In the United States decreased the gap between the main participants of the presidential race

In the United States decreased the gap between the main participants of the presidential race The candidate in US presidents from Democratic party, former Secretary of state Hillary Clinton ahead of his rival from the Republican party, billionaire Donald trump 2%, this is evidenced by the results of a survey of Fox News channel. According to the publication, Clinton is ready to vote 45% against 43% of respondents who supported the candidacy of trump. At the same time, according to the survey, 5% of Americans see as U.S. President libertarian Gary Johnson, 2% of the respondents became supporters of the women of the green party Jill Stein. The publication notes that the study was conducted in early November by phone, the survey involved more than 1.2 thousand Americans. See alsoAssange: Trump will not allow you to win the US presidential election Previously, such interviews conducted by ABC News and the

Zakharova: the coalition’s operation in Mosul has turned into a medieval massacre

© AP Photo/Marko Drobnjakovic MOSCOW, November 6. /TASS/. Carried out in conditions of absolute information blockade operation against the militants of the terrorist organization ISIS (banned in Russia – approx. TASS) in Mosul carried out by the coalition led by the USA, turned into a massacre in which massively killed civilians. About this informed the official representative of the Russian depodesta Maria Zakharova on his page in Facebook.

Zakharova has compared the coalition attack on Mosul with the medieval slaughter

Maria Zakharova The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova condemned the international coalition’s actions during a massive attack on the Iraqi city of Mosul, occupied by the militants of the “Islamic state” (IG). The diplomat outlined in Facebook. “Counter-terrorist operation conducted by the leading powers of the XXI century, has become a medieval massacre, which primarily affect the civilian population. The population of Mosul EN masse as dying from terrorists and their opposing coalition forces,” — said Zakharov. According to the diplomat, there is an information blockade of the events in Mosul by coalition forces. Zakharova also said that not developed a comprehensive plan for the rescue of civilians from the city and its environs, and humanitarian corridors do not exist. “One thing is clear, peaceful Iraqis of Mosul, the coalition is much worse than the fighters of Aleppo”, — concluded the spokesman. On the progress of the

The first production aircraft-amphibian be-200CHS performed a demonstration flight of the “Gidroaviasalon”

{{$root.cfg.modules.slider.galleryTable_3644287.stepNow *12 +1}} 5 {{$root.cfg.modules.slider.gallery_3644287.sliderLength-1}} © Marina Lystseva/TASS © Marina Lystseva/TASS © Marina Lystseva/TASS © Marina Lystseva/TASS © Marina Lystseva/TASS Editor’s choice Reconstruction of the horse-hound hunting of the nineteenth century in Belarus 6 Nov, 16:47 Died in their apartments: a residential building in Ivanovo destroyed by gas explosion 6 Nov, 12:16 “The space concentration of creativity”: how Moscow hosted the “Night of arts” 5 Nov, 17:37 Near Kiev, reburied 60 soldiers of the great Patriotic war 5 Nov, 16:25 A monument to the commander of the VDV Vasily Margelov opened in Yekaterinburg 4 Nov, 17:48 “We in Russia, we are one”: the Crimea and Sevastopol are celebrating the Day of national unity 4 Nov, 16:10 1 … … {{$root.cfg.modules.slider[‘gallery_3644287’].sliderLength – 1}} {{$root.cfg.modules.slider[‘gallery_3644287’].sliderLength – 1}} + © Marina Lystseva/TASS © Marina Lystseva/TASS © Marina Lystseva/TASS © Marina Lystseva/TASS © Marina Lystseva/TASS GELENDZHIK, September 22. /Offset. TASS Sergey Ukolov/. The first

The US and the Kurds launched an offensive on Raqqa

Kurdish “Syrian democratic forces,” with the support of the US air force launched an operation to liberate the Syrian city of raqqa fighters from the banned Islamic state. On Sunday, October 6, reports TASS.   Raqqa, located 520 kilometers from Damascus. This city serves as the main base of terrorists in the Arab country.   “The operation to regain control over Raqqa will be held in coordination with the international coalition. We will liberate Raqqa, liberated Kobane. We urge civilians to stay away from where the fighters, the priority is to ensure the safety of civilians”, – quotes Agency communiqué “SDS”.   The operation called “Wrath of the Euphrates” is designed to isolate the stronghold of ISIS from rear bases near the Turkish border.   According to local media reports, the terrorists are preparing to storm and have begun to build fortifications, set around the city roadblocks and mining approaches

The militants said about shot down Russian helicopters in Syria

The militants said about shot down Russian helicopters in Syria The militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, an organization banned in Russia) stated that it had shot down a Russian helicopter in the Syrian province of HOMS. It is reported by SITE Intel Group, which monitors terrorist groups on the Internet, citing the Agency Amaq. The report said that the helicopter was shot down by a missile. Other details in it are not given. Earlier, the IG has claimed responsibility for the attack in Nizhny Novgorod, which took place in October. “Two soldiers ISIL has committed an armed attack in Nizhny Novgorod in Russia on 23 October”, — stated in the message of terrorists. Read alsothe Head of IG said about the confidence in the final victory group October 23, Nizhny Novgorod hosted the operation, during which he was shot dead two terrorist suspects, one was arrested. As

Hackers broke into the website of the officials of Krasnoyarsk and named them loafers

Hackers broke into the website of the officials of Krasnoyarsk and named them loafers KRASNOYARSK, November 3 — RIA Novosti. Hackers broke into the website of the municipal public institution “Management of roads, infrastructure and landscaping” (UDIB) Krasnoyarsk leaving on the page the word “bums”. ADIB declares that the official website did not belong to them. As of Thursday evening, a white page with nothing but this line. The Management explained to RIA Novosti that know about the hacking incident, but the official website of the institution does not belong. See alsoHacker retaliated trying to hack a computer his parents hackers “Officially, the site is not Udiba. On the page in test mode really is area control, but officially it doesn’t belong to us. We have previously considered the site for the official information, but the owner was charged too high prices and from cooperation, we refused. According to

The media learned about the penetration of the military hackers of the USA in the Russian system

The media learned about the penetration of the military hackers of the USA in the Russian system Us military hackers broke into the Russian national grid, telecommunications networks and “the Kremlin’s system of control,” reports NBC News, citing senior intelligence officials and documents seen by the channel. As noted, this penetration creates the conditions in order to inflict harm on Russian systems, if the United States deems it necessary. See alsoHackers broke into the website of the officials of Krasnoyarsk and named them loafers Earlier, us officials said that Russia, China and other countries have penetrated segments of the critical infrastructure of the United States, leaving behind a bookmark of a malicious software, which when activated can turn off the electricity or the Internet in all major cities. Accordingly, as the answer assumes the adoption of similar measures. In the intelligence community said that this is true in relation to

From the rubble of a residential building in Ivanovo saved six

Archive From under the rubble of a house in Ivanovo, where the gas exploded, rescued six people, one woman died. About TASS said the representative of the regional emergency management Lyubov Romanova. “Trahedyang of a two-story house from two entrances which were not injured, evacuated 14 persons, six more are discovered and retrieved from the rubble at the third entrance, where the explosion occurred. Saved medical assistance,” explained Romanova. Evacuated from destroyed houses of people placed in a heated bus. Police cordoned off the scene. Rescue operations are continuing, involving the cadets of the Ivanovo firefighting and rescue Academy of EMERCOM of Russia. The home is registered for 21 people, under blockages there can be five tenants. On 6 November at about 04:00 Moscow time as a result of domestic gas explosion on the second floor of a residential building room 63B on the streets of Minsk have hit two