Office romance ended in tragedy

Office romance ended in tragedy The molder of the foundry shop of the Gorky automobile plant of GAZ group in Nizhny Novgorod Sergey Barhow early in the morning with a knife attacked five colleagues, killing three and wounding two others, then fled the premises. During the arrest, a worker rushed with a knife on police officers, received a bullet wound and was hospitalized. The main version of the incident the consequence calls jealousy. According to sources, “b”, the attacker is confused by the attentions of the head to the technician, who was allegedly the mistress of Sergei Barahona. GAZ group promises to help the families and victims. The attack in the foundry № 3 Gorky automobile plant of GAZ group, told Kommersant’s sources in the enterprise and the investigative bodies, occurred near seven o’clock in the morning. Coming to work the first shift molder Sergei Barhow 1976 saw the chief

Medina called the arrest Serebrennikov “very sad situation”

Medina called the arrest Serebrennikov “very sad situation” The Minister of culture said that the control over the acceptance of documents for the grants, which are issued by the Department, can be amplified. MOSCOW, August 23. /TASS/. The Minister of culture Vladimir Medinsky said that the decision about the arrest of film Director Kirill Serebrennikov sad for all cultural workers situation. The corresponding statement he made on Wednesday, answering a question of journalists. “This is a very sad situation for all those working in the field of culture. We can only do one thing — to strengthen control over the receipt of documents for the grants that the Ministry of culture issues,” commented Medina, the decision to arrest Serebrennikov.

After a fire in Rostov-on-don has initiated a criminal case about negligence

After a fire in Rostov-on-don has initiated a criminal case about negligence In the Rostov region investigative bodies of the RCDS opened a criminal case under article negligence in connection with the fire that destroyed about a hundred houses in the center of Rostov-on-don. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий According to the website of the TFR, the case was filed “the fact of improper performance of their duties the officers of the functional bodies of Executive power, public services and bodies are obliged to provide fire safety, and prevent and eliminate the consequences of emergency situations in the city.” This was caused especially large damage to the residents of the burned houses, violated their rights and a man died, said SK. According to investigators, suffered 123 houses. The fire in Rostov-on-don, began on 21 August, and put it only in the morning the next day. The dead body found in one of the burnt

About 20 people were injured in an accident with a bus in the Rostov region

About 20 people were injured in an accident with a bus in the Rostov region The bus collided with two cars in the Rostov region, as a result, suffered about 20 people. On Wednesday, August 23, reports TASS with reference to the Central regional hospital Egorlykskiy district in which the incident occurred. “20 people were injured. Now engaged in the reception of patients,” — said the representative of the hospital. Later in the ambulance, the Agency said that sixteen people were hospitalized, several of them are in intensive care. In the regional Ministry of internal Affairs said that the passenger bus Neoplan was flying from Stavropol to Moscow, but turned over, hitting cars Daewoo Matiz and VAZ-2111. Egorlykskiy district is located about a hundred kilometers from Rostov-on-don. During the download an error has occurred.During the download an error has occurred.

Serebrennikov sent under house arrest

Serebrennikov sent under house arrest Moscow. August 23. INTERFAX.RU — Basmanny court of Moscow sanctioned absentia arrest of almost two months the Director, the artistic Director of “Gogol-center” Kirill Serebrennikov accused of organizing the theft of at least 68 million rubles allocated from the budget he founded the “Seventh Studio” theatre project “Platform”, the correspondent of “Interfax”. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “The court concludes that the petition of the investigation shall be satisfied. Elect against Serebrennikov Kirill Semenovich measure in the form of house arrest, a period which is set to 19 October 2017,” announced on Wednesday his decision the judge Elena Lenskaya. According to the decree, Serebrennikov under house arrest imposed a number of restrictions. House arrest the Director will serve in his apartment in building 17 on Prechistenka. The court forbade him to leave his place of residence to use the Internet, mobile phones, landline phones to send and receive telegrams,

