Resident of Detroit, who was arrested by mistake, was awarded $3.5 million compensation

Resident of Detroit, who was arrested by mistake, was awarded $3.5 million compensation Resident of Detroit Marvin Silsoe, which six years ago was mistakenly arrested and sent to jail, awarded compensation in the amount of $3.5 million On 30 July wrote to the newspaper Detroit Free Press. Police arrested Silsa in the workplace January 24, 2012. It took for Roderick Sinera, who in 2010 attempted murder, using the alias “Marvin Sils”. Police officer Thomas Bercot issued a warrant for the arrest of Salsa. He stated that all his documents can be forged, and he has no proof that he really is not the Rodrick Siner. He was sent to the jail of Wayne County, where he spent two weeks awaiting trial. In jail he also no one believed. 1 Feb Sils went to court where the guy Siner made an attempt in 2010, said that the police had got the

The government of Tajikistan considered worse than Tehran “the Islamic state”

The government of Tajikistan considered worse than Tehran “the Islamic state” Dushanbe accused in the murder of the tourists the Pro-Iranian opposition. The terrorists of the “Islamic state” (IG; banned in Russia) has claimed responsibility for the murder of four tourists in Tajikistan. A group of foreigners on bicycles was first run over by a car and then finished off with weapons. However, Dushanbe has appointed another culprit of the incident. According to the Ministry of internal Affairs (MIA) of the Republic, the arrested criminal confessed that acted on behalf of the banned Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan (IRPT) and studied in Iran. This is not the first accusation of the Tajik authorities in Tehran, however, their account of the first recorded murder of citizens of Western countries. The night of July 31, the organization SITE, which monitors the actions of the militants on the Internet, published recognition of Islamic

General Drymanov left in jail

General Drymanov left in jail The Moscow city court upheld the arrest of former head of the investigation. The Moscow city court on Tuesday rejected the appeal of the former head of the Main investigation Department of the investigative Committee of Russia (GSU SKR) across Moscow Alexander Drymanov for the arrest. Thus, the General Drymanov, accused of receiving especially large bribes, will remain in jail until September 12. The appeals instance of the Moscow city court considered the complaint of former head of GSM TFR in Moscow Alexander Drymanov and protection on the decision of the Lefortovo court of Moscow issued earlier General under arrest. The complaint States that the reason for so strict measures of restraint there. Since he has not the head of the investigation Department, we cannot influence witnesses in his case from the number of former employees. In addition, Mr. Drymanov, according to protection, have neither

In the United States thieves stole a shark from the Oceanarium and tried to sell

In the United States thieves stole a shark from the Oceanarium and tried to sell In the U.S. three people were taken to the stroller from the Aquarium the San Antonio sharks. The police of Texas has already announced the capture of suspects, according to USA Today. According to reports, the three visitors hid in the stroller California bull shark measuring about 2 feet (61 cm) and took it out of the aquarium, after which, according to the owner of Ammon Covino, tried to sell it through Facebook. The suspects were able to detect the recordings from the cameras. Shark theives This is a video of the suspects. This is linking to the earlier post about the Horn Shark that was stolen from the San Antonio Aquarium. Published by the San Antonio Aquarium Monday, July 30, 2018,At boot time the error occurred.It’s completely insane. They pulled the shark from an

The leader of a fan group CSKA Еinfach Jugend arrested for fighting

The leader of a fan group CSKA Еinfach Jugend arrested for fighting The Meshchansky district court of Moscow arrested the leader of a fan group CSKA Еinfach Jugend Dmitry Denisov in connection with the death of a man in a night fight on the platform of the station on July 27, reports “the Media” with a link to the website of courts of General jurisdiction of Moscow. The measure of restraint was elected on 30 July on the case of hooliganism (part 2 of article 213 of the criminal code). The decision to arrest Denisov confirmed “” the representative of the Moscow interregional investigative management on transport of SK Natalia Fedorova. According to her, the fight was not related to fan movement. The investigation established that the conflict between Denisov and died was caused by domestic reasons. A verbal altercation between the men occurred in the dining car, and after

Four tourists from Russia were injured in a rockslide on the glacier in Kyrgyzstan

