Navy seal forced the fishermen 8 hours to roll him in the boat

Navy seal forced the fishermen 8 hours to roll him in the boat

The audacity — the second happiness.

In the Makarovsky region of a seal climbed into the boat to Sakhalin fishermen and was on Board the whole 8 hours. So, the fishermen rolled it throughout this time. In their attempts to round up the stowaway kitten only growled, according to

— Chvostek (@petsexperiment) 7 APR 2018

“We went out with a buddy in the boat. Hear the screams, someone, watching a Navy seal near us. Here he is again — and got into our boat. Drove around a bit, we decided to send him away. Like drove, and he again climbs. And so a few times,” says one of the fishermen Andrew Permyakov.

— Chvostek (@petsexperiment) 7 APR 2018

The animal was in the boat to night and left the boat just when the fishermen returned to shore. According to anglers, the cat wouldn’t eat, he just enjoyed spending time in the sea.

