Revealed new health benefits of friendship

Revealed new health benefits of friendship

Experts from northwestern University in the US found that maintaining a warm and trusting relationship with people can be the key to reduce the rate of brain aging.

In the framework of the SuperAging experts have identified people aged 80 years, who are distinguished as good indicators of cognitive activities as people aged 50 to 60 years. Then these people, and also group of their peers with the average for his age, indicators of mental clarity were asked to answer questions about their lives: relationships with others, purpose in life, self-determination, and respect to the environment.

The results showed that people with strong social ties show higher clarity than their peers who are not as well maintain relationships with friends.

According to experts, this study confirms the theory that the maintenance of strong social ties is related to slower decline in cognitive abilities.

“This discovery is particularly interesting as a step to understanding what factors underlie the preservation of cognitive abilities in old age,” said one of the study’s authors Amanda cook, the words of which are given on the website of the North-Western University, USA.

Other studies have shown that people with insufficiently strong social ties more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease.

“Not to say that if you have a strong social bond, you will never have Alzheimer’s. But the observance of a certain diet, quitting Smoking and maintaining strong social ties can be important in this matter,” — added scientists.

