British military intelligence admitted the “Armata” a revolution in tank – The Telegraph

Military intelligence great Britain recognized the Russian tank T-14 “Armata” the most revolutionary thing that ever happened to tank in the last half century, this publication reports The Telegraph. In the newspaper has got an internal document intended for consideration by the officers of the British army intelligence.   “Without exaggeration, the creation of “Armata” represents the most revolutionary step taken in tank for the last half century. No wonder he caused a sensation,” admits the author of the document.   “Fully loaded, “Armata”, certainly deserves recognition of its most revolutionary tank of its generation. For the first time in a main battle tank built fully automated turret, the first time the crew hid in a special armour,” adds the Creator of the report.   Speaking about the Russian tank, the author of the document drew attention to the recipients of the report to the current defense strategy of the

Two passenger “Boeing” has got dangerously close in the skies over the Ivanovo region

Two passenger “Boeing” has got dangerously close in the skies over the Ivanovo region Moscow. 3 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Two passenger “Boeing” passed at a dangerously close distance from each other in the air near the town of Ivanovo, has informed “Interfax” on Thursday a source in the emergency services of the region. According to him, due to unauthorized reduction of airplane flight EN route Istanbul-Moscow, with a height of 3650 m to 3350 m he went at a dangerously close distance from the plane, EN route flight Moscow-Grozny, gaining the height. Has been activated on-Board systems. The discrepancy between the aircraft ended well, said the Agency interlocutor. In fact the incident being investigated, the source added.

Discovered fragments of “Schiaparelli” on the surface of Mars

Discovered fragments of “Schiaparelli” on the surface of Mars The European space Agency (ESA) has published a new, color the area on Mars where it crashed on the descent module of the Russian-European mission ExoMars. Photos were taken November 1 by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). On Thursday, November 3, reports TASS. The Agency notes, this frame compared to the previous black-and-white image is slightly “shifted” to the West. “The last pictures shed light on some details which we could only speculate after the first photos. So, about several bright white spots around the dark area now safe to say that they are real objects, not digital noise in the image. Therefore, they likely represent fragments of “Schiaparelli” (Schiaparelli),” — said the Agency. .@Using NASA’s MRO’s @HiRISE returns colour image of #ExoMars @ESA_EDM on surface of #Mars. More details revealed: — ESA (@esa) November 3, 2016 To the

The Pentagon has confirmed death of three us military in Jordan

The Pentagon has confirmed death of three us military in Jordan Moscow. 4 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Three U.S. troops died in Jordan on Friday in the incident involving weapons at a military base in Jordan, is currently under criminal investigation, according to the Pentagon. “I regret to inform you that three American soldiers were killed today as a result of the shooting incident at a military base in Jordan,” reads the statement of the official representative of the American military establishment, Peter cook. As noted in the statement, according to initial information, the Americans came under fire trying to stop vehicles on the territory of the military base. The U.S. government began to cooperate with the government of Jordan to set events. Earlier it was reported that three American military trainers, was fired on by Jordanian soldiers at the entrance checkpoint. According to the American editions, the car in which

In a residential building in Ivanovo exploded gas

The from archiveprocessing: the interior Ministry called the possible culprit of the explosion in the Ivanovo Household gas exploded in a two-storey residential building in Ivanovo. On Sunday, November 6, reports “Interfax” with reference to the head of information and public relations of the regional Ministry of internal Affairs Vladislav Radostin. According to him, the incident occurred on 6 November at about 04:00 Moscow time in the house No. 63-B on the streets of Minsk. “According to preliminary data, in the house of partially collapsed the structure. Probably, there are victims, as we hear the cries of the people,” he said. In the regional head office of EMERCOM RIA Novosti said that under the rubble can be up to eight people. The source in law enforcement bodies of the city said to “Interfax” about five residents, including two children. According to him, the epicenter of the explosion was in the

The city Duma adopted a resolution to restrict the use and sale of wapow

Photo: RIA Novosti Moscow city Duma adopted a resolution on regulating the sale and use of wapow. “I offer this resolution to take. We will contact the Russian government will distribute to all and let’s hope that the issue will be addressed at the Federal level”,— quotes “RIA Novosti” the words of the Chairman of the city Commission for health Ludmilla Stebenkova. The document soderjitsya to enshrine in law the concept “electronic delivery systems nicotine” (ESDN), which merged with the concept of “electronic delivery system products non nicotine” (ESDP), which now fall-nicotine and beznikotinovye VAPI, as well as electronic cigarettes, electronic hookahs and other similar devices. In addition, it is proposed to establish General requirements for ISDN by which it will be possible to classify products for quality and to monitor its turnover. Earlier it became known that in Moscow city Council discuss the issue of banning the use of

The bodyguards took the tramp off the stage during a performance in Nevada: video

The security service was urgently withdrawn from the stage of the candidate in US presidents from Republican party of Donald trump during his speech in Nevada, reports CBS News.   The footage broadcast of the event can be seen on the stage run into several bodyguards. Covering trump themselves, they carry the candidate to the exit. In the hall while panic reigns, the audience don’t understand what happened.   According to reporters who attended the speech, it all happened very quickly and very close to the stage. The place was surrounded by police officers, they won’t let anyone get close and did not explain anything. We only know that in a few minutes the tramp returned to the stage and continued his speech.

Zakharchenko has left under arrest till March 8

Zakharchenko has left under arrest till March 8 Moscow. 3 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Presnensky court of Moscow sanctioned the extension of the arrest for four months, the former acting head of the “T” anti-corruption Central Directorate of interior Ministry Dmitry Zakharchenko, accused of bribery and abuse of power. As the correspondent of “Interfax”, about it it is spoken in the decree of the judge Tatyana vasyuchenko, announced the results of consideration of petitions of investigation. “The petition of the investigation to satisfy. To extend the accused Zakharchenko measure of restraint in form of detention for four months, and to five months of 20 days, i.e. until March 8, 2017”, — stated in the decree.