The families of the victims in the disaster of the Sinai sued the 93 billion

The families of the victims in the disaster of the Sinai sued the 93 billion MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. Relatives of those killed in a plane crash over the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt filed a lawsuit for more than 93 billion to the insurers and the airline, told RIA Novosti on Thursday, press Secretary of the Zamoskvoretsky court of Moscow Emilia Gil. 14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий “The court has received a lawsuit from the victims to the insurance companies “Ingosstrah” and “Alliance global corporate & Specialty”, Brisco travel company, airline “Kogalymavia” and “AirCap”” she said. Date of consideration of the claim is not appointed yet. Earlier, lawyer Anatoly Kucherena stated that the relatives of the victims received a “miserable pittance”. According to him, “in our society must know and understand the insurance company that they invent in order to further humiliate and insult people, which overtook the mountain.” The representative of

Source: detained former Deputy Governor of the Murmansk region

Source: detained former Deputy Governor of the Murmansk region MURMANSK, October 19. /TASS/. Law enforcement officers were detained in Murmansk one of the former Deputy Governor of the region. This was reported by TASS source in law enforcement agencies. “The former official is suspected of embezzlement of budget funds”, — said the source. According to him, the operation was conducted by security forces from Moscow, where the detainee and sent. The question of his arrest. According to the interlocutor, the case concerns the embezzlement of funds allocated to the regional government. About the violations became known in the summer when he was detained leaders GOBA “Management on ensuring activity of the government of Murmansk region” Eduard Nekrasovskiy and George Blagodatskii. This is not the first corruption scandal in the government of the region. Earlier this year, under investigation was the Minister of natural resources of the region, which is suspected

In Beirut from smugglers seized a Dalí painting cost millions of dollars

In Beirut from smugglers seized a Dalí painting cost millions of dollars DAMASCUS, 19 Oct — RIA Novosti, Mikhail Alaeddin. The painting “Lady Reeves” Salvador Dali seized Lebanese security forces from smugglers in Beirut, said the Lebanese national Agency NNA. According to the Agency, in the district of Cola and Dowhat Aramoun in the Lebanese capital were held with the operational activities of the office for combating international looting and police, which arrested four persons, including one Syrian citizen. The robbers tried to sell the painting by stealing it in one of the neighbouring Lebanon States. The representatives of the law argue that the original canvas and is estimated at several million dollars. Experts scoff at ISF”s surreal estimate of Dali artwork – A painting recovered by the Internal Security Forces … — Lebanon observer (@LebanonObserve) 18 Oct 2017 During the download an error has occurred.

Police arrested a suspect in the shooting in a business Park in Maryland

Police arrested a suspect in the shooting in a business Park in Maryland Police arrested a suspect in the shooting in a business Park in Maryland in the United States, which killed three people. It is reported Associated Press with reference to the County Sheriff Harford, Maryland. The suspect was a 37-year-old labib For the Prince, he was detained in the state of Delaware, said the Sheriff. According to police, the suspect on 18 October, opened fire on five people in Edgewood, then went to Wilmington in Delaware. There he shot another man, the Sheriff said. Currently, two injured in a shooting in the hospital in critical condition, says the Agency. MANHUNT: 3 Dead in Maryland Shooting; Gunman at Large Radee Labeeb #Sessions — Kambree Kawahine Koa (@KamVTV) 18 Oct 2017 During the download an error has occurred.

The court in Novosibirsk found former-Governor Yurchenko guilty

The court in Novosibirsk found former-Governor Yurchenko guilty Moscow. 19 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — the Central district court of Novosibirsk on Thursday announces indictment of the former Governor Vasily Yurchenko charged with abuse of office, reported the correspondent of “Interfax” from the courtroom. The sentencing is currently ongoing. “The court found guilty Yurchenko installed,” said the judge, Alla Fun. As reported, during the debate of the parties the state Prosecutor asked the court to appoint Yurchenko sentence of four years imprisonment. The prosecution believes that the guilt Vasily Yurchenko of his alleged crime because he has committed actions clearly outside the limits of his official authority, which caused substantial violation of the rights and freedoms of citizens and organizations. The prosecution reduced the amount caused Gaztranskom, OAO damage, the application which are charged with Yurchenko, with 17.7 million rubles to 14 million rubles. The defender asked court to justify Yurchenko for

