In Ukraine, Poroshenko is suspected of treason – the purchase of coal from Donbass

On & nbsp; Monday, 20 & nbsp; December, investigators of the State Bureau of Investigation handed Poroshenko documents about & nbsp & quot; rabs & laquo; This case also includes the head of the political council of the OPLZ Viktor Medvedchuk, businessman Serhiy Kuzyara and & nbsp; ex-Minister of Energy Volodymyr Demchishin. Poroshenko is being investigated under & nbsp; articles & nbsp; Criminal Code of Ukraine “ Financing of terrorism '', “ ; Treason '', and & nbsp; also “ Creation of a terrorist organization. '' Last week, Poroshenko left Ukraine when they tried to serve him a summons to the & nbsp; court. European Solidarity reported that & nbsp; Poroshenko “ left for & nbsp; a pre-planned diplomatic tour to & nbsp; Turkey and & nbsp; Poland. '' Soon it became known that & nbsp; Poroshenko arrived in & nbsp; Istanbul, where he met with & nbsp./p>

A traffic violator in Israel found ancient treasures in his car

Stopping a suspect car, police find ancient items Bar Kochba rebels took from Romans Detectives searching a vehicle in #Jerusalem find box with rare bronze antiquities believed seized by Jewish rebels 2,000 years ago as spoils of war – Sarah (@Sarah404BC) December 17, 2021 New Year’s Sale: discounts up to – 60% Ekaterina Gura

The Federation Council explained why Russia does not impose fines for refusing the vaccine

“We do not have mandatory vaccination. Therefore, a fine for refusing vaccination cannot be supported,” he explained. On the eve of the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova said that the authorities are studying the experience of other countries on the introduction of fines for refusing to vaccinate: “ let’s see how effective it is, how applicable.” Earlier, Austria announced the consideration of such a possibility. They have developed a bill according to which, in case of refusal of vaccination, a citizen will be summoned to the district administrative body. If he refuses, he will be called again, and if he does not appear again, he will face a fine of €3.6 thousand or imprisonment for four weeks. With the following refusals, the amount of the fine will increase to € 7.2 thousand. While the initiative is being discussed and not legally fixed. If the law is passed, it may come

Cambridge scientists have declared a lesser danger of “omicron”-a strain for the lungs

As it turned out, omicron replicates in organoids and cell lines of Calu-3 lungs less efficiently than the delta strain and the D614G mutation found in China. The weaker infectivity of omicron compared to these two strains may be explained by the relatively lower cleavage of S-protein compared to the delta strain, scientists believe. At the same time, the same penetration efficiency was observed in the H1299 lung epithelial cells. “Observations show that omicron has acquired properties that allow it to evade immunity, while the properties associated with replication and pathogenicity have weakened,” the study says. Despite these data, omicron is “a serious problem for the public health system” because of the speed of its spread, said the head of the study, Professor Ravi Gupta. A new variant of the coronavirus was detected in southern Africa in early November, since then cases of infection have been recorded in 89 countries

In Moscow, you can have dinner in an apartment from the “Irony of Fate”

View this post on Instagram Post by Delivery Club (@delivery_club) It is reported that the apartment from the most popular New Year’s movie has been recreated in great detail. For example, there is a guitar and Nadia’s dress in the hall, and a real Hippolyta fur coat hangs in the bathroom. You can not only see the famous apartment, but also have dinner in it. Guests of such an unusual “restaurant” will be treated to specialties from the film – aspic fish, olivier, herring under a fur coat, tangerines and Soviet champagne. It is reported that it will be absolutely free to get to dinner, but the number of seats is limited — 5 dinners a day until December 25. To get to the New Year’s Eve dinner, you need to go to the Delivery Club app, select the option “Book a restaurant Irony of Fate” and book an apartment

The virologist named the number of antibodies necessary to neutralize the “omicron” strain

“Some unpublished studies tell us that stopping a new virus requires 10-40 times more antibodies than those that are sufficient to neutralize the original strain,” he explained. At the same time, the specialist added that the “omicron” strain can bypass both antibodies obtained after two vaccinations and those that appeared after recovery. According to him, the effectiveness of the coronavirus vaccination course can be discussed only after the third dose of vaccination. However, the specialist noted one nuance. “We should not think that the need to do a second injection is proof of the failure of these drugs against COVID,” said the virologist. According to Palu, scientists cannot yet say for sure how much more painful the new strain is compared to delta. “The experience of South Africa, which would seem to indicate this, does not work here. The population of South Africa is younger than the European one, the

Kremlin announces measures in response to NATO deployment of nuclear weapons near borders

Russia will take steps to & nbsp; & quot; balancing & raquo; situation if NATO places nuclear weapons near & nbsp; borders of the country, said the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov. This is how Peskov answered the & nbsp; question about & nbsp; the possibility of placing Russian nuclear weapons in & nbsp; Belarus. “ It is not a secret for & nbsp; who is & nbsp; that, of course, the deployment of various types of weapons [NATO] at & nbsp; our borders, which may pose a threat to us, will require taking appropriate steps “, & nbsp; & mdash; he is quoted by TASS. The president's press secretary added that & nbsp; in such a situation, “ a variety of options are possible. '' Foreign Minister of Belarus Vladimir Makei in & nbsp; interview with & nbsp; RT Arabic On December 18 & nbsp; declared that & nbsp;