“The beard around the head”. The Network is a very strange flash mob

“The beard around the head”. The Network is a very strange flash mob

How and who came up with this idea — is unknown. But the main question — why?

Published Things that are not aesthetic April 14, 2018At boot time the error occurred.

In Facebook there was a strange trend of men take pictures of their chins from below. And one of the main conditions of the “right” frame is the presence of a beard. Thanks to this unusual perspective, people are similar to humanoids, but apparently it is in this sense.

The first selection of cadres with his head thrown back published in the group of Things that are not aesthetic (“Ugly things”), which specializiruetsya on all the weird stuff. Just a few days, the post became so popular that the photo spread across the Internet, and users started to actively add and your chins that eventually spawned a kind of flash mob.

Published Things that are not aesthetic April 14, 2018At boot time the error occurred.
Published Braydan Gnarkill on 14 April 2018At boot time the error occurred.
Published Kuba Ozog April 14, 2018At boot time the error occurred.
Published Babs Iam 14 APR 2018At boot time the error occurred.Those who have their beard and Swan neck doesn’t want to brag, photoshop existing images of the other, creating countless new faces.
Published by Maxime JB April 15, 2018,During the download an error has occurred.
Flavius Iulian published April 16, 2018,During the download an error has occurred.
Published by Jordan Daniel Kirchner April 14, 2018At boot time the error occurred.

