Prosecutors have accused Roskomnadzor in untimely blocking of extremist websites

Prosecutors have accused Roskomnadzor in untimely blocking of extremist websites

The Prosecutor General of Russia in 2017, revealed violations in the activities of Roskomnadzor, the report said the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika to the Federation Council. In particular, the Supervisory authority has verified that service is untimely locks resources with extremist information.

“During the inspection of Roskomnadzor revealed facts of untimely adoption of the requirements of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation of measures restricting access to Internet resources containing extremist information. Not always properly blocked access to the “mirror sites” specified in the requirements of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation”, — quotes “Interfax” extract from the report.

In addition, the Prosecutor General’s office found violations in the work of the Ministry of justice.

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“Identified shortcomings in the implementation of the monitoring function over the activities of non-profit organizations and religious associations, as well as the responsibility of the Federal list of extremist materials, the justice Ministry”, — said Mr. Chaika.

The heads of both departments were made to the submission, and the guilty officials were brought to disciplinary responsibility. On what the officials in question, the Prosecutor’s office said.

In July last year Roskomnadzor at the request of the Prosecutor General’s office made in the register a few sites that preach ethnic and religious hatred. Among them — “Russian sector”, “Right view”, “Sputnik and pogrom” and other resources.

