Trump and macron exchanged data about the proposed himatake in Syria

Trump and macron exchanged data about the proposed himatake in Syria MOSCOW, 9 APR — RIA Novosti. The presidents of France Emmanuel Makron and the US Donald trump during a telephone conversation exchanged data confirming the use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Duma, according to a published in the Monday communiqué of the Elysee Palace. “President Emmanuel macron discussed on Sunday 8 April 2018 with the US President the situation in Syria. The President of the French Republic strongly condemned the chemical attack against the people of Duma in Eastern ghouta, on 7 April. The President of the Republic and the President of the United States exchanged information and data analysis confirming the use of chemical weapons,” — said in a communique. Earlier, U.S. President Donald trump has accused Russia and Iran of supporting the Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad on the background information about the chemical attack in the