The source said about the poisoning of Doku Umarov, the highly toxic substance

The source said about the poisoning of Doku Umarov, the highly toxic substance According to him, the remains were transported to Moscow with special precautions due to their high toxicity. Moscow. September 27. INTERFAX.RU — Doku Umarov, who was called “the terrorist number one in the North Caucasus”, has died of a poisoning with highly toxic substance in 2013. This was announced on Wednesday, “Interfax” informed source. In 2013, conducted a special operation in Ingushetia, where Umarov. He died as a result of poisoning potent substance”the Agency Interlocutor According to him, recently discovered in Ingushetia remains Umarov was moved to Moscow “with special precautions due to their high toxicity”. “The examination confirmed that the remains belong to Umarov,” — said the source. “Interfax” does not yet have official comments about the details of the special operation to kill Umarov. Earlier Wednesday, the FSB of Russia reported about the discovery in

The FSB has confirmed the discovery of the remains of Doku Umarov

The FSB has confirmed the discovery of the remains of Doku Umarov Burial with remains the leader of the terrorist organization “Caucasus Emirate” was discovered in Ingushetia. MOSCOW, September 27. /TASS/. FSB of Russia has confirmed the discovery in Ingushetia remains the leader of the terrorists in the North Caucasus Doku Umarov. This was reported in the Center of public relations (TSOs) FSB. “The Federal security service of the Russian Federation as a result of the targeted long-term operational-search activities in forested mountainous terrain of the Republic of Ingushetia the burial of the leader of the North Caucasus Doku Umarov and four of his gang members, killed during a special operation of security forces in September 2013,” — said the DSP FSB. Umarov headed the terrorist organization “Caucasus Emirate” and acted in close contact with emissaries “al-Qaeda” and “Islamic state” (an organization banned in Russia as a terrorist). In TSOs

The investigation continues, the RAID on line

The investigation continues, the RAID on line As it became known””, after arrested on charges of receiving a bribe in especially large size Colonel Alexander by Akulinin were taken into custody to his immediate supervisor — the head of the food Department of the defense Ministry Colonel Alexander Berezhnoy. He also is accused of bribery and fraud. Testimony of officials of brodkorbi of the military Department, gave business people, which, according to investigators, officers were helped to get “kickbacks” lucrative contracts. Several sources told “Kommersant” that the head of the food Department of the Ministry of defense 44-year-old Colonel Alexander Berezhnoy was arrested shortly after the arrest of his subordinate — the chief of Department of support of Alexander Vakulin (“Kommersant” reported about it yesterday). The head of brodkorbi was charged with the same crime as Mr. Vakulin, and fraudulent embezzlement of nearly 20 million rubles (part 4 of article

Fire calculation. Military warehouses near Vinnitsa caught fire on the day of the birth of Petro Poroshenko

Fire calculation. Military warehouses near Vinnitsa caught fire on the day of the birth of Petro Poroshenko In the core region of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko — in Vinnytsia region — continuing a large-scale fire in warehouses of ammunition. The fire in the warehouses near the village of Kalynivka started around 21:00 on September 26. According to the State emergency service (SES) of Ukraine, burning a tenth of the warehouses. In this case the alarm raised by all police services and offices of the SES in Vinnytsia, Zhytomyr and Khmelnytsky regions. According to some in Kalinovka no supply of gas, water and electricity. Fragments fly in a radius of 15 km, according to local residents. According to official figures, victims of explosion and fire no. But according to local journalists, injuring two people. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий How dangerous is this warehouse According to the Ukrainian military experts interviewed by “Kommersant”,

Diversion under the winery can be arranged by a drone

Diversion under the winery can be arranged by a drone KIEV, September 27. /TASS/. Advisor to the President of Ukraine Yuri Biryukov said that the act of sabotage at a military depot near the village of Kalinovka of Vinnytsia region could be arranged with the help of a drone. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий According to him, a soldier of one of the posts before the start of the fire reported the strange sound. “The perimeter is guarded securely, so Yes, it looks like a drone”, — he wrote on his page in Facebook. During the download an error has occurred. A warehouse fire in Vinnytsia region began on the evening of September 26. On the square of 60 ha was stored 188 thousand tons of ammunition. On Wednesday morning it became known that the Military Prosecutor’s office opened on the fact of fire and explosions in a warehouse of ammunition criminal case under

