The defense Ministry took on the “Army-2016” more than 300 designs for possible implementation

© Sergey Bobylev/press service of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, November 5. /TASS/. More than 300 designs submitted for the International military-technical forum “Army-2016” selected for possible implementation. About this informed the radio station “Echo of Moscow” Deputy chief of the research activities of the defense Ministry, major-General Roman Kordyukov.

Obama acknowledged that US military intervention leads to big problems

The intervention of Washington sometimes has unexpected consequences, admitted the incumbent President Barack Obama in an interview with TV channel HBO.   According to him, military assistance is necessary in cases, when it comes to the protection of American citizens from the threat posed by terrorist groups such as the banned in Russia “Islamic state” and al-Qaida.   “Around the world, bad things happen, our instinct tells us that we need to do something. These are the times when the intervention is important. However, there have been cases where unforeseen consequences without intent lead to more problems. To determine what can lead to certain actions, is one of the most difficult challenges facing any President,” – said the American leader.   In addition, Obama stressed that the United States is very important to have allies to work in the international arena to maintain “the basic world order.” Photo: U. S.

Sun recommends that you do not make the case about extremism only for reposts in social networks

Sun recommends that you do not make the case about extremism only for reposts in social networks MOSCOW, 3 Dec — RIA Novosti. The Supreme court of Russia does not recommend to initiate a case on extremism only for reposts in social networks: it is necessary to consider the context and comments to the disputed information, the correspondent of RIA Novosti news from the meeting of the Plenum of the Supreme court. “(In such matters) should be based on the totality of all the circumstances of the offense and consider, inter alia, context, form and content of posted information, the availability and content of reviews or other expressions of relationship to it”, — stated in the draft of the plenary. The court noted that in 2015, the convictions for extremist crimes increased by almost two times, for six months of 2016 to justice attracted 398 people. The armed forces noticed

The photographer came up to shoot people’s reactions to the compliments

The photographer came up to shoot people’s reactions to the compliments Turkish photographer Mehmet genç, working under the name “Nomad without a destination”, catches people off guard, and then videoing them. The project he calls “You’re beautiful”. The idea is simple: genç tells people: “You are so beautiful!” and then films their reaction. As seen in the photos, the result is radiant. Gench worked for six years in Istanbul, has decided not to fulfill the dream and studying photography, reports Boredpanda. Courage of fools sometimes can help you make the most important decision in life.Genç Mehmetoglu He was born and raised in the city of Samsum, but now, it seems, made his home the world. He now lives in Brazil. For travel by Mehmet can be followed on his instagram, joining more than 91,000 subscribers.

Albright believes that the West should be afraid of Sputnik and Russia Today

Albright believes that the West should be afraid of Sputnik and Russia Today MOSCOW, 3 Dec — RIA Novosti. Former U.S. Secretary of state Madeleine Albright has ranked the Agency Sputnik and RT to the main means of information warfare that is to be feared the Western countries, putting special vigor of these Russian efforts in Europe and Asian countries of the former USSR. “For years, Russia and other authoritarian governments are engaged in a shadow campaign to discredit democratic institutions around the world, concentrating most of the energy for Europe and the former Soviet republics in Asia. The purpose (in this case) is not necessarily proof of the superiority of their system, but underestimate the importance of the idea of a representative (democratic) government, and also undermine (authority) of the Western leaders by issuing them as corrupt or vicious. This war is being waged propaganda media such as Russia

Kadyrov asked Erdogan to give three terrorist leaders

Ramzan Kadyrov The head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov has asked the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to positively resolve the issue of extradition to Russia of three detainees in Turkey, the leaders of the terrorists acting in the North Caucasus. This was reported on the website of the administration of the Republic. We are talking about Magrane Saidova, Udalova Aslanbek and Tarkhan Gaziyev. “There is credible evidence that each of them was organized and performed numerous acts of terrorism, assassinations of military, police and civilians. All this was accompanied by extreme cruelty,” — said Kadyrov. In particular, as recalled by the head of Chechnya, Vadalov killed 10 policemen in ishkhoy-Yurt, in the village of Benoy-Vedeno killed three people, set fire to the houses. Gaziyev was killed in the village Bugaroi 82-year-old Hamida Vismutova. Together with Arbi Barayev abducted Russian presidential envoy to Chechnya Valentin Vlasov, Hohoe killed one

Trump accused of rape, the woman withdrew the claim

Donald Trump American woman under the pseudonym Jane DOE, who said that the candidate in US presidents from Republican party, Donald trump raped her when she was 13 years old, was withdrawn from the court of your claim against the policy. On Saturday, November 5, reports the Guardian with reference to the statement of lawyer women. “Jane DOE has asked us to withdraw the lawsuit against trump and Epstein (billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, whom the American had named an accomplice in the crime — approx. “Of the”). For her, this week was hard. Wish her that all was well,” wrote the defender Lisa bloom in his microblog on Twitter. — Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) 05 Nov 2016, 00:30 The advocate reported “numerous threats” from the Jane DOE. According to bloom, the woman lives in fear. As notes the edition, the American doesn’t want to talk to the press. In October, more

Yevkurov gave the king of Saudi Arabia portrait from fish skin

Yunus-Bek Yevkurov and the Salman bin Abdul Aziz al Saud Photo: The head of Ingushetia Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, while on an official visit to Saudi Arabia, gave to king Salman his portrait, made from fish skin. On Wednesday, November 2, reports “Yes, we the king gave his portrait — from fish skin, in our country there is such an exclusive artist. And another good old dagger. Plus our Ingush honey that he tried, which he is good,” said Yevkurov. The head of Ingushetia arrived in the middle Eastern Kingdom on October 31. November 1, he met with the king of Saudi Arabia Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud. According to Yevkurov, the monarch expressed a genuine respect for Russia and its role in world politics. “It was very sincere. By the way, the king is a modest soul. Of course, he is a deep respect”, — said the head of