Mexican President Enrique peña Nieto announced the discovery of the country’s largest in 15 years oil field. About it reports TV channel Channel NewsAsia.
He said that the field in the state of Veracruz found company Pemex.
Estimates of the Mexicans, the original reserves estimated at more than 1.5 billion barrels of oil.
The new field was named ICICI-1 (Ixachi-1). In a press release, Pemex said that the Deposit is of great economic importance, as it is close to existing infrastructure for oil that will help to develop the field quickly. The Mexican President also said that oil thanks to the favorable location of the field will be able to produce at a low cost.
In November 2016, the US has discovered the largest oil and gas fields. United States geological survey (USGS) published the data on Wolfcamp shale formation in Texas. Technically recoverable reserves of oil in the Wolfcamp are 20 billion barrels, natural gas — 453 billion cubic meters, gas condensate — 1.6 billion barrels, according to the materials of the USGS. These resources three times more discovered by the service in 2013, the reserves in the field Bakken-Three Forks, noted the Agency.