The former General Director of SU-155 built the thing

The former General Director of SU-155 built the thing He was arrested on charges of fraud. As it became known “Kommersant”, the Tver regional court has arrested the former Director of one of the largest construction companies SU-155 Alexander Meshcheryakov. A businessman accused of large fraud. According to “Kommersant”, the interior Ministry considers it involved in the embezzlement of funds of shareholders who purchased apartments in the unfinished housing complexes, in the construction SU-155 will not be issued the necessary documentation, including a permit for the construction itself. It is interesting that the arrest of Mr Mescheryakov appealed not only his defense, but the Prosecutor’s office considered this measure excessive. The arrest of former General Director of SU-155 September 13, sanctioned by the Tver regional court. The investigation leads the Main investigation Department of the Moi in Moscow, which accuses Alexander Meshcheryakov fraud in especially large size (part 4 of

In Japan, an earthquake of a magnitude of 5.9

In Japan, an earthquake of a magnitude of 5.9 Moscow. September 27. INTERFAX.RU — an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.9 occurred in the waters of the Pacific ocean, 64 km East from the town of Hachinohe (Honshu island, Japan), according to the Altai-Sayan branch of the Geophysical service of the Unified Russian Academy of Sciences. According to the operational processing of the Altai-Sayan branch, the epicenter recorded at 23:22 GMT on Tuesday, the earthquake had coordinates 40.43 degrees North latitude and 142.29 degrees East longitude. Intensity of concussions in epicentre of the earthquake is assessed as “devastating”. メキシコの地震で326人死亡 日本の援助隊は帰国へ – NHK — 地震情報(News・予兆・前兆) (@EarthQuake_365) September 27, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. バヌアツやフィジーの後は日本なのか?【海外地震情報 記録用】M5.9 Depth3226-SEP-2017 20:22:11 UTC2017年9月27日 5時22分 JSTNEAR EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN#Earthquake #地震 — This Moment (@ikmx5) September 27, 2017 During the download an error has occurred.

Ukraine closed the airspace over the ammunition depot near Vinnitsa

Ukraine closed the airspace over the ammunition depot near Vinnitsa Over the fire place Arsenal with ammunition in Vinnytsia region, the airspace was closed. About this on his page in Facebook said the Deputy Minister of infrastructure of Ukraine Yuriy Lavrenyuk. According to him, the decision of Ukraerocentre closed airspace in a radius of 50 kilometers from the zone of fire. Aircraft at any height are prohibited from entering the danger zone. Also the traffic is closed for all types of transport on the highway of state importance M-21 Zhytomyr — Mohyliv-Podilsky. South-Western railway closed a stretch Sosenko — Kalynivka. The issue of sending firefighters trains and mine-action teams to the emergency site. Prepared passenger trains for the evacuation of the population from places of emergency. On Tuesday evening, September 26, at military depots in Vinnytsia region near the town of Kalynivka started a fire with explosions. Police officers and

Warehouses with ammunition and weapons caught fire near the Ukrainian Vinnitsa

Warehouses with ammunition and weapons caught fire near the Ukrainian Vinnitsa All roads in the area of the incident is blocked. Moscow. September 26. INTERFAX.RU — Explosions at munitions depots and weapons began because of a fire in a military unit in kalynivskyi district of the Vinnytsia region of Ukraine, informs television channel “112. Ukraine”. “Fire occurring on the territory of military unit “Jaguar”. The explosions started at about 22:30 (.. .) 25 km from the regional center,” — said in a live broadcast on the channel on Tuesday evening. Internet resource “My Vinnytsya” specifies that all roads in the area of the incident is blocked. “The depots in the Omentum of the Kalinovsky area burn. The road is blocked. The trains are. Flash heard and seen from Vinnitsa!”, — stated in the message. During the download an error has occurred. The interior Ministry of Ukraine reported that in the

In the London underground explosion

In the London underground explosion MOSCOW, September 26 — RIA Novosti. In the London underground explosive device, reported by Sputnik International. The explosion occurred in the car at the station “tower hill”. Is the evacuation. TOWER HILL STATION update: Small explosion and fire on tube train believed to have been a mobile phone charger. Not terrorism related. — Kent 999s (@Kent_999s) 26 Sep 2017 During the download an error has occurred.