“Medusa”: the hospital is proposed to conduct “female circumcision” minor

“Medusa”: the hospital is proposed to conduct “female circumcision” minor

In the Moscow medical center “best Hospitals” proposed “female circumcision” for boys and girls from 5 to 12 years. On this November 27 he wrote “Medusa”.


“Best hospitals” is a network of medical centers in Moscow. On the website of the organization says that the main principles of its work was “responsible, friendly and decent treatment of patients.” The procedure of female circumcision conducted at the clinic near the Baumanskaya metro, according to “Medusa”.

The material of the publication it is reported that in November, the editors received an anonymous letter which told about the procedure in the “best hospitals”. He also had to text screenshots from the organization’s website, which contains the price for this service.

In addition to the cost it was written that medical indications for surgery no, this is usually done for religious reasons, girls from 5 to 12 years.NewsFemale circumcision in the Caucasus has angered politicians and doctors

In the chat on the website “Medusa” confirmed that the centre carries out the procedure of clitorectomy (female circumcision). And along with the tests and anesthesia, it will cost patients in 70 thousand roubles. Then the reporter came to the clinic, where he talked with the Deputy Director of network Love Aksenova. She said that the clinic is doing the surgery, but information about age limits is not confirmed.

After the visit of the journalist of “Medusa”, the clinic’s website was missing information about the procedure klitorektomii. However, when prompted to “klitorektomiya” in the search engine “Yandex” the first link leads to the website “best hospitals”.

Klitorektomiya is a ritual procedure, which is traditionally practiced in the countries of Africa, Asia and in the Russian Republic of Dagestan.

The world health organization, the United Nations and human rights organizations believe that the transaction violates the rights of women and called the procedure barbaric.

See also: “Circumcision is the most important holiday”. What transactions a migrant makes at home