Arranged an arson of the Bank of France Pavlensky was charged

Arranged an arson of the Bank of France Pavlensky was charged Artist Pyotr Pavlensky who staged the arson of the building of the Bank of France in Paris on Wednesday, October 18, was charged. It is reported by radio station Franceinfo, citing a source in the judiciary. It is reported that Pavlensky is charged with destruction of another’s property dangerous to others way. Against him preventive measure in the form of pre-trial detention. Earlier it was reported that Pavlensky released to move him to a psychiatric hospital of the Prefecture of police. Ally Pavlensky Oksana Shalygina, who also took part in the rally near the building of the Bank of France, was also arrested and remains in custody. Their action, which led eventually to the arrest, Pavlensky staged in Paris on the night of 16 October, at the building of the Bank of France. He doused the building with fuel

The police brought the case because of threats to journalist for “Matilda”

The police brought the case because of threats to journalist for “Matilda” Police have opened a criminal investigation after a journalist of publications have addressed in law enforcement bodies in connection with he received threats after the article was published in the social network. About it “RIA Novosti” spokesman of the Ministry Irina Wolf. The case was brought under article 119 of the criminal code of Russian Federation “Threat by murder or causing of heavy harm to health”. Maximum sanction of this article provides till five years of imprisonment. “Currently all necessary measures directed on establishment and search of the malefactor,” said the Wolf. According to the source Agency in law enforcement, we are talking about the journalist of the Internet newspaper Ekaterina Vinokurova, who in early September asked the police because she received threats in connection with the film directed by Alexei Uchitel “Matilda”. “In August I

The police called the cause of the collision of a car into a crowd of passers-by in Kharkiv

The police called the cause of the collision of a car into a crowd of passers-by in Kharkiv Entering the crowd in Kharkov Lexus threw out on the sidewalk after it collided with another car, said the adviser to the interior Minister of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko on his page in Facebook. At the intersection of Sumskaya street and Bursatsky descent clashed Lexus and Volkswagen Touareg. Behind the wheel was a girl born in 1997, he said. At this Gerashchenko has called her “major.” It is, “passing on a red light at high speed crashed into a car Volkswagen Touareg,” he wrote. According to him, the SUV belongs to the father of the girl. From the received blow the car was thrown to the pavement the streets of Sumy, where at this time there were dozens of pedestrians. The accident killed six people, five people were injured, they were hospitalized. Gerashchenko

In Kharkov, the SUV drove into a crowd

In Kharkov, the SUV drove into a crowd KYIV, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The SUV drove into a crowd in the center of Kharkov, the number of dead and injured is installed, the report said police in Kharkiv region. “In the center of Kharkov there was a traffic accident. Currently, the number of dead and injured is installed. The accident occurred today, October 18, at 20.45 (same as GMT) on Sumskaya street. According to preliminary data, the SUV drove into a crowd of people”, — is spoken in the message on the police page in Facebook. On the scene left the leadership of Kharkiv police investigative team. The police establishes the circumstances of the incident. Police say 5 dead and 6 injured. The woman driver Lexus’a, was detained.ᐉ — StudMedia (@StudMedia) 18 Oct 2017 During the download an error has occurred.

In the center of Kharkov SUV was hit 11 people

In the center of Kharkov SUV was hit 11 people In the center of the Ukrainian Kharkov SUV crashed into the crowd. As reported on the page of local police in Facebook, five people died, six more were taken to hospitals with injuries of varying severity. The incident occurred at 20:45 local time (coincides with Moscow) on Sumskaya street. Clarifies that Lexus drove the car the woman drove into people waiting for the green light. The culprit of road accident is detained. On site works investigative team. Later, the adviser to the interior Minister of Ukraine said that the victims of fatal accidents were six people. Police say 5 dead and 6 injured. The woman driver Lexus’a, was detained.ᐉ — StudMedia (@StudMedia) 18 Oct 2017 During the download an error has occurred.