FSB eight hours examined $2 million received Ulyukaev

FSB eight hours examined $2 million received Ulyukaev The prosecution read out the Protocol of examination of the money seized from ex-Minister of economic development during the arrest. The Federal security service examined eight hours seized during the arrest of the Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev $ 2 million, which he received from the chief Executive of Rosneft Igor Sechin as a bribe. As the correspondent of the Business FM, it follows from the Protocol of inspection of the seized cash, which was announced today at the meeting of the Zamoskvoretsky court of Moscow Prosecutor Paul Filipchuk. Because today none of the witnesses in the process did not appear, the prosecution examines the written materials of the case. So, the Prosecutor read out the Protocol of inspection of money, which was compiled on 14 November 2016. “The inspection began at 10:00 and ended at 18:00 the same day,” said

Coach of the Primorsky aquarium will be fired for beating a walrus

Coach of the Primorsky aquarium will be fired for beating a walrus Moscow. September 26. INTERFAX.RU — the Management of the seaside aquarium, located on the island of Russian in Vladivostok, fired the coach, who used force to walrus Misha. As have informed Agency “Interfax” the representative of the aquarium Elena Molchanova, the incident occurred on Saturday. After the morning presentation, the walrus, passing the pool with the seals, tried to communicate with them. Misha is very friendly and curious, but the 800-pound animal could accidentally hurt the seals. The situation was freelance. Trying to resolve it, the coach violated professional ethics. Because in the Primorsky Oceanarium practise only positive interventions on the animals reaction to the actions of the trainer extremely hard. Violated the ethical standards of the aquarium, the employee will be dismissed.Elena Molchanova She noted that injuries walrus is not done, the animal is still involved in

The Colonel showed the rear grip. Defense Ministry official arrested for especially large bribes from merchants

The Colonel showed the rear grip. Defense Ministry official arrested for especially large bribes from merchants As it became known “Kommersant”, the main military investigation Department of the TFR investigating a criminal case of record in the history of the Ministry of defense to bribery. Court documents show that the head of Department of support of the food management of the military Department Colonel Alexander Vakulin over 368 mln. contributed to the conclusion of defense contracts for the purchase of kitchens, bakeries, tanks and other machinery, in the performance of which has been committed a major theft, and promised total protection involved in their execution to traders. According to informed sources, “b”, criminal case concerning 46-the summer head of Department of support of preduprejdenie of the defense Ministry Colonel Alexander That is investigating a senior investigator for particularly important cases of the 3rd investigative Department of the GVSU SKR Vitaliy

In the Kuban region initiated a criminal case after an accident with a tour bus

In the Kuban region initiated a criminal case after an accident with a tour bus KRASNODAR, September 26 — RIA Novosti. Criminal case initiated on the fact of road accident with tour bus on the Kuban, where six people were killed, another 18 injured, according to interior Ministry in Krasnodar Krai. A tour bus carrying pilgrims from Abkhazia in Nizhny Novgorod, in the night of Tuesday collided with a parked truck on the highway M-4 “don” in Goryacheklyuchevskoy district of Kuban. In result of road accident six people died, 18 hospitalized in hospitals of Krasnodar and Goryachy Klyuch. Minor children among the passengers of the bus was not. “Investigators of the investigative Department of OMVD Russia in the city of Goryachiy Klyuch upon road accident in which six people were killed, a criminal case on signs of the crime provided by part 5 of article 264 of the criminal code

Three Israelis killed in West Bank

Three Israelis killed in West Bank TEL AVIV, September 26. /TASS/. A Palestinian carried out the attack with firearms on Israelis in the settlement of har Adar near Jerusalem on the West Bank of the Jordan river. As has informed on Tuesday a press-service of the police of the Jewish state, three people died. “Shooting in har Adar: the terrorist who got to the gate of the settlement together with the Palestinian workers, pulled a gun and opened fire: three Israelis were killed”, — the document says. “The terrorist was neutralized,” — said the police. The current wave of violence in the zone of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict began in September of 2015. Since then, as a result of several hundreds of attacks using firearms and cold weapons, explosives, and vehicles as battering rams killed more than 50 Israelis and a few foreigners, more than 500 people were injured. According to

