In the Pacific, an earthquake of magnitude 5.8

In the Pacific, an earthquake of magnitude 5.8 Moscow. September 15. INTERFAX.RU — an Earthquake of magnitude 5.8 occurred in the Pacific ocean around the Mariana Islands, according to the Altai-Sayan branch of the Geophysical service of the Unified Russian Academy of Sciences. According to the operational processing of the Altai-Sayan branch of Geophysical survey, the epicenter was recorded in 20:41 GMT on Thursday the earthquake had coordinates 18.59 degrees North latitude and 145.77 degrees East longitude and was located 18.5 kilometres South-Southeast of the southern tip of the island Agrihan in the archipelago of the Northern Mariana Islands. Intensity of concussions in epicentre of the earthquake is assessed as “intensive”.

North Korea launched a missile that flew over Japan into the Pacific ocean

North Korea launched a missile that flew over Japan into the Pacific ocean Drop objects on the territory of the country and of the damage to the courts is not fixed. TOKYO, September 15. /TASS/. The DPRK on Friday conducted another launch of a ballistic missile that flew over Northern Japanese island of Hokkaido in the Pacific ocean. This was announced by the Japanese government, through the emergency warning system, J-Alert. In connection with the missile launch in the North East of Japan has urged to take shelter in sturdy buildings and basements. In addition, they are asked to inform the police about the possible fall of rocket debris. Launched North Korean rocket fell roughly 2,000 km to the East of Cape Erimo in Hokkaido. This was stated on Friday at an emergency press conference, the Secretary-General of the Cabinet of Ministers of Japan Acehide Suga. “The missile flew over

The number of victims of the double terrorist attack in Iraq has risen to 74 people

The number of victims of the double terrorist attack in Iraq has risen to 74 people Moscow. September 14. INTERFAX.RU — the Number of victims of the double terrorist attack in Iraq has risen to 74 people, including seven Iranians, Western media reported, citing local authorities. Also increased the list of victims is currently 93 people. Earlier it was reported 52 of the victims and 91 injured. The attacks occurred in the province of DHI QAR near Nasiriyah city, when a group of unknown persons opened fire on a checkpoint and a nearby restaurant. Then suicide bombers detonated two explosive devices. One of the bombs was installed in the vehicle. Responsibility for them was assumed by the terrorist group “Islamic state” (banned in Russia).

Telephone mining: on what versions of works FSB

Telephone mining: on what versions of works FSB The bulk of calls about bombs in Russian cities — foreign controlled attack using IP telephony, according to sources RBC in the security services. Also called the schoolchildren and mentally unstable people. From Moscow to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Thursday, September 14, in Moscow, when he was again a mass evacuation because of calls about bombs. More than 15 thousand people were evacuated from 20 schools, told RBC a source in the Moi. He also said that on Thursday evacuated visitors of the shopping center “Golden Babylon” on Prospekt Mira and the Central children’s store on Lubyanka. Mass calls of “mining” of administrative and commercial buildings began on 10 September and continue in Russia for a fifth day. According to the source of RBC in the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, the whole country was evacuated about 150 thousand people with more than 480

The explosion at the U.S. base suffered a 15 commandos

The explosion at the U.S. base suffered a 15 commandos During training of special forces at the military base of Fort Bragg, an explosion occurred. While he suffered, according to various estimates, from 8 to 15 military. The causes of the incident are still unknown. Eight soldiers of the special Forces were injured in the explosion during training in garrison of the U.S. army in Fort Bragg (North Carolina). On it informs TV channel Fox news. According to local publications, soldiers were taken to army medical center Womack. According suffered fifteen soldiers. Representative Rob base Bocholt Reuters could not confirm the information about the explosion. “What exactly happened is under investigation,” he said. “The number of victims is still to be determined,” added Bocholt. While it is unknown the condition of the victims and what exactly was the cause of the explosion. The incident occurred the day after

The court sanctioned the arrest of the Deputy head of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia Korshunova

The court sanctioned the arrest of the Deputy head of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia Korshunova MOSCOW, 14 sen — news. Basmanny court of Moscow on Thursday sanctioned the arrest of the Deputy head of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia Oleg Korshunov, the correspondent of RIA Novosti news from the courtroom. Deputy Director of Federal service of execution of punishments of Russia Oleg Korshunov accused of two episodes under article “Embezzlement in especially large size with use of office position”. The sanction of article provides imprisonment up to ten years. SK notes that Korshunov, head of contract service of the Federal penitentiary service, in 2015-2016, organized the conclusion of two contracts — for the supply of fuel and lubricants and food at inflated prices. The consequence considers that the actions of the Deputy head of the Federal penitentiary service and its partners the office was damaged more than

Started a fire in Ivanteevskiy school teenager charged with

Started a fire in Ivanteevskiy school teenager charged with Lawyer Victor Zaprudsky refused to comment on the substance of the charges. MOSCOW, September 14. /TASS/. The ninth-grader opened fire in the school in Ivanteevka, charged. On Thursday, TASS was told by the lawyer Victor Zaprudsky. “Yes, my principal accused” — he said, refusing to comment on the essence of the charges on the grounds that he had taken “the subscription about nondisclosure of secrecy of the preliminary investigation”. According to preliminary investigation, 5 September pupil of the 9th class came to school with an axe and air gun. He fired it in the direction of a teacher and hit her with an axe. Terrified, the three disciples jumped out of the window, they were hospitalized with fractures. Basmanny court of Moscow arrested the teen until 5 November. Against him initiated a criminal case under two articles of the criminal code

On mine in Komi there was a collapse of breed

On mine in Komi there was a collapse of breed According to preliminary data, killed one miner. During the state of emergency underground there were 109 persons. The incident occurred at the mine “Yareganeft”, which is part of LUKOIL. MOSCOW, 14 sen — news. In the Republic of Komi on nefashot “Yareganeft” there was a collapse of breeds, reported RIA Novosti a source in the emergency services of the region. According to preliminary data, killed one miner. “Just at the time of the incident in Neftechala were 109 people,” — said the Agency interlocutor. As explained RIA Novosti news Agency in regional GU Ministry of emergency situations, on an emergency site there were six people. Now the mine is operating normally, indicators of methane and carbon dioxide do not exceed the maximum permissible values. Nefashot is part of the “LUKOIL”, the company confirmed the incident. The causes of the incident

Threatening phone calls linked to ISIS*, the initiators declared wanted

Threatening phone calls linked to ISIS*, the initiators declared wanted MOSCOW, 14 sen — news. Calls with threats of “mining” in Russia initiated by people associated with the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia), they will be announced on the international wanted list, told RIA Novosti on Thursday, a source in law enforcement bodies. According to him, in recent days in a number of subjects of the Russian Federation recorded a series of anonymous phone calls with threats of terrorist acts in schools, universities, administrative buildings of government bodies, shopping centres and at transport infrastructure objects. Law enforcement agencies, he said, quickly undertook measures to ensure the security of citizens. “As a result of inspections, threats of the use of terror was not detected. The result immediately started operational search and investigative actions obtained evidence that anonymous communications initiated by persons abroad and proscribed international terrorist group ISIS,