Julia Skripal asked the sister not to come to her and refused the assistance of the Embassy of the Russian Federation

Julia Skripal asked the sister not to come to her and refused the assistance of the Embassy of the Russian Federation Moscow. April 11. INTERFAX.RU — Daughter of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal Yulia asked my cousin Victoria to come to her in the UK, said the report released on Wednesday by Scotland Yard on behalf of the Russian citizen. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “I thank Victoria for her care of us, but please do not come to me and do not try to contact me at the moment,” — said in a statement. “It (Victoria Skripal – if) statements don’t coincide with mine, and my dad,” says Julia Skripal. She also refused the help of the Russian Embassy. “I was told that at my disposal are the services of the special representatives of the Russian Embassy, who kindly offered me his help in all matters,” — said in a statement. “At the moment

A terrible accident in Moldova: the Rider “flew” on the highway — it was lost, the passenger and the pensioner, who was just walking down the sidewalk

A terrible accident in Moldova: the Rider “flew” on the highway — it was lost, the passenger and the pensioner, who was just walking down the sidewalk In the suburbs of Balti, in the village Reutzel, there was a terrible accident. The motorcyclist flew into the bus stop, then collided with a car. According to some reports, three people were killed, three were injured. A motorcycle operated 26-the summer young man. According to witnesses, he “flew around the track”. He had a passenger, 19-year-old girl. They died on the spot. Was also killed 77-year-old man who was beside the road. He walked from the graveyard on the sidewalk…

In Syria, the unknown fired at the bus with the Russian journalists

In Syria, the unknown fired at the bus with the Russian journalists According to the defense Ministry, three reporters were injured. MOSCOW, April 11. /TASS/. The bus with the Russian journalists fired in Syria by unknown persons, three reporters were injured. This was reported on Wednesday in the defense Ministry. During the download an error has occurred. “On April 11 at about 18:20 GMT the bus with the Russian journalists returning after the preparation of the report on the situation in Eastern ghouta was shelled by unknown persons from small arms”, — reported in Department. It specified that the correspondent of NTV Alexey Ivlev, the operator of TV channel “Russia 1” Mikhail Vitkin and operator of TV channel “Star” Vladislav Dodonov was slightly injured foot. “All journalists of the Russian doctors of the Center for conciliation at the place was immediately granted all necessary medical care. Threats to their life

Forced risk

Forced risk Why buses with students again and again continue to get into an accident. Accidents involving school buses and private owners engaged in transportation of groups of children, with enviable regularity appear in police Chronicles. The consideration of the law, which prohibits to use of obsolete vehicles, was postponed for the fifth time. Zamknutaja circle In Yakutia 6 APR car with students was involved in an accident. After the accident, in the surgical Department of Nyurbinskaya Central district hospital was delivered six children. According to the Republican Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia, which checks on the fact of road accident, the boys went on a private UAZ 220695-04 to the event in a nearby town. A group of 10 students accompanied by a teacher. The accident occurred when the van had almost reached the destination: “UAZ” has faced with going in the opposite direction of the car

The death toll in the crash of a military aircraft in Algeria increased to 257

The death toll in the crash of a military aircraft in Algeria increased to 257 CAIRO, 11 APR — news, Margarita Kislova. The death toll in the crash of a military plane in the North of Algeria may amount to 257, according to the Algerian TV channel “al-Nahar”. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий According to the channel, on Board the crashed aircraft Il-76 were 247 military and ten crew members. According to preliminary information, they all died. NewsOld aircraft, icing as the cause of the disaster. Why are we afraid to fly Aircraft of the armed forces of Algeria crashed on Wednesday morning near the airport of boufarik Blida province in Northern Algeria. The crash happened just a few minutes after takeoff. The plane crashed in the area of the agricultural field and caught fire. Eyewitnesses reported that the aircraft was flying at very low altitude, it was burning right engine. The liner is

The captain of the “Nord” was charged with illegal fishing

The captain of the “Nord” was charged with illegal fishing The captain of the detained in Ukraine, the Russian seiner “Nord” Vladimir Gorbenko brought new charges under article about illegal fishing. TASS told his lawyer Alexander Rudenko. “Presumably, today, he will be elected to trial a new measure,” said the lawyer. Yesterday at the Russian Embassy in Ukraine said that Mr. Gorbenko’s going to stay in the hospital in Kherson due to health problems. Earlier it was reported that the captain was released from jail in Kherson, despite the bail. Recall ship “Nord” was detained in Ukraine in late March. Ukrainian prosecutors accused Mr. Gorbenko in “violation of the procedure of entry in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine and departure from it”. On 6 April he was arrested for two months with the right to bail.

Media said the death toll in a plane crash in Algeria

Media said the death toll in a plane crash in Algeria MOSCOW, 11 APR — RIA Novosti. At least 105 people were killed in the crash of a military aircraft in Algeria, 26 of them are from Western Sahara, reported local TV channel En-Nahar, citing the emergencies Ministry. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографийновостьOld aircraft, icing as the cause of the disaster. Why are we afraid to fly Earlier media reported that the plane Il-76 crashed in an agricultural zone in the province of Blida on Wednesday at around 08.00 (10.00 GMT). The plane crashed several minutes after takeoff. TV channel Al-Arabia, citing an Algerian military source said that the survivors on Board. “One hundred and five people were killed, among them 26 of the Polisario (popular front for the liberation of the Western Sahara — ed.), in the crash of a military aircraft at Boufarik,” reads the message on the channel’s website. A source

In Serbia, a military plane crashed

In Serbia, a military plane crashed BELGRADE, April 11 — RIA Novosti. Training light attack aircraft SOKO G-4 Super Galeb fell Wednesday morning near the village of Kovacica in North-East Serbia, said the Ministry of defence. “According to latest information, the two pilots ejected at the scene sent a search-and-rescue team of the air force,” — said in the message Department. The defense Ministry said that a training flight conducted by the pilot of the Technical test center of the air force.

Media: victims of the crash of Il-76, Algeria could become 200 soldiers

Media: victims of the crash of Il-76, Algeria could become 200 soldiers CAIRO, April 11. /TASS/. Survivors in the crash of Algeria military transport plane. This was reported by TV channel Al-Arabia, citing army sources in this country. According to them, “on Board were about 200 military personnel”. #BREAKING: No survivors in Boufarik millitary plane crash in #Algeria, ‘around 200’ were on board pic.twitter.com/AK0DfCr1zq — Amichai Stein (@AmichaiStein1) 11 APR 2018 The Il-76 aircraft fell a few minutes after takeoff from an airfield military base in Boufarik 50 km South of the capital of the country. Immediately after the fall in the agricultural field, the Board lit up. NewsOld aircraft, icing as the cause of the disaster. Why are we afraid to fly Official statements of the Algerian authorities about the accident yet. According to the government news Agency Algerie Presse Service special unit of the civil protection service of

The owner of the store Obi the German tycoon Haub lost in the Alps

The owner of the store Obi the German tycoon Haub lost in the Alps German billionaire, the head of the group Tengelmann, which owns including shops Obi, 58-year-old Karl-Erivan Haub went missing Saturday during off-piste ski descent in the Alps, according to the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera. According to the newspaper, Haub, went missing in the area of the Matterhorn on Saturday morning. The last signal from his mobile phone was recorded on Saturday evening. Currently, his quest is complicated by adverse weather conditions. Family Houba, which is one of the richest in the world, has committed to the search tycoon a considerable amount of money. Coordinator of search and rescue operations on the Italian side Adriano Favre said that the search is complicated by adverse weather conditions.