On Kuban after an accident with a tour bus were hospitalized 18 people

On Kuban after an accident with a tour bus were hospitalized 18 people KRASNODAR, September 26 — RIA Novosti. After an accident in the Kuban with the bus carrying pilgrims from Abkhazia in Nizhny Novgorod, edge hospital hospitalized 18 people, reported the interior Ministry in Krasnodar Krai. Earlier it was reported that a tour bus carrying pilgrims from Abkhazia in Nizhny Novgorod, in the night of Tuesday collided with a parked truck on the highway M-4 “don” in Goryacheklyuchevskoy district of Kuban. It was explained that the driver of the bus King Long is a 39-year-old resident of Nizhny Novgorod — collided with a MAN truck, after which he crashed into a car Toyota. According to the preliminary version, the cause of the accident could be that the driver fell asleep at the wheel. “As a result of road accident six people were killed and another 18 were hospitalized,” —

Rescuers: the bus driver got in an accident on the highway “don”, could fall asleep at the wheel

Rescuers: the bus driver got in an accident on the highway “don”, could fall asleep at the wheel KRASNODAR, September 26. /TASS/. Rescuers who first arrived on the scene of an accident on the highway “don”, in which seven people died, reported that the bus driver collided with a truck could fall asleep at the wheel, the correspondent of TASS from the event. “The blow was strong, “Tonar” (MAN truck belongs to the company “Tonar”) was just pulling in, drove 40 kilometers, and the bus moved from the sea. Most likely, the driver fell asleep as it was at 00:40, and at full speed caught up with the “Tonar”. All seats with passengers were at the front of the bus,” — told rescuers the correspondent of TASS. The source in law enforcement bodies of the region with this opinion agreed. “Most likely, fell asleep at the wheel. The impact was

MOE has set up a hotline after a bus accident on the Kuban

MOE has set up a hotline after a bus accident on the Kuban KRASNODAR, September 26. /TASS/. Ministry of emergency situations has opened a hotline after an accident with a bus and a truck in the Kuban region, which killed seven people, said Tuesday the press service of the regional Glaucus Ministry. “In the medical institutions sent psychologists of EMERCOM of Russia. On the basis of the main Department opened a telephone hotline 8 861 268-64-40,” — said the press service. They noted that readiness is the aviation of EMERCOM of Russia — two Mi-8 medical modules. For liquidation of consequences of the accident involved 93 people and 32 units of equipment, including 21 people and 9 units of equipment — from EMERCOM.

The number of victims of road accident on Kuban has grown to seven people

The number of victims of road accident on Kuban has grown to seven people KRASNODAR, September 26. /TASS/. The death toll in the collision of a tour bus and a truck in the Kuban region increased to seven people, told TASS in the regional hospital in Krasnodar Krai. Taken the patient died in the emergency Department. “One of 11 delivered to us the victims died in the emergency Department,” said TASS in the hospital. Earlier it was reported that six people were killed and 24 injured when a tour bus collision with parked truck on highway in Krasnodar territory. The bus was returning to Nizhny Novgorod region from one of the tours organized by the Nizhny Novgorod diocese.

The head of Kuban instructed to take control of the situation with the accident with the bus

The head of Kuban instructed to take control of the situation with the accident with the bus KRASNODAR, September 26 — RIA Novosti. The Governor of Krasnodar Krai Veniamin Kondratiev instructed the regional Ministry of health to keep under special control the situation in connection with the accident of the tour bus on the road, told RIA Novosti in the press service of the region. Earlier the interior Ministry in the region reported that the night tour bus collided with a parked in the passing direction the truck on the highway M-4 “don”. As a result of accident six people were killed, 20 were taken to hospital. According to GUMCHS in the Krasnodar territory, the accident occurred near the village of Molkino. According to rescuers, in the bus there were 26 persons, including two drivers. “In connection with the accident of the tour bus on the highway M4 “don” instructed