The Indian military has built the highest road in the world

India built the most mountainous road in the world. New track with a length of 86 kilometers connects the settlements Chizumi and Demchok in Ladakh in Jammu and Kashmir in the North. The highest point of the road located at an altitude of 19300 feet (5883 m), reports Indian television channel NDTV.

The track is located on the border with China and is of strategic importance. Decoke placed in the Indian military camp.
According to the TV station, and the construction was in difficult conditions allowed the poor with oxygen at low temperatures.

India is actively building in Ladakh Railways and roads, which if necessary will allow you to quickly transfer troops and equipment into a mountainous region.

30 October, Russia opened the road Lidoga — Vanino, which began in 1997. The route length of 319 kilometers runs through mountainous terrain and connects six districts of the Khabarovsk territory.

