Scientists are now closer to the resurrection of the mammoth

Scientists are now closer to the resurrection of the mammoth

The new hybrid will be without tusks, so he wouldn’t be hunted by poachers.

Two years ago experts of Harvard has successfully introduced DNA mammoth DNA of living elephants. Now scientists are working on a different task: creating an artificial uterus to grow the embryo of a hybrid animal. Experts do not want to grow the embryo in the uterus of a live elephant in order not to undermine the purity of the experiment. While experiments conducted on mice, as they have a shorter period of gestation.

The publication DailyMail quoted the head of research Professor George Church: “My goal is not just to resurrect mammoths and show how their genetic material. If this works, we will get resistant to cold elephants with completely new characteristics.” Now the hard part is to grow embryos in the laboratory. The problem is complicated by the fact that elephants have very long gestation, and experiments take a lot of time.

