From counterfeit fur sewed Affairs

From counterfeit fur sewed Affairs Stop illegal deliveries of consumer goods from abroad. As it became known “Kommersant”, the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation summed up the results of struggle with the supply from abroad of counterfeit goods, and its implementation, including via the Internet. Just lately revealed 25 thousand of such cases, and, as it turned out, especially popular with suppliers of used fur coats — they seized several thousand. The damage from illegal activities, according to preliminary estimates, in the hundreds of millions of rubles. On the facts revealed in this area of violations filed more than 50 criminal cases The Supervisory authority has summed up the results of work on execution of the orders of the President of the Russian Federation and decrees of the government from 2016 to curb the illicit circulation of light industry products. As noted by the prosecutors, the situation with the

Died Kira Muratova

Died Kira Muratova Soviet and Ukrainian film Director Kira Muratova has died on 84-m to year of life. About this in his Facebook said producer Yuri minzyanov. “Kira… gone With her whole era… I Remember, as a student of VGIK cried “Long wires”…”, — he wrote. Muratov wrote scripts and directed a number of films, among which stands out “the Asthenic syndrome”, which won a Special jury prize “Silver bear” at the 40th Berlin international film festival and the award “Nika” for best feature film. In her paintings starred Vladimir Vysotsky, Oleg Tabakov, Renata Litvinova. She finished her career in 2012.

In London caught fire five-star Mandarin Oriental

In London caught fire five-star Mandarin Oriental Moscow. June 6. INTERFAX.RU — a Major fire engulfed the building of the five-star Mandarin Oriental hotel in Central London, said Wednesday the local fire Department. According to the representative of the London fire brigade on the scene arrived about a hundred firefighters and 15 fire engines. About 100 firefighters are tackling a blaze at the Mandarin Oriental hotel in central London. Video on social media shows plumes of smoke that are visible across the city — CNN International (@Mashable) June 6, 2018. The cause of the fire is not yet established. Information about victims or no victims.

Billions in the case of Colonel Zakharchenko has ceased to be material evidence

Billions in the case of Colonel Zakharchenko has ceased to be material evidence TFR cancelled the decision on the recognition of 9 billion rubles, seized during a search in apartments of relatives of Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko, the evidence in the case of bribery. About it reports “RIA Novosti” with reference to the copy of the relevant resolution. In addition to cash, the evidence ceased to be “ingot metal yellow with the imprint “Russia 500 g fine gold 999,9″”, the document says. The decree dated 1 September 2017. The money thus remain under arrest in the investigation. According to the decree, during a search in the apartment of the parents of Colonel in Michurinsky Avenue found €600 thousand, $20 thousand and 19.5 million rubles. The lawyer of Colonel Zakharchenko Alexander Gorbatenko Agency confirmed the authenticity of the decision. The defense has been able to see him when I got access to

Body of bygone days. As killer legally avoid punishment

Body of bygone days. As killer legally avoid punishment In the Omsk region by chance solved a murder twenty years ago. About the crime one would never have known if the resident of the village of Luzino came up with the idea to plant potatoes. Homeland is the garden, he came across a suspicious hard object, which later turned out to be a human skull. His partner admitted that the remains buried in the garden, owned by her former husband, slain in 1997. The man immediately reported the find to the police. However, the killer may escape punishment because of Statute of limitations crimes. The portal found out as the murderer of a legitimate way to avoid retribution. Crime without punishment With an unusual legal challenge faced justice in the Omsk region — is a corpse, there is the alleged killer, but is unlikely to be the punishment for

American police suited a pursuit of the armored vehicle

American police suited a pursuit of the armored vehicle It lasted almost two hours. Witnesses of an unusual chase became residents of the city of Richmond in Virginia. By evening the streets cut through the armored vehicle, which first took over the tank. It turned out that the car was stolen from the military base Fort Pickett National guard soldiers. This is INSANE! Someone has hijacked a “Tank-like” vehicle from Fort Pickett and just drove it by our apartment! This is on Broad Street in the Fan. — Parker Slaybaugh (@ParkerSlay89) June 6, 2018 The announcement came the police at eight in the evening, and to detain the offender was only two hours later. First, the armored vehicle spotted on a suburban road, where the chase began. But the soldiers did not want to surrender, and therefore continued his journey and ended up in downtown Richmond, where their formidable

Examination confirmed the negligence of the former management of the Kemerovo emergency management

Examination confirmed the negligence of the former management of the Kemerovo emergency management The conclusion of experts confirmed the position of the investigation that the defendants negligence in the performance of the internal acts. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий MOSCOW, June 6. /TASS/. Legal examination in a criminal case about a fire in TTS “the Winter cherry”, which claimed the lives of 60 people, confirmed the negligence of the former leaders of the Kemerovo GU Ministry of emergency situations Alexander Mamontov and Grigoriy Terentyev. About TASS said the official representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Svetlana Petrenko. “As for the accused Mamontov and Terentyev, who still did not acknowledge his guilt, referring to the regulations of EMERCOM of Russia, — the consequence has received results of legal expertise refuting these arguments. The conclusion of experts confirmed the position of the investigation that the defendants negligence in the performance of the internal

Poland stated that it had found traces of explosives on the wreckage of Tu-154

Poland stated that it had found traces of explosives on the wreckage of Tu-154 WARSAW, 5 Jan — RIA Novosti. Polish Commission for the investigation of the crash near Smolensk, which in 2010 killed President of the Republic Lech Kaczynski, said the discovery of the wreckage of the aircraft and the body of one of the victims of the tragedy traces of explosives. WARSAW, 5 Jan — RIA Novosti. “Many of the aircraft Tu-154M, as well as the body with at least one of the victims… demonstrated the presence of explosives”, — stated in the message of the Commission, quoted by the Agency PAP. However, the Commission stated that studies have not shown the presence of explosives in the soil at the crash site. Earlier, former Minister of defence of Poland Anthony Macierewicz, who currently heads the Commission, has repeatedly said that the cause of the crash was the explosion

The fire in the Chernobyl area covered 10 hectares of forest

The fire in the Chernobyl area covered 10 hectares of forest Moscow. June 5. INTERFAX.RU — IN the exclusion Zone and unconditional (mandatory) evacuation zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (Kyiv region of Ukraine) on Tuesday morning lit up the dry grass, the fire spread to the forest area of about 10 hectares, reported the press service of the state service of Ukraine for emergency situations. As at 16:00 local time to extinguish the fire were involved in 29 units and 126 people and two aircraft An-32P and Mi-8 helicopter. Aviation SSES twice threw on the fire the water is 10.5 tons. Previously, forecasters warned of high fire level (grade 5) danger on the territory of Ukraine in connection with hot weather and low rainfall. Fires in the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl NPP occurred in recent years, every summer or spring. See also: Abandoned country. Chernobyl 2018: how

The fire in Kazan shopping center “Port” localized

The fire in Kazan shopping center “Port” localized KAZAN, 5 Jun — RIA Novosti. The fire in Kazan shopping center “Port” is localized, the threat of collapse of structures removed, reported RIA news the head a press-services GUMCHS of Russia across Tatarstan Andrey Rodygin. “At 12.59 GMT the fire on the first floor is localized in the area of 200 square meters. The threat of collapse of structures removed”, — said Rodygin. The message on a fire in shopping centre “Port” at the Orenburg tract, Kazan received at 8.22 GMT. Kazan division of fire and rescue of the garrison upon arrival found that the combustion takes place on the first floor of the shopping center. The area of the fire initially was about 20 square meters, by noon it had increased to 200 square meters. Was announced the fourth call number. The Mall was evacuated 20 people security and personnel.