Bloody murder, poison, and jumping from a tower. In the ancient monastery brought up a lot of mysteries

Bloody murder, poison, and jumping from a tower. In the ancient monastery brought up a lot of mysteries On July 29 the Abbot of one of the oldest monasteries died on the threshold of his cell under mysterious circumstances. While investigators were trying to solve the Church intrigue, abode stunned new news: on the eve of the defrocked monk took poison, and his friend jumped from the tower (both still alive). Upstairs “” figured in a detective story worthy of the pen of Dan brown. The body of Bishop Epiphanius found at dawn on July 29. The Abbot of the Coptic Orthodox monastery of Saint Macarius the Great was lying in a pool of blood near his chambers. It was clear that the accident could not be considered. The attacker crept up to the old man behind, when he went to Church, and bashed his head with a heavy object.

In Britain, announced the names of Russians suspected of poisoning Skrobala

In Britain, announced the names of Russians suspected of poisoning Skrobala MOSCOW, 5 sen — RIA of news. The crown prosecution service of Britain has called the names of Russians suspected of attempted murder Sripala is Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirov. This is stated in the message Department, at the disposal of RIA Novosti. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий The Russians accused on four counts, including attempted murder and police Skrobala nick Bailey, conspiracy to commit murder, intentionally causing serious bodily injury and the “use and possession “Newcomer” in contradiction to the law on chemical weapons”. “Prosecutors from the counter-terrorism division of the crown prosecution service reviewed the evidence and found that there are reasonable grounds for sentencing,” — said the Agency. It is noted that the Agency will not ask Moscow for their extradition for the arrest of both men issued a European warrant.

Japan was hit by the strongest Typhoon in 25 years: photo gallery

Japan was hit by the strongest Typhoon in 25 years: photo gallery Typhoon “Jebe”, which struck the Western Japan, was the strongest over the past 25 years. Наверх13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий Victims of the Typhoon of steel no less than ten people, and about 300 were injured. Due to strong winds, the tanker crashed into a bridge that connects the Kansai airport to the mainland. The result flooded the runway of the airport. Other airports canceled hundreds of flights, rail and ferry service has been temporarily suspended. More than two million people were left without electricity. In some areas, the prefectures of Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Ehime authorities recommended to evacuate more than a million inhabitants. The Typhoon damaged buildings and overturned cars. In the city of Osaka eyewitnesses removed on video as the Ferris wheel rotates because of the strong wind. 観覧車回ってる。#台風21号#海遊館#観覧車 — たくと (@tsutsumi1999022) 4 Sep 2018

Media called the exact location of the bookmark killed Zakharchenko bombs

Media called the exact location of the bookmark killed Zakharchenko bombs The attackers who staged the explosion in Donetsk cafe “Separable”, which killed the head of the breakaway Donetsk national Republic (DND) Alexander Zakharchenko, planted a bomb on a sign in the form of Cheburashka. This became known to the correspondent of the site Upstairs According to him, shell-less explosive device was not installed in the chandelier, as previously assumed, and outside on the sign. The site notes that the perpetrators of the attack there was enough time for the installation of complex directional device and they knew the schedule of movement of the head of DND. The bomb probably detonated in real-time. “ru” writes that in Donetsk still ongoing search activities and carried out a sudden inspection on the transport interchanges and exits from the city. Alexander Zakharchenko was killed in the evening of August 31. An explosion

Fraudsters came up with a new way to steal money from cards of Russians

Fraudsters came up with a new way to steal money from cards of Russians Fraudsters came up with a new way to steal money from cards of Russians. This “news” told in the Zecurion company specializing in cyber security. Upstairs Hackers send potential victims an SMS with a link to the Federal law on blocking the card by the Bank due to the fact that the last activity seemed suspicious to him. It is further proposed to call by telephone to confirm the transaction and call the personal data. After reporting the personal information of people loses money. The company estimates that the “Vanilla Killer”, the new scheme of fraud is already affected about a hundred people, the total damage amounted to about 2 million rubles. The success of the new scheme of deception experts explain the fact that the scammers keep track of and masterfully replicate real change in

Residents of the Chelyabinsk region reported to emergency services about the earthquake 627 times

