In Chechnya, a textbook on Akhmat Kadyrov was included in the school curriculum

In schools of Chechnya, during Russian history lessons, they began to study a book about Akhmat Kadyrov -Khadzhi Kadyrov, the Grozny State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company reports on its Instagram. It is reported that the textbook entitled “The Path Illuminated by Light” was published a year ago, and it began to be studied in schools in September 2021. According to the TV channel, the book tells about the life and activities of Kadyrov as head of the republic's administration, his work, political views and achievements. “An important part of the book is devoted to the story of how the most important dream of Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov came true – to protect your people from troubles and wars, ”emphasizes the ChGTRK. The book is included in the main program for the study of the history of Russia in grades 9 and 11. It is noted that the initiator of the book

Самые высокие небоскребы сравнили в 3D-анимации

Дизайнеры канала MetaBall Studios сравнили самые высокие здания мира в эффектной визуализации. В качестве фона они выбрали территорию Нью-Йорка, а вот небоскребы «собрали» со всего мира. В анимации можно увидеть и «Лахта-центр» из Санкт-Петербурга, и Шанхайский всемирный финансовый центр, и сверхвысотный небоскреб «Бурдж-Халифа» в Дубае. Размер зданий указан от фундамента до самого кончика, включая антенны и шпили. В ролике можно увидеть 10 самых высоких зданий мира, другие же выбраны субъективно, говорят авторы видео. В анимацию не включены телевышки, статуи и памятники. Черная пятница обрушит цены на тысячи товаров Анна Лысенко Еще больше интересного об архитектуре

Путин выразил соболезнования родным Александра Градского

«Президент выразил глубокие соболезнования», — сказал Песков журналистам. Советский и российский певец, поэт и композитор Александр Градский родился 3 ноября 1949 года в городе Копейске Челябинской области. Градский — народный артист России (1999), лауреат Госпремии РФ (1998), его дискография насчитывает более четырех десятков альбомов. Градский является автором музыки более чем к 40 художественным фильмам, нескольким десяткам документальных и мультипликационных фильмов, среди которых, в частности, «Легенда о старом маяке» (1976), «Охота» (1979), «Следствие ведут Знатоки» (1985), «Перевал» (1988), «Узник замка Иф» (1988), «Стереотипы» (1989), «В августе 44-го» (2001) и другие. Также Градский является автором первой советской рок-оперы «Стадион» (1973), посвященной памяти чилийского певца Виктора Хары, музыки к первому отечественному рок-балету «Человек» по роману Редьярда Киплинга. В сентябре 2009 года была представлена опера Градского «Мастер и Маргарита». Сам композитор исполнил арии Мастера, Иешуа, Воланда и Кота Бегемота. Александр Градский работал в совместных проектах и концертах с такими известными исполнителями, как Лайза Минелли, Шарль Азнавур, Джон Денвер, Крис Кристоферссон, Дайяна Уорвик, Сэмми Дэвис, Синди Петерсон и многими другими. С 2012 по 2015 год Градский являлся членом жюри музыкального

Kadyrov's spokesman reported on the beating of a Chechen schoolgirl in Nizhnevartovsk

Kadyrov's representative in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug: a 13-year-old Chechen woman was beaten during an interethnic conflict Representative of the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov in the Khanty-Mansiysk (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug) Adlan Orzaliev said that a group of schoolchildren from Nizhnevartovsk beat a 13-year-old Chechen girl during an interethnic conflict. He recorded a video message to the Governor of Ugra Natalya Komarova, writes “The girl was humiliated, insulted, spat on her. The victim is in the hospital with a broken nose and a concussion, “Orzaliev said. According to him, the injured child is in shock and cannot stand up. Orzaliev demanded that the law enforcement agencies bring the attackers and their parents to justice., citing a law enforcement source, writes that the conflict between the students of one of the schools was of an everyday nature. The press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Khanty-Mansi

Russian biathlete forgot sticks and was late for the race at the World Cup

Russian biathlete Yevgeny Garanichev forgot his poles and started late at the World Cup Russian biathlete Yevgeny Garanichev was late at the start of the world forgetting ski poles. This was reported by Match TV. The Russian athlete started after number 117. In total, he was 35 seconds late. Swedish biathlete Sebastian Samuelsson became the winner of the sprint. The second result was shown by the Norwegian Vetle Sjastad Christiansen. His compatriot Johannes Beh was third. The best of the Russians was Alexander Loginov. He finished tenth. On November 27, biathlete Eduard Latypov mistakenly went to the firing line instead of the finishing line during the individual 20 km race. Because of this, he lost his chances of being among the winners.

