Shooter wounded several people in a business Park in Maryland

Shooter wounded several people in a business Park in Maryland In the U.S. state Maryland are unknown staged a shooting in a business Park. According to updated information, the attack killed three people. As reported by the Baltimore Sun, citing the press service of the Sheriff of the County of Hartford, three people were killed in the attack arrow in Edgewood, 30 miles from Baltimore (Maryland). Two of the injured are in critical condition. The offender opened fire in the business Park, then fled. The motives of the shooter are unknown, the police conducts its investigation. Shooting on the outskirts of Baltimore. There are wounded It is assumed that he fled in a red Dodge with the numbers of the neighboring state of Delaware, according to CBS. Residents are recommended not to visit the business Park. Office buildings and schools are closed. The interlocutors Baltimore TV station WBAL TV reported

Road fatalities in Balashikha the boy was not drunk, was established by examination

Road fatalities in Balashikha the boy was not drunk, was established by examination MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. A comprehensive forensic examination found no alcohol in the blood of a little boy who died in an accident in Balashikha, said the representative of the Investigative Committee, Svetlana Petrenko. A positive result of the first test, the investigators explained the error of the expert. Medical examiner Michael Kleimenova charged with negligence. The Ministry stressed that the study Kleymenov has violated regulations and his expert conclusions are not justified. “The defendant made a withdrawal of a blood sample of the boy improperly, leading to contamination spiritualrenewal microflora and the process of alcoholic fermentation. Therefore, when chemical research in the sample and was detected ethanol in the amount of 2.7 ppm”, — stated in the SC. Resonant road accident has occurred in Balashikha April 23: a local resident Olga alisova knocked down

Chinese man miraculously survived after falling of a tower crane on the car

Chinese man miraculously survived after falling of a tower crane on the car MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. In a network there was video on which the man miraculously survived after falling of a tower crane at his car. This entry was posted on YouTube. During the download an error has occurred. The incident occurred in the Chinese province of Guangdong. The footage shows how the faucet falls directly into the windshield of the car. However, after a few seconds the driver managed to get out to the outside through the roof of the car. It is noted that the man didn’t suffer serious injuries — he was taken to the hospital with a broken ankle.

In the Krasnodar region opened a criminal case on insulting the feelings of atheists

In the Krasnodar region opened a criminal case on insulting the feelings of atheists In the Krasnodar region opened a criminal case on insulting the feelings of atheists on the poet Maxim Drozdov. On 18 October announced RTVI his lawyer Aleksey Avanesyan. As said Avanesyan, a criminal case was filed 4 Oct. We are talking about two poems Drozdova, in the court of the full texts were not available, only the beginning and the end. Lawyer, poet unknown, who gave a statement to the police, who carried out the examination poems. Avanesyan also said that Drozdov had not criminal record and that he is raising a disabled child. As writes the edition, Drozdov published a poem in the community “Patriotic work” in “Vkontakte”. It has a line: “People are no worse than the vile atheists, we will refund the Inquisition!” The poet suspected of inciting hatred and humiliating human dignity.

The head of Amazon Studios, resigned after harassment scandal

The head of Amazon Studios, resigned after harassment scandal Roy Price left the post of head of unit, according to Reuters. This happened against the backdrop of allegations of producer ISA Hackett sexual harassment. Chief operating officer of Studio albert Cheng appointed as temporary head of Amazon Studios. Allegations against the now former head of Amazon Studios isn’t the only sex scandal of this year in the American film industry. Recently, the Weinstein Company has dismissed an influential producer Harvey Weinstein after the publication about a long-term sexual harassment to employees of the company and the Actresses.

In Irkutsk there was a fire in the home for the disabled, there are victims

In Irkutsk there was a fire in the home for the disabled, there are victims MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The two-storey private house in Irkutsk, a fire broke out, reported RIA Novosti a source in the emergency services of the region. According to preliminary data, it was used for a short stay older people with disabilities. “As a result of a fire in the house 2 on the street in the Resort, 12 people were injured, five of them are in serious condition,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, only managed to save 19 people. Now the fire is out. Circumstances are PE are investigated, investigations are carried out. During the download an error has occurred. Later the Investigative Committee for the Irkutsk region reported that thirteen of the victims were hospitalized. After the fire, the investigation began a preliminary examination to establish, whether legally the

Media: in the Shanghai airport when checking Luggage found banknotes with a high level of radiation

Media: in the Shanghai airport when checking Luggage found banknotes with a high level of radiation Control system the airport has identified Americium-241. The half-life of highly toxic radioactive substance is 433 years. SHANGHAI, October 18. /TASS/. Shanghai customs discovered a pack of radioactive banknotes worth 10 thousand yuan ($1538) to Shanghai Pudong international airport at security check Luggage. This writes in Wednesday newspaper Shanghai Daily. The incident happened on 10 October during a routine Luggage check, which showed high levels of radioactivity were in the bag of one of passengers of banknotes. It is reported that the monitoring system had detected a highly toxic radioactive substance Americium-241, half-life is 433 years. It poses a danger to humans and can lead to the formation of cancer cells. This is the first detection of banknotes with serious radiation levels at airports of Shanghai. Money from transporting their passengers were seized by

Ruins released from ISIS Syrian Raqqa filmed with a drone

Ruins released from ISIS Syrian Raqqa filmed with a drone CNN has published filmed with a drone video in the Syrian raqqa liberated from the militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (banned in Russia). The video edition posted on his Twitter. The video can be seen deserted streets and dilapidated buildings: in one of the districts of the city smoke, square Paradise Square driving the SUV of Democratic forces of Syria (opposition to the regime of Bashar al-Assad’s army). Also shows the stadium and the national hospital in the city centre, which was considered the “last Bastion” of terrorists. This drone video, filmed on the brink of ISIS’ defeat in Raqqa, shows what may have been the jihadists’ last latest news — CNN International (@Mashable) October 17, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. First of the complete liberation of Raqqa, said a Syrian monitoring centre

The investigation will check the allocated funds, “the Seventh Studio” employees of the Ministry of culture

The investigation will check the allocated funds, “the Seventh Studio” employees of the Ministry of culture Moscow. 17 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — the Consequence establishes the possible participants of plunders of budgetary funds allocated to the “Seventh Studio” on the project “Platform”. “In the Commission of these crimes could be involved in other persons, in respect of which it is currently a criminal case and whose identity is currently installed”, — said the investigator Alexander Lavrov in the Basmanny court of Moscow on Tuesday in support of his request for the extension of a measure of restraint involved in the “case, “the Seventh Studio”, among which the Director Kirill Serebrennikov. Lavrov said that the investigation examines the activities of employees of the Ministry of culture, “which had regard to the “Seventh Studio” — controlled the allocation of organization funds and supervise their implementation. Artistic Director of “Gogol-center”, directed by Kirill Serebrennikov,

Moscow region Ministry of health found no violations in the work of the ambulance when receiving a call, the actor Marianowo

Moscow region Ministry of health found no violations in the work of the ambulance when receiving a call, the actor Marianowo Moscow. 17 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — Moscow region Ministry of health as a result of office check in connection with the death of actor Dmitry Marjanov found no violations in the actions of the operators of the service 112, reported in a press-Department service. “Audited in terms of compliance with the existing order of message reception of emergency call services under uniform number “112”(…) All calls were handled by operators of the “System 112” in accordance with the rules of information interaction. Violations in the work of the operators “Systems-112″ is not revealed”, — have noted in the Moscow region’s Ministry of health. According to the press service of the Ministry, the call on the call “emergency” actor arrived at 18:47 operator from Mytischi, who filled out an information card