The Russian was charged with giving bribes to the organizers of the new York city marathon

The Russian was charged with giving bribes to the organizers of the new York city marathon Moscow. 4 Nov. INTERFAX.RU American authorities have begun investigation concerning the Russian agent, Andrei Baranov on suspicion of bribery and corruption. According to The New York Times, citing sources familiar with the investigation, he is suspected of paying bribes to the organizers of the new York marathon and other competitions. As believes a consequence, the rams were able to bribe the organizers of the marathon for the participation of athletes who dope. One of his clients — runaway Love Denisov, who repeatedly entered the top three marathons in new York, Boston and Los Angeles, — failed the doping test in 2007. Her blood found unacceptable levels of testosterone after she set a record in the marathon in Honolulu. The representative of the organizers of the new York marathon said that the Russian athletes not

Hackers attacked the Steam on the birthday of its founder

Hackers attacked the Steam on the birthday of its founder A group of hackers Phantom Squad has claimed responsibility for hacking the servers of the service of digital content, Steam. The representatives of the group said on its Twitter page. DDoS-attack was timed to the birthday of the head of Valve Gabe Newell on 3 November. Half an hour later hackers have stopped the attack and gave Newell his congratulations. We stopped the attacks on steam. Have fun and tell Gaben we said Happy Birthday. — Phantom Squad (@PhantomNations) November 3, 2016 Thus before the collapse of servers Phantom Squad said that the attack will take place all day and was advised to play on consoles. Team Phantom Squad is not the first time satisfied with attacks on the servers of various companies in anticipation of important events and holidays. So, in December 2015 hacked the Xbox Live servers, which

Fund Clinton acknowledged the fact of receiving a million dollars from Qatar

Fund Clinton acknowledged the fact of receiving a million dollars from Qatar The the Clinton Foundation (Clinton Foundation) confirmed that he had received as a gift a million dollars from Qatar when Hillary Clinton, now a democratic candidate for President of the United States, was Secretary of state. While it is in violation of the rules and their obligations did not inform his Agency, reports Reuters. See alsoReuters: FBI suspected Russia of forgery against Clinton Qatari officials promised to give money in 2011 for the celebration of the 65th birthday of former U.S. President bill Clinton, husband of Hillary Clinton. Next year they planned to meet with him personally to give him a check. This became known from letters of John Podestà, the head of election headquarters Clinton at the disposal of the website WikiLeaks. In 2009, Clinton signed the agreement on ethics, designed to increase transparency and prevent the

Crashed into an ambulance in Moscow the driver was hospitalized

In the center of Moscow there was a collision of car and ambulance. About it “Interfax” on Sunday, November 6, reported the press service of the Moscow traffic police. “According to preliminary data, the accident at ulitsa Mashi Poryvaevoy, 38, suffered the driver of the car that crashed into an ambulance. He is hospitalized”, — said the representative of the press service. He noted that the trauma received by the passenger of the car — it is checked by doctors. In the ambulance there were no injuries. On Sunday it was also reported about the accident in Moscow with the participation of Porsche Cayenne whose driver rammed five cars on Nagatinskaya street. According to preliminary data, the accident occurred at the moment when the driver of the Porsche was unfolding. As a result of accident nobody suffered.

Montenegro refused to accuse the Russian authorities of the organization of the coup

The protest in Podgorica in December 2015 The investigation has no proofs of participation of the Russian authorities to the attempted coup in Montenegro, said special public Prosecutor of the country Milivoj Catnic. His words on Sunday, November 6, leads RIA Novosti. “We have no evidence that the government was anyway involved in this. We will continue cooperation with Russia, as the organizers of the criminal group are nationals of Russia,” he said. According to investigators, the criminal group who planned a coup on the day of parliamentary elections on 16 October, consists of 50 people — citizens of Russia, Serbia and Montenegro. “Their goal was to stop Montenegro on its path towards Euro-Atlantic countries, in particular, its accession to NATO,” — said Katnic. Earlier on Sunday, he announced that the coup attempt was the Russian nationalists, who wanted, among other things, to kill the Prime Minister, Milo Djukanovic. October

Published photos and video of the test guns the newest fighter T-50

{{$root.cfg.modules.slider.galleryTable_3634003.stepNow *12 +1}} 6 of {{$root.cfg.modules.slider.gallery_3634003.sliderLength-1}} © Courtesy of the press service of the KLA © Courtesy of the press service of the KLA © Courtesy of the press service of the KLA © Courtesy of the press service of the KLA © Courtesy of the press service of the KLA © Courtesy of the press service of the KLA Editor’s choice Exam: young Russian hockey players won the Karjala Cup 6 Nov, 21:20 Reconstruction of the horse-hound hunting of the nineteenth century in Belarus 6 Nov, 16:47 Died in their apartments: a residential building in Ivanovo destroyed by gas explosion 6 Nov, 12:16 “The space concentration of creativity”: how Moscow hosted the “Night of arts” 5 Nov, 17:37 Near Kiev, reburied 60 soldiers of the great Patriotic war 5 Nov, 16:25 A monument to the commander of the VDV Vasily Margelov opened in Yekaterinburg 4 Nov, 17:48 1 …

The operation to liberate Mosul has become a medieval massacre – foreign Ministry

The operation to liberate Mosul from the militants pursued by the major powers led by the US has turned into a real medieval slaughter. This was posted on my Facebook, the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.   According to her, from this military operation “primarily affecting the civilian population, which massively killed as the terrorists, and from their opposing forces coalition.”   Diplomat focused the attention on the fact that in the evacuation of civilians from the besieged Iraqi city completely lacks consistency.   “Found that there was no thorough plan for the rescue of civilians has not been developed. Humanitarian corridors – even this is not close” – said the representative of the foreign Ministry.   In a situation with the liberation of Mosul Zakharova saw the information blockade by the coalition, “does not provide any reliable information about what is happening there.” In the result

Russian helicopter made an emergency landing in Syria

Russian helicopter made an emergency landing in Syria The car fired on the ground with mortars by militants, the crew was not injured. Moscow. 3 Nov. INTERFAX.RU IN Syria, the Russian helicopter carried out an emergency landing, the landing fired by militants, the crew was not injured, evacuated to the base Hamim, reported “Interfax” in the Russian centre of reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria. The helicopter was damaged, not allowing yourself to return to the home airfield. The crew was not injured and was promptly delivered a search and rescue helicopter to the base Hamim.the representative of the Russian centre of reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria Thus, the Center denied the terrorists of ISIL (a group banned in Russia) about the alleged death of Russian soldiers in the shelling of the helicopter of Russian air force. The representative of the centre announced that on Thursday, the

The monument to Prince Vladimir was opened on Borovitskaya square

The monument to Prince Vladimir was opened on Borovitskaya square The monument to Prince Vladimir was opened on Borovitskaya square, reports channel “Moscow 24”. The event was attended by Vladimir Putin, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill and Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin. “It’s a big important event for Moscow and the whole country and all Russian compatriots. It is symbolic that it is held in the national unity Day in the capital centre — in the heart of Russia. The monument is a tribute to our eminent ancestor, a revered Holy warrior,” the President said.See alsoUNESCO has demanded from Russia of the report on the monument to Prince Vladimir The Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill has consecrated the monument in the old Russian tradition. The monument to Prince Vladimir was erected on the initiative of the Russian military-historical society. Initially, the monument was planned to install on