Russian biathlete forgot sticks and was late for the race at the World Cup

Russian biathlete Yevgeny Garanichev forgot his sticks and started late at the World Cup forgetting ski poles. This was reported by Match TV. The Russian athlete started after number 117. In total, he was 35 seconds late. Swedish biathlete Sebastian Samuelsson became the winner of the sprint. The second result was shown by the Norwegian Vetle Sjastad Christiansen. His compatriot Johannes Beh was third. The best of the Russians was Alexander Loginov. He finished tenth. On November 27, biathlete Eduard Latypov mistakenly went to the firing line instead of the finishing line during the individual 20 km race. Because of this, he lost his chances of being among the winners.

In Kazakhstan, outraged by the publications of the Russian media about the situation of Russians

The leader of the Ak Zhol party was outraged by the publications of the Russian media about the Russian language in Kazakhstan Azat Peruashev was outraged by the publications of the Russian media on the situation of the Russian population and the status of the Russian language in the country. The politician shared his opinion on his Telegram channel. “Russian media continue to fuss with the topic of the Russian language in Kazakhstan,” he wrote. Related materials00:01 – October 3 ” Don't forget who you are “Kazakhstan declared war on the Russian language. Why is it considered a threat to the country? 00: 04 – August 20 Talk here. Language patrols, prison and persecution: how Russians are oppressed in Kazakhstan? He called the arguments of the Russian experts, also cited in the publication, “controversial.” He was also struck by the placement in the material of the words of Balashov himself,

Kadyrov's spokesman reported on the beating of a Chechen schoolgirl in Nizhnevartovsk

Kadyrov's representative in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug: a 13-year-old Chechen woman was beaten during an interethnic conflict Representative of the head of Chechnya Ramzan-Kadyrov in Khanty (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug) Adlan Orzaliev said that a group of schoolchildren from Nizhnevartovsk beat a 13-year-old Chechen girl during an interethnic conflict. He recorded a video message to the Governor of Ugra Natalya Komarova, writes “The girl was humiliated, insulted, spat on her. The victim is in the hospital with a broken nose and a concussion, “Orzaliev said. According to him, the injured child is in shock and cannot stand up. Orzaliev demanded that the law enforcement agencies bring the attackers and their parents to justice., citing a law enforcement source, writes that the conflict between the students of one of the schools was of an everyday nature. The press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

In Kazakhstan, outraged by the publications of the Russian media about the situation of Russians

The leader of the Ak Zhol party was outraged by the publications of the Russian media about the Russian language in Kazakhstan Azat Peruashev was outraged by the publications of the Russian media on the situation of the Russian population and the status of the Russian language in the country. The politician shared his opinion on his Telegram channel. “Russian media continue to poke at the topic of the Russian language in Kazakhstan,” he wrote. Related materials00: 01 – October 3 ” Do not forget who you are “Kazakhstan declared war on the Russian language. Why is it considered a threat to the country? 00: 04 – August 20 Talk here. Language patrols, prison and persecution: how Russians are oppressed in Kazakhstan? He called the arguments of the Russian experts, also cited in the publication, “controversial.” He was also struck by the placement in the material of the words of

Died former deputy head of the Federal Penitentiary Service

Deputy Khinshtein: former deputy director of the FSIN Nikolai Barinov died to freedom in 2020. This was announced in his Telegram channel by the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications Alexander Khinshtein. Barinov was 63 years old, in the FSIN he was responsible for logistical and financial and economic issues. He held this position for 12 years, from 1998 to 2010. Several years after he retired, he was tried and found guilty of accepting bribes. Khinshtein did not name the cause of death. The investigation established that Barinov had entered into an agreement with the general director of the contractor for the construction of the Kresty-2 prison, Viktor Kudrin, and the head of another contractor of government agencies, Ruslan Khamkhokov. It is believed that he received from them more than 44 million rubles from public money.