Four tourists from Russia were injured in a rockslide on the glacier in Kyrgyzstan Moscow. July 31. INTERFAX.RU — Ministry of emergency situations of Kyrgyzstan confirmed that four Russians have suffered as a result of rockfall on the glacier Scriabin in Northern Kyrgyzstan. According to tourist company “Aksai travel”, on Monday at about 13:00 (12:00 Moscow time) during the ascent to the glacier Scriabin No. 9 (Alamedin district, Chui oblast), 4.1 thousand meters, seven tourists trapped under falling rocks, said Tuesday “Interfax” in the press service of the Kyrgyz Ministry of emergency situations. “Three of them from Kazakhstan, four from Russia”, — he said. “According to preliminary data, killed one citizen of Kazakhstan, and the rest suffered”, — said the Agency interlocutor. Tuesday morning from Almaty in the area of the glacier Scriabin in Kyrgyzstan to evacuate the injured flew the helicopter “Kazaviaspas”. In the emergency Ministry of Kyrgyzstan informed

Roscosmos after 3 August will announce the results of the test NPO. Lavochkin the case of theft

Roscosmos after 3 August will announce the results of the test NPO. Lavochkin the case of theft MOSCOW, July 31. /Offset. TASS Alexander Temnov/ — the amount of the theft is estimated at 330 million rubles. The results of the Commission of the Russian Federal space Agency to NPO imeni S. A. Lavochkina in connection with the case of the theft of 330 million rubles will be announced after August 3. On Tuesday TASS reported the press service of the Corporation. It was reported earlier that Roscosmos checks enterprises, whose Director General, Sergei Lemeshevsky was arrested on charges of embezzlement. Commission (state Corporation “Roscosmos”) works from July 5. It is headed by the chief of Department of office checks of Department of economic safety of the state Corporation “Rosatom” Alexander Zelepukin. The results will be announced after August 3.the press service of the Corporation While the Corporation said that the

Prisoners in the Yaroslavl colony went on hunger strike

Prisoners in the Yaroslavl colony went on hunger strike In the penal colony № 8 of Yaroslavl region, a group of prisoners on hunger strike. About it reports a press-service UFSIN across the region. The Commissioner for human rights in the region Sergei Baburkin explained to the RIA Novosti news Agency that the demands of the prisoners relate to domestic issues. “For example, what order could be issued to convicted boiling water, how many cigarettes should they be issued, as should contact with personal belongings of prisoners and so on,” he said, adding that possesses only General information, and personally going to go to the colony on Tuesday, July 31. In this colony to serve his sentence he was transferred Evgeny Makarov, the frames of which beating by employees of a colony № 1 has appeared in the media and caused a public outcry. Joined to the hunger strike is

Members of Pussy Riot, who was imprisoned for 15 days for action in the world Cup final again detained

Members of Pussy Riot, who was imprisoned for 15 days for action in the world Cup final again detained Activists of the art group Pussy Riot Kuracheva Olga, Olga Pakhtusov, Veronica Nikulshina and Peter Verzilova was detained by police right at the exit of the detention. Monday, July 30, in the evening they have ended the period of administrative arrest for an action “the Policeman comes into play” — July 15 young men, dressed in police uniforms, ran onto the field in the final of the world Cup. The next day Khamovnichesky court sentenced them to 15 days of arrest for violation of rules of conduct spectators when conducting official sports competitions (part 3 of article 20.31 of the administrative code). As soon as the activists came out of the detention center, they were again detained by the police. Olga Kuracheva told “Kommersant” that “the staff of the second Superpole

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack on tourists in Tajikistan

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack on tourists in Tajikistan Banned terrorist group “Islamic state” (ISIS) has claimed responsibility for the attack on foreign tourists in Tajikistan. As reports AFP with reference to the SITE organization, which monitors extremist activities on the Internet, ISIS has claimed responsibility for the deaths of two US citizens and also citizens of Switzerland and citizens of the Netherlands in Dangara district of Khatlon region. The incident occurred on July 29 around 15:30 local time. The car ran into a group of foreign cyclists. Three tourists died on the spot, another died in the hospital. Two more people received various injuries. In the car at the time of the crime was four people, the latest law enforcement agencies reported that they were eliminated. See also: Error super-soldiers. The biggest failures of special forces Erdogan announced a meeting on Syria with the participation of Russia