Russia on the level of perception of corruption on par with Mexico and Iran

Russia on the level of perception of corruption on par with Mexico and Iran

Russia ranked 138th place in the ranking of countries in terms of perception of corruption in the public sector compiled by Transparency International (TI). The authors of the list added the country 28 out of 100 points, so it was Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Lebanon and Iran.

“The last three years Russia has typed 29 points, and this year lost one point and dropped three places,” according to the international organization.

The newsForced the corrupt released from punishment

Leaders of the rating were Denmark (88 points), New Zealand (87 points) and Finland, Sweden, Switzerland and Singapore (85 points). Among the outsiders index — Somalia (10 points), Syria and South Sudan (13 points).

In 2016 Russia was on 119-m a place in the rating of TI, a year later — on the 131-m, in 2018 at 135. Thus, the shift in ranking is related only to the fact that each year the number of countries surveyed increased.

The results of the last year in the publication “Kommersant”.

See also:

  • Western asset officials in danger
  • Chubais argued with Gref on the methods of struggle against corruption
  • Papuans for centuries fought with bows and spears. The machines turned their life into a nightmare

