Seized a shop in Los Angeles killed a woman and surrendered to the police

Seized a shop in Los Angeles killed a woman and surrendered to the police A young American held hostage dozens of people at the grocery store chain Trader Joe’s in Los Angeles (California), killed one person and himself surrendered to police without resistance. Mayor Eric Garcetti reported that the attacker was wounded in the left hand. However, he added that firefighters pulled from the room out to the wounded woman, but she died on the way to the hospital, reports TASS. The city police chief Michael Moore said that Trader Joe’s was from 40 to 50 buyers and store employees. Some hid, others got out on their own, someone released the suspect himself. The attacker decided to surrender voluntarily asked for the handcuffs and he cuffed himself. According to preliminary information, the suspect acted, responding to a family quarrel. He shot his grandmother and the woman later discovered at the

The suspect in the attack on the newspaper in the United States were indicted on 23 counts

The suspect in the attack on the newspaper in the United States were indicted on 23 counts The suspect in the attack on the newspaper Capital Gazette in Annapolis Jerrod Ramos was charged on 23 counts. About it reports CNN with reference to the statement of the Prosecutor. Man charged with five counts of murder of the magazine’s staff, attempt to commit murder in the first degree and 17 other counts, including armed robbery and unlawful use of a weapon. Recall, June 28, unknown staged a shooting in the newspaper Capital Gazette. The suspect was detained and questioned by the police.

SK denies the arrest of the prison officer in Yaroslavl on the case of beating of prisoner

SK denies the arrest of the prison officer in Yaroslavl on the case of beating of prisoner TASS, 22 July — on the Eve of the social networks of the Fund “Public verdict” announced the arrest of Maxim Yablokov. Information published in some mass media with reference to the human rights Fund “Public verdict”, about the arrest of the employee of a corrective colony № 1 of Yaroslavl on the case of beating of a prisoner are not true. This was reported TASS senior assistant administrator of investigatory management SK the Russian Federation across Yaroslavl region Christina Gusovsky. Fund “Public verdict” posted Saturday night on his page in Facebook published, according to which “the arrests of the defendants in the torture video from the penal colony № 1 of Yaroslavl” and “Maxim Yablokov was released from prison in handcuffs.” Later, these allegations surfaced in the media. We cannot confirm this

US coalition launched strikes on civilians in Syria

US coalition launched strikes on civilians in Syria MOSCOW, 21 Feb — RIA Novosti. Aircraft of the international coalition headed by the USA attacked civilians in the settlement of es-Susa in the province of Deir ez-Zor in Eastern Syria have killed and wounded, reports of the Syrian national Agency SANA, citing local sources. “The international coalition aircraft launched an airstrike on a group of civilians fleeing from the city of es-Susa in the suburb of Abu-Kemal towards the desert of the made at random aviable coalition and attack terrorists group ISIS* controlling settlement that resulted in many dead and injured among them (civilians — ed.)” — quotes Agency the words of the sources. The Russian foreign Ministry has repeatedly stated that the actions in Syria, the U.S. and the international coalition conducted without the consent of and coordination with the official Damascus and the UN security Council resolution. * A

“Public verdict”: employee of the Yaroslavl colony detained on charges of torture

“Public verdict”: employee of the Yaroslavl colony detained on charges of torture In Yaroslavl region the employee of a corrective colony № 1 Maxim Yablokov was detained on the case of torture of a prisoner, the human rights Fund “Public verdict”. “We are told that the arrests of the defendants in the torture video from the colony room 1 of Yaroslavl. Maxim Yablokov was released from prison in handcuffs”, — stated in the message of the Fund in Facebook. Recall, June 20, lawyers for the Fund “Public verdict” has distributed a video in which 15 men in blue camouflage uniforms ten minutes beaten with rubber batons prisoner. According to lawyers, this happened on 29 June 2017 in IK-1 in the Yaroslavl region. The investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case about excess of powers of office with application of violence. See also: Torture hit the line The Federal penitentiary

Five people were killed in a road accident in the Sverdlovsk region

Five people were killed in a road accident in the Sverdlovsk region Moscow. July 21. INTERFAX.RU — Truck and two cars collided on the highway Perm — Ekaterinburg, killed five people, said the head of the press service GU MVD in Sverdlovsk region Valery Burnt. “For one of the studied versions, the car “Volkswagen Polo”, at which wheel there was a woman, went to overtake the truck brand “Volvo”. At this time in the opposite lane was moving the car “Lexus”. Seeing him, the woman attempted to slow down and return to your lane, but collided with a truck,” — said Gorelykh. From blow “Volkswagen” skidded and he was faced with “Lexus”. As a result the driver and four passengers of “Volkswagen” has died. Among the dead are children. Traffic is temporarily limited. Inspectors of traffic police regulate movement.

Kazakhstan excavator operator survived after falling 100-ton block

Kazakhstan excavator operator survived after falling 100-ton block Moscow. July 21. INTERFAX.RU — IN the Akmola region of Kazakhstan in the career of the Vasilkovsky mining and processing plant (GOK) successfully completed an operation to rescue from under the rubble of the excavator. “About 10 minutes ago I was told that the son was removed from under the rubble. Now he was taken for examination to hospital”, — said the Agency “Interfax-Kazakhstan” the father of the excavator operator Ekaterina Akopov. In turn the chief of Department of emergency situations Alexey Sovetov said the Agency that the operation to remove the man from the wreckage lasted 12 hours. “The difficulty was that I went rock mass weighing about 500 tons, broke away from her rock element weighing about 100 tons. Initially wanted to make a tunnel side and bottom, but it (the excavator — if) hurt. Tried metal heat — it’s

In France the man was attacked by a mountain goat

In France the man was attacked by a mountain goat MOSCOW, 21 Feb — RIA Novosti. French firefighters were forced to use a helicopter to rescue men from an aggressive mountain goat, reports radio station France Bleu. The incident occurred on Saturday morning in the municipality of Bodine-sur-Verdon (var Department). According to the radio, mountain goat attacked the 56-year-old man while he was taking a morning jog. The man climbed a tree and called rescuers. On a scene there has arrived a team of specialists, ambulance and fire Department helicopter. The man escaped with a few bruises.

The court arrested the Deputy head of the Chelyabinsk Ministry of economic development

The court arrested the Deputy head of the Chelyabinsk Ministry of economic development CHELYABINSK, 21 Jul — RIA Novosti. A court on Saturday ordered the arrest for two months against the first Deputy Minister of economic development of the Chelyabinsk region Anton Bagaeva, accused the result of fraud, the correspondent of RIA Novosti news from the courtroom. “The motion of the senior investigator of the Federal Directorate of Russia in the Chelyabinsk region to meet and elect Bachevo a measure of restraint in form of detention for a term until 19 September 2018,” said the judge. According to him, the judgment may be appealed against in Chelyabinsk regional court. “Figuring the amount of 3.8 million rubles”, we are talking about the Russian-Kazakhstan forum of 2017, said the Prosecutor. In support of his claim, the investigator of the FSB told the court that the accused has a passport, regularly travels abroad.

Two Russians were among the dead in the accident in Ukraine

Two Russians were among the dead in the accident in Ukraine In a large-scale accident in Zhytomyr region of Ukraine killed two Russians, one was in intensive care. About it reports a press-service of the regional police. According to police, killed the citizens of Russia — a woman born in 1984 and girl 2010 birth. A boy of ten — a citizen of Russia is in intensive care in serious condition. The Russian Embassy yet has not confirmed this information. The vehicle, which was traveling from Kiev to Rivne, collided with a truck July 20. 10 people were killed.