Gun rights — the right to defend themselves or to sow death?

Gun rights — the right to defend themselves or to sow death? After the massacre in Las Vegas, which became the deadliest in American history, the debate about the need for more strict control over the armed citizens, of course, will flash with new force. But will they change anything? Shooting in Las Vegas once again put the “top” of the public agenda, the debate on the free access to weapons. This happens after every mass murder in America, and they, unfortunately, happen with depressing regularity. The FBI defines “mass shooting” (“mass shooting”) as an incident with a firearm with four or more victims. Over the past month (from 1 September to 1 October 2017) in the United States, there were 29 such incidents. In 15 of those people died, just 86 people, 59 of them during the attack in Las Vegas. All in all since the beginning of the

The court of Greece allowed the extradition of a U.S. citizen winnik

The court of Greece allowed the extradition of a U.S. citizen winnik THESSALONIKI, Oct 4 — RIA Novosti, Gennady Melnik. The Council of judges in Thessaloniki decided to accede to a US request for extradition of a Russian citizen Alexander winnick on charges of laundering $ 4 billion, the correspondent of RIA Novosti news from the courtroom. The judge also decided to give US seized winnik things. “The defense may appeal the decision within 24 hours,” the judge said. Winnick reiterated that all these accusations have nothing to do with him. “The site of VTS-S I have nothing. I am neither the owner nor the Manager nor the accountant. I’m the technical expert independent technical expert. This is one of my clients,” said winnick at the beginning of the meeting. The defense said it would appeal the decision to the Supreme court of Greece — the Areopagus. In the indictment

Videoconferencing has eliminated the command groups “Dzhebhat-EN-Nusra” in Syria

Videoconferencing has eliminated the command groups “Dzhebhat-EN-Nusra” in Syria MOSCOW, October 4. /TASS/. Videoconferencing has eliminated the command of the terrorist organization “dzhebhat an-Nusra” (banned in Russia), the leader in critical condition, 12 commanders killed. This was announced on Wednesday the official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia major-General Igor Konashenkov. “3 October, the Russian military intelligence have revealed the time and place of the meetings of the management dzhebhat an-Nusra” led by the leader of the group, Abu Mohammed al-Julani. To defeat this purpose from the part of rescue forces of the Russian air force in Syria was designated the su-34 and su-35″, — said Konashenkov. “As a result of hitting the leader “dzhebhat an-Nusra” Abu Mohammed al-Julani received multiple severe shrapnel wounds and lost their hands, according to several independent sources, is in critical condition. Along with numerous (about 50) guards also destroyed 12 warlords “dzhebhat

In Kuzbas have denounced the swindler, raising “taxes” on the pensioner

In Kuzbas have denounced the swindler, raising “taxes” on the pensioner KEMEROVO, Oct 4 — RIA Novosti. The court in the Kuzbass town of Anzhero-Sudzhensk has sentenced 29-the summer local resident who six months enticed money from elderly neighbor under the guise of “taxes” for land and roads, reported RIA Novosti senior assistant to the regional public Prosecutor Elena Tushkevich. As militiamen found out, in October 2016, the accused decided to cheat a 73-year-old neighbor, who because of their age and health status may not fully understand the nature and importance of the actions of others. “Every month he came to an elderly person on the day of receipt of a pension, presented by the tax officer and demanded to pay the tax for the land and road in the amount of four thousand rubles. However, he said that all pay the tax monthly. Then the amount of “tax” has

In Yakutia about 69 thousand people were left without electricity

In Yakutia about 69 thousand people were left without electricity KHABAROVSK, Oct 4 — RIA Novosti. About 69 thousand consumers in the three regions of Yakutia on Wednesday were left without electricity due to power the high-voltage line 110 kV “Suntar — Vilyuysk”, according to the site situation and analytical centre of the Ministry of energy. It is noted that on October 4 MSK 3.33 effect of protection was off line 110 kV “Suntar — Vilyuysk” (SDCs of JSC “RAO ES of East” and JSC “RusHydro” — JSC Yakutskenergo) with failed automatic reactivation. De-energized seven 110 kV substations. “Left without electricity household consumers verkhnevilyuisk, Vilyui and Nyurbinsky districts — about 69 thousand people; local industrial enterprises. The power of disabled consumers is 33 MW. Conducted emergency repair work”, — is reported on the website.

