Collision on the tracks: the victims of road accident in Vladimir were 16 people

Collision on the tracks: the victims of road accident in Vladimir were 16 people MOSCOW, October 6 — RIA Novosti. A bus and a train collided at a railway crossing in the Vladimir region in the night of Friday; according to the latest data, 16 people were killed and another five people were hospitalized, and four, two of them children — are in intensive care. The number of dead and injured is established: the Investigative Committee earlier reported about the 19 victims of the incident, and later specifying information — according to preliminary data, the accident killed 16 people, including one child. Stalled on the tracks The bus got in an accident on a railway crossing in the Vladimir region, went on a way on forbidding signal of a traffic light, reported by the Ministry of internal Affairs in the region. According to the press service of the Moscow railway,

After an accident with a train under Vladimir opened a criminal case

After an accident with a train under Vladimir opened a criminal case Moscow. 6 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — After a collision under Vladimir train and bus, which killed at least 15 people, criminal case is brought, have informed on Friday “Interfax” the representative of the Moscow interregional transport Prosecutor’s office Yekaterina Korotkova. The case was opened under part 3 of article 263 of the RF criminal code (Violation of safety rules of movement and operation railway, air, Maritime and inland water transport). Korotkov added that the Moscow interregional transport Prosecutor took the investigation under his personal control. According to the latest data, the victims of bus collision with Kazakhstan’s rooms and trains were 15 people, five people are in hospital, three of them in critical condition. According to one version, the culprit was the bus driver, he died. On the other, the cause of the accident was the fault of the

After an accident near Vladimir opened the second criminal case

After an accident near Vladimir opened the second criminal case Moscow. 6 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — After the collision of the bus with a train in the Vladimir region transport investigators opened a criminal case on the provision of services that do not meet the requirements of safety of life of consumers, reported the press service of the TFR. “On the given fact investigating bodies of the Moscow interregional investigative management on transport of SK criminal case under part 3 of article 238 of the RF criminal code (rendering services not meeting requirements of safety of life and health of consumers, entailed death of two and more persons)”, — stated in the message of press-service received on Friday “Interfax”. Earlier it was reported that after the accident was a criminal case under part 3 of article 263 of the RF criminal code (Violation of safety rules of movement and operation railway,

In injured bus near Vladimir was driving 55 citizens of Uzbekistan

In injured bus near Vladimir was driving 55 citizens of Uzbekistan In the bus, which collided on a railway crossing with a train in the Vladimir region, there were 55 citizens of Uzbekistan and two drivers, citizens of Kazakhstan. About it reports “RIA Novosti” with reference to the head of the press service of the Kazakh foreign Ministry Anuar Janakova. “One of the drivers was killed, another is in temporary accommodation Cover”, he said. Kazakhstan diplomats in Russia will provide necessary assistance to the families of the deceased and the injured citizens of Kazakhstan, said Jainakov. A major accident near Vladimir. During the download an error has occurred. A train collision with a bus on a regulated railway crossing in Petushki district of the Vladimir region occurred at 3:39 GMT, 6 Oct. A passenger bus stopped at the crossing. In the regional interior Ministry later reported that he stopped from-for

SC confirms death of 17 people in an accident with a bus and a train in the Vladimir region

SC confirms death of 17 people in an accident with a bus and a train in the Vladimir region According to local authorities, five injured, including two children, were hospitalized in intensive care, their condition is estimated as very heavy and heavy. MOSCOW, October 6. /TASS/. Victims of collision of a passenger bus and train in the Vladimir region at least were 17 people. About TASS said the representative of the Moscow inter-regional investigatory management on transport SK the Russian Federation Elena Markovskaya. The collision killed at least 17 people.Elena Markwschaefer Moscow inter-regional investigatory management on transport SK the Russian Federation Earlier in the emergency services reported the deaths of 14 people. According to the UK, at about 03:30 GMT Petushki district of Vladimir region on a railway crossing there was a collision of passenger bus and trains the message St.-Petersburg — Nizhny Novgorod. During the download an error has

At least 16 people died in an accident involving a bus and a train in the Vladimir region

At least 16 people died in an accident involving a bus and a train in the Vladimir region According to local authorities, 12 people were hospitalized, two children are in intensive care. VLADIMIR, 6 Oct. /TASS/. At least 16 people died in an accident involving a passenger bus and the train station Pokrov Vladimir region, told TASS head of the administration Cover, Vyacheslav Arakelov. At the moment it is known about 16 victims, 34 living with two children in intensive care, 12 people, according to preliminary estimates, was taken by ambulance.Vyacheslav Arakelova administration Cover In a press-service UMVD across the region reported that, according to preliminary data, the cause of the accident was violation of traffic rules by the bus driver. “According to preliminary information, the bus drove on forbidding signal of a traffic light, causing the collision occurred with the train. At the scene working police officers, to clarify

A cargo train derailed in Russia’s Tula region

A cargo train derailed in Russia’s Tula region Moscow. 6 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — IN the Tula region derailed freight train of 24 cars, have informed “Interfax” on Friday the head of the press service of the regional emergency management Maxim Pryakhin. “The accident occurred in Volovsky district. The train consisted of 24 carriages. At the scene left experts of the Ministry. Whether there are victims in the accident — to be confirmed,” said Pryakhin.

The defense Ministry announced the reduction of the occupied ISIS territory to 10% in Syria

The defense Ministry announced the reduction of the occupied ISIS territory to 10% in Syria Grouping “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) monitors in Syria at least 10% of the territory, said the defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov in response to a statement by American journalist Michael Bohm. About it reports “RIA Novosti”. Defense Ministry spokesman in response to the statement of the journalist that the coalition led by the United States released the “90% of Syria” accused the Americans that they had just “beheld the “Caliphate” and “armed thugs” and “counted the days until the overthrow of the legitimate government in Syria.” Since joining September 30, 2015 to the fight against ISIS Russian HQs are now being controlled by “the Caliphate” territory was reduced to less than 10 percent.Igor Contenciosului defense Ministry spokesman Earlier it was reported that American journalist Michael BOM October 4, issued a statement on

Barge with oil sank in the Kherson region

Barge with oil sank in the Kherson region As a result, PE has formed an oil slick with a length of 6 km. KYIV, 5 October. /TASS/. Self-propelled barge carrying oil, sank in the waters of the Kakhovka reservoir in the Kherson region (Ukraine), the water formed an oil slick length of 6 km On Thursday reported the press service of the Department of protection, use and recreation of water bioresources and fisheries settlement in Kherson region. “In the waters of the Kakhovka reservoir in the Kherson region sank self-propelled barge “Alexander Zhitnik”, resulting in spilled oil,” the report says. The Agency notes that the oil slick observed for six kilometers, its width reaches 100 meters Currently the specialists of Khersonresursy monitor the state of aquatic bioresources in this area, noted in a press-service.

TFR opened a criminal case after the death of four workers in a fire at the refinery

TFR opened a criminal case after the death of four workers in a fire at the refinery The investigative Committee opened a criminal case after a fire at a refinery in Nizhny Novgorod region, which killed four people. This is stated in the message of regional administration. A criminal case was initiated on the findings of the preliminary investigation. Investigators saw in the incident of signs of a crime provided for part 3 of article 217 of the criminal code (violation of safety rules on explosive objects, entailed on imprudence death of two or more persons). The fire at the refinery of LUKOIL in Nizhny Novgorod region occurred in the afternoon of 5 October. According to the preliminary version, the fire occurred because of safety violations. Four workers died in a fire that covered an area of 900 sq. m. 17:32 the fire was extinguished. During the download an error