Residents of the Chelyabinsk region reported to emergency services about the earthquake 627 times CHELYABINSK, September 5. /Offset. TASS Alexander Chirkov/. Residents of the Chelyabinsk region on Wednesday morning called the emergency services with reports of tremors 627 times, reported TASS, the Minister of public security of the region Yevgeny Savchenko. Upstairs “From different areas of Chelyabinsk region of the earthquake has received 627 calls from residents. It is not only the 50-kilometer zone from the center of the earthquake, but also other municipalities,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Residents caught in the 50-kilometer radius of the areas in social networks write that they felt like “jumping the furniture,” I heard the sound of Cutlery and seen that Pets are concerned. Earlier it was reported that in Katav-Ivanovsky municipal district at 03:58 (01:58 MSK) was recorded seismic activity of magnitude 5.6 at a depth of 10 km At the moment,

Israel launched a missile attack on the West Syria

Israel launched a missile attack on the West Syria MOSCOW, 4 September — RIA Novosti. Syrian air defenses repulsed Israeli air force, shooting down five missiles, SANA news Agency reported. Upstairs “Syrian air defenses shot down several missiles fired by Israeli aircraft in the area of Wadi al-Uyun in the vicinity of Hama,” reported the Agency with reference to the correspondent. Previously, the Agency reported several explosions in the area. A military source told channel the details of the attack. According to him, the airstrikes targeted military sites in Tartous and Hama. According to the doctors, as a result, one person was killed and four were injured. The Israeli strikes on Syria Previously, Israel has repeatedly struck targets in Syria. In particular, the second of August, the Israeli military attacked a number of armed terrorists in the border area of Syria. The incident occurred in the South of the Syrian-controlled

Co-owner of the burnt down club “the Lame horse” was released

Co-owner of the burnt down club “the Lame horse” was released Former co-owner of club “the Lame horse” Anatoly Zak on 4 September was released from prison. Upstairs As can be seen from the Kopeisk city court (the last place of punishment the convict was IK-11 in Kopeysk Chelyabinsk region), August 22, was granted the petition of the convicted person “On the reduction of punishment in connection with the application of the new law.” According to interlocutors “Kommersant-Prikamye”, Zach was able to be released after the adoption of amendments to article 72 of the criminal code, which equal one day of being in jail for fifteen days in the colony. A defendant in a criminal case Anatoly Zak began after a fire in club “Lame horse”, which occurred in the night from 4 to 5 December 2009, which killed 156 people. In April 2013, he was convicted of committing a

The Supreme court of Greece decided to give winnik Russia

The Supreme court of Greece decided to give winnik Russia ATHENS, Aug 4 — RIA Novosti, Gennady Melnik. The Supreme court of Greece decided to give Moscow the citizen of Russia Alexander winnik on the second request of the Prosecutor General. Upstairs A written decision, the court will present on September 14. Winnick agree with extradition to Russia. But the lawyers appealed the decision in relation to a number of procedural violations on the court. “The Supreme court of the Russian request took a little time because all contradictions have been eliminated and it is given in accordance with the Greek law. The fourteenth of September, after the issuance of a written document, the decision on the results winnik in Russia will come into force”, — told RIA Novosti lawyer Timothy Musatov. “Now it is up to politicians, the political will,” he said. The final decision on extradition is taken

The source reported the arrest of a senior official in Dagestan

The source reported the arrest of a senior official in Dagestan MAKHACHKALA, September 4 — RIA Novosti. Security forces detained the head of the Dagestan branch of Management of Federal highways “Caspian” Magomedrasul Omarova, told RIA Novosti on Tuesday a source in law enforcement bodies of the Republic. Upstairs “Detained the head of the branch of roads administration, “Caspian sea” Magomedrasul Omarov, the question on excitation of criminal case”, — told the Agency interlocutor, without specifying what impute Omarov. In the management office are searched, the source added. Mass arrests of the Dagestan officials has begun after the appointment of Vladimir Vasiliev, the head of the region. In most cases the detainees are charged with corruption. On the balance of the roads administration “Caspian” is more than a thousand kilometers of Federal highways in four regions of Russia.