SKR. Earlier Tuesday, Petrenko told Interfax that investigators detained the Director Serebrennikov, on suspicion of

The bodies of sailors found in the compartment of the US destroyer “John McCain”

The bodies of sailors found in the compartment of the US destroyer “John McCain” The bodies of several missing sailors from the U.S. destroyer “John McCain” found in one of the compartments of the ship. This was reported by the commander of the Pacific fleet of the U.S. Navy, reports on Tuesday, August 22, the Associated Press Twitter. “We are working to identify those remains,” quoted swift to NBC New York. He added that rescue efforts continue. Search sailors engaged in military divers. Using special equipment, they inspect the flooded compartments. On 20 August the destroyer collided with an oil tanker in the Strait of Malacca. As a result, five sailors were injured and ten were reported missing. On the ship left a big dent. He is now in the port of Singapore. “John McCain” destroyer type Arleigh Burke. Built at the shipyard Bath Iron Works, assigned to naval station

The source reported Serebrennikov testimony against his colleagues

The source reported Serebrennikov testimony against his colleagues Colleagues Serebrennikov in the “Seventh Studio” made a deal with the investigation after testimony directed against them. Moscow. August 22. INTERFAX.RU the Director Kirill Serebrennikov, being a witness in the case of major fraud, testified for the colleagues from “the Seventh Studio”, after which they began to cooperate with the investigation, reported “Interfax” a source familiar with the investigation. The consequence has the sufficient proofs confirming participation Serebrennikov plunder of budgetary creditsepisode “Interfax” “At a time when the Director was in the status of the witness, he gave evidence against his colleagues in the “Seventh Studio”. After that, the accountant of this organization Nina Masliaev, pleaded guilty, an employee of the accounting Department Tatiana Jirickova witness in the case, several other persons gave evidence on his former boss,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Earlier, another source of “Interfax” reported that the reason