NYT: former German actress accused Roman Polanski of rape

NYT: former German actress accused Roman Polanski of rape NEW YORK, October 4. /TASS/. Another woman made accusations against Roman Polanski, stating that it was the victim of a rape by a Director as a minor. This was reported by the newspaper The New York Times. According to her, 61-year-old German actress Renate Langer, who retired from the profession, made a statement that Polanski raped her when she was 15 years old. According to Langer, it happened in 1972, when she, with the consent of the parents visited in Switzerland, the home of the Director, who wanted to invite her to star in one of his paintings. As said the publication of Langer, one month later, Polanski apologized to her and invited to play in the film, which was shot in Rome. There, according to women, the Director raped her a second time. It happened in the house where she

The coroner: named by authorities, the death toll in the shooting in Las Vegas includes the attacker

The coroner: named by authorities, the death toll in the shooting in Las Vegas includes the attacker NEW YORK, October 4. /TASS/. The death toll in the shooting at Las Vegas (Nevada), voiced by the US authorities includes opened fire Stephen Paddock. 14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий This was stated Tuesday at a press conference, the coroner (medical examiner) Clark County John Fudenberg. “Our office confirmed that killed 59 people: and the arrows 58, the amount 59”, — he explained.

Las Vegas shooter had planned to shoot the festival “Life is beautiful”

Las Vegas shooter had planned to shoot the festival “Life is beautiful” Las Vegas shooter Steven Paddock was probably going to commit mass murder in September at another music festival “Life is beautiful” (Life Is Beautiful). About it writes edition The Daily Beast, citing a source in law enforcement bodies. 14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий According to him, in September Paddock rented premises in a 21-storey building Odgen, which is on the site of this festival. It is not known why he abandoned the original plan, but it is suggested that he could “take nerves”. The publication says that his source is not involved in the process of investigation, but holding him in the course of the investigation. 2 Oct 64-year-old American Steven Paddock opened fire from automatic weapons by members of the festival of country music, being on the 32nd floor, in a room at Mandalay Bay, and then killed himself. Because of

The Deputy DG said that he knows Russian, allegedly captured in Syria

The Deputy DG said that he knows Russian, allegedly captured in Syria ROSTOV-ON-DON, October 3 — RIA Novosti, Ivan Kapustin. The Chairman of the Duma Committee for CIS, Eurasian integration and compatriots ‘ Affairs Victor Vodolatsky told RIA Novosti, familiar with the supposedly “captured” in Syria the Russians of the Rostov region Roman Zabolotnyi, instructed as to his whereabouts. Earlier Western media reported that the group ISIS published videos allegedly captured by the Russians, while no evidence of their belonging to the armed forces has not been demonstrated. The video shows one of the two men seems to Zabolotnyi Roman Vasilyevich, refers to the year and place of his birth — 1979, Aksay district of Rostov region. On service in the armed forces on account of the man does not speak. The defense Ministry denied information about the capture of Russian soldiers. “I know him well, he is from Aksay,

There was a video from the room the arrow is in the hotel of Las Vegas

There was a video from the room the arrow is in the hotel of Las Vegas MOSCOW, October 3 — RIA Novosti. Online published a video from a room at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, where 64-year-old Steven Paddock on Sunday opened fire on guests of the music festival Route 91 Harvest. A video posted to Twitter account of the American TV channel ABC. 14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий The footage shows the entrance to the room of the murderer, the weapon with optical sight, which was shot by Paddock, and a small table with a white tablecloth. The victims of the shooting at the country music festival in Las Vegas began 59 people, and 527 were injured. The Paddock had committed suicide before the police broke into his room. The house the killer was found 19 firearms, explosives and ammunition. 23 weapons found in a hotel room from which he had fired. The