The Empire strikes back cyberwar

Photo: Shutterstock The American side did not hesitate to use military vocabulary, decided to prepare “field for cyberbite”. The attack will be implemented if the attack exposed the United States. About it reports NBC News, citing senior officials. Infiltrating critical infrastructure, United States, at least, can turn off the electricity and Internet services in major Russian cities. Such actions, according to American media, are a response to a hacker attack, allegedly committed against the USA by Russia. The official persons of the country and U.S. intelligence reportedly has evidence that Russian hackers have already examined inside a critical infrastructure of the United States and even left malicious software (ON). Therefore, the steps taken by Pro-government hackers of the country are a logical continuation of the story. Officials in the first place, publicly to be concerned that Russia may use its kiberbezopasnosti to attempt to disrupt the presidential elections which will

A good mine at bad game – the analyst about the news about hackers breaking Russian systems

The political scientist Ildus Arulin commented in a radio interview with “Star” in the appeared information that the alleged military hackers, the United States entered into the command system of the Kremlin and ready to attack. According to experts, this statement is an attempt to wishful thinking.   “There is a confrontation between the West and Russia. And if all the noise that the Russian hackers can do it, why not say that we network in Russia climbed, do not be surprised if tonight will see the information that hacked websites of the people’s liberation army of China, because the Chinese are also accused of spying. You need to keep a good mine at bad game, to show that they can too,” said the analyst.   Earlier, NBC reported that hackers from the United States was introduced in the electricity and telecommunications of Russia, and also in the command system

The Chinese Prosecutor found 149 apartments

The Chinese Prosecutor found 149 apartments According to investigators, Xu, Linbao in collusion with his son-in-law issued in one of the banks a loan of $14.2 million, and purchased this property. BEIJING, November 3. /Offset. TASS Roman Balandin/. The Chinese authorities found the Deputy chief of Department of Prosecutor’s office of Nanchang (the administrative center of Jiangxi province, East China) Xu, Lingbo and his family of ownership of 149 apartments with a total value of 110 million yuan (about $16.3 million). On Thursday, reported news portal “Sina”. According to investigators, Xu, Linbao in collusion with his son-in-law, one of the Moons of Uew through credit card fraud issued in one of the banks in the city loan of 96 million yuan ($14.2 million) and acquired the property. According to “Sina”, now colleagues Xu Lingbao from the Prosecutor’s office has issued a warrant for the arrest of the Moons, WEU and

More than 300 dead seals found on Caspian coast in Dagestan

More than 300 dead seals found on Caspian coast in Dagestan To determine the exact cause of death impossible. ASTRAKHAN, November 3. /Offset. TASS Elena Porotikova/. More than 300 dead seals found along Caspian sea coast in Dagestan. To determine the exact location and cause of death can not be reported by TASS Director of the State nature reserve “Dagestan” Kurban Kuniev who takes part in the international conference “Marine mammals of Holarctic” in Astrakhan. “Information was received on 1 November, was immediately organized the expedition, we left the territory, were 27 km and found 317 heads of dead seals. That’s a lot. But I will stress that the seals were killed on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan, their storm wind brought to us from neighboring territories, the storm was just at the end of October,” said Koniev. According to him, found animals that are still on the

Carter: the U.S. nuclear potential remains a top priority of the Pentagon

Carter: the U.S. nuclear potential remains a top priority of the Pentagon WASHINGTON, November 3. /Offset. TASS Andrey Shitov/. The nuclear deterrent remains the “cornerstone” of U.S. military strategy. This was stated by Minister of defense Ashton Carter, speaking at the ceremony of the change of the commander of the Strategic command of the armed forces of the United States. This post replaces General U.S. air force John Khayten, replacing Navy Admiral Cecil Haney. “The American nuclear deterrent is the cornerstone of our security,” Carter said. “It remains a top priority of the Ministry of defence”, — he added. VideoDuring a debate, Clinton blabbed about the nuclear button, America Addressing the participants of the ceremony, which was held at the air base Offutt air force base (Nebraska), the Pentagon chief said, “You have to keep a large-scale nuclear attack on the United States and our allies. Help convince a potential

The government will consider amendments about the warning signs for vehicles

The sign “Novice driver” The package of amendments to the traffic Rules, prepared by the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, will be considered by government. On Saturday, November 5th, said Deputy head of traffic police Vladimir Kuzin, reports “Interfax”. In particular, the amendments include a ban on the operation of vehicles not equipped with warning signs, such as “Spikes”, “Educational vehicle”, “Novice driver”. “In the event of the entry of the rule in force on the driver will be prosecuted in accordance with article 12.5 of the administrative code of Russian Federation (“management of the vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions at which operation of vehicles is forbidden” — approx. “Of the”), which sanction provides a penalty of 500 rubles,” — he explained. Also, according to the draft amendments, will increase the requirements for novice drivers, experience less than two years. They provided the speed limit

In Turkey, arrested the chief editor of the newspaper Cumhuriyet

Before the building of the editors of Cumhuriyet is 80-year-old journalist Orkhan ARINC Turkey arrested nine people, the oldest opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet, including chief editor Murat Sabuncu. On Saturday, November 5, reports the Hürriyet Daily News. The journalists Hikmet of Cetinkaya and Aydin Engin, which previously was also detained, was released on his own recognizance. Employees Cumhuriyet accused of supporting the opposition movement of Islamic preacher Fethullah Gulen, who is accused of organizing the coup in July this year, and the forbidden in Turkey Kurdistan workers ‘ party in Turkey is actually equivalent to the involvement in terrorist activities. October 31 was arrested 11 journalists of the newspaper Cumhurriyet. When this was issued the detention order on the 15th of the magazine’s staff, four of whom, presumably, are outside the country. In addition, the Turkish authorities also issued a warrant for the arrest of the former editor-in-chief Cumhurriyet Jana Dündar,

The Senator saw the threats Kerry attempt a Declaration of war

Vladimir Dzhabarov Photo: RIA Novosti Statement of U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry on the response to alleged Russian hacker attack is an attempt to declare war. This point of view in an interview with “” on Wednesday, November 2, was expressed by the first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Vladimir Jabbarov. “Under the threat of a hacker attack, we’re trying to declare war. I think that such statements are made ahead of the election, because less than a week (presidential elections will be held in the United States November 8 — approx. “Of the”), to escalate the situation”, — said the Senator. However, in his opinion, after the election relations between the countries will be safer. About such statements are quickly forgotten, so working with the new administration of the United States, they are not hurt, said Jabbarov. Earlier Wednesday, John Kerry said