Dozens of cultural figures vouched for Kirill Serebrennikov

Dozens of cultural figures vouched for Kirill Serebrennikov Moscow. August 23. INTERFAX.RU — Guarantors for the Director Kirill Serebrennikov, who is accused of organization of embezzlement of budget funds, was made by public figures and artists. “I know about responsibility in case of violation of Kirill Serebrennikov its obligations”, — stated in the personal guarantee signed by Natalia Solzhenitsyn, the President of Fund Alexander Solzhenitsyn, read at the meeting of the Basmanny court of Moscow, where was elected the measure of restraint Serebrennikov. According to her, “Kirill Semyonovich always been honesty and integrity, which together with the personal qualities allowed him to achieve high results in his work.” Solzhenitsyn assures that the Director will be at all necessary investigative actions and court sessions. In addition, personal guarantees were: the General Director of the Bolshoi theatre Vladimir urin, TV presenter Andrey Malakhov, pop singer Filipp Kirkorov, artistic Director of the Theater

Hundreds of people came to the Basmanny court to support Serebrennikov

Hundreds of people came to the Basmanny court to support Serebrennikov MOSCOW, 23 Aug — RIA Novosti. More than a hundred people gathered in front of the Basmanny court, where on Wednesday will consider a question on election of a preventive measure known to the Director Kirill Serebrennikov, accused of fraud, the correspondent of RIA Novosti from the event. Members of the press began to gather outside the court from 11am. Later on Columbus street began to come to the activists who plan to maintain the famous Director. The police tried to arrange the queue so everyone was able to go to the gym. The number of people increases with every minute, many already out on the roadway. It was planned that the trial will begin in 12 hours. The entrance to the Basmanny blocked. — Alena Vershinina (@alenawenger) August 23, 2017 During the download an error has occurred.

In Nizhny Novgorod worker “GAZ” killed three workers

In Nizhny Novgorod worker “GAZ” killed three workers MOSCOW, August 23. /TASS/. Factory worker in Nizhny Novgorod killed his friend, two employees and wounded two more men. This was reported in the press service of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. “According to investigators, August 23, early in the morning on the territory of one of the enterprises of the city of Nizhny Novgorod on the grounds of jealousy worker stabbed his friend, 1976, and also two factory workers: men 1966 and 1961 year of birth. From the received wounds of the victims died”, — reported in Department. Two injured men with stab wounds was hospitalized. During the arrest the suspect resisted and was wounded. A criminal case on the murder of two and more persons On the scene works investigative team, set all the circumstances of the incident. Previously TASS with reference to the press service of the

The consequence asked to send Serebrennikov under house arrest

The consequence asked to send Serebrennikov under house arrest Moscow. August 23. INTERFAX.RU the Investigation seeks the conclusion under house arrest of the Director, the artistic Director of “Gogol-center” Kirill Serebrennikov, who is accused of swindle in especially large size, have informed “Interfax” an informed source. Later this information was confirmed by the press service of the court. “The investigation is sent to the Basmanny court of Moscow the petition for house arrest Serebrennikov,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Today Basmanny court shall elect a measure of restraint for the Director. The beginning of the meeting scheduled for 12:00. The entrance to the Basmanny blocked. — Alena Vershinina (@alenawenger) August 23, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. Basmanny court today will announce the measure of restraint for Kirill Serebrennikov — RTVI (@RTVi) August 23, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. Right now the building

Source: the reason for the large-scale fire in Rostov-on-don became arson

Source: the reason for the large-scale fire in Rostov-on-don became arson The fire destroyed about 120 structures, out of which about 100 — residential buildings. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий MOSCOW, August 23. /TASS/. Multiple intentional arson, according to preliminary data, have caused large-scale fire in Rostov-on-don. About this TASS said a source in law enforcement bodies. Study and analysis of the fire scene show that it was the result of arson that were committed in several places. This is still a preliminary version.The source TASS In addition, the source added, people calling emergency services, spoke about the fires that occurred in different locations. TASS has no official confirmation of this information. Fire in the heart of Rostov-on-don on Monday afternoon, engulfed a residential building on a total area about 10 thousand square meters. The fire was liquidated later in the day. The fire destroyed about 120 structures, out of which about 100 —