Russia and the United States opposed the curtailment of the veto in the UN security Council

Russia and the United States on Monday, November 7, spoke against making any changes to the procedure for the use of the veto for the permanent members of the UN security Council. About it reports TASS. In this issue, Moscow and Washington disagreed with Paris and London, whose representatives at the meeting of the UN General Assembly called for the restriction of the veto. According to the Deputy of Russia’s permanent representative to the UN Vladimir Safronkov, the institution of the veto is an important factor that encourages Council members to search for balanced solutions. “To encroach on the right of veto it would be wrong from a historical and political point of view,” he said. In turn, zampolpreda United States noted that Washington continued to act “against any change in veto”, and Chinese Ambassador Liu Jieyi urged not to impose “immature proposals” on reform of the security Council. A

Zakharov commented on the event at the British Embassy

The official representative the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Maria Zakharova said that the foreign Ministry has nothing to do with the last on Friday, shares of the British Embassy in Moscow, reports RIA Novosti. “The foreign office never called neither activists nor members of civil society to hold any demonstrations in front of embassies of foreign countries for one simple reason: the Russian Federation fulfills its obligations, including under the Vienna Convention, on which we are required to provide security and ensure a certain level of security for diplomatic missions,” — said Zakharov. According to her, earlier held a protest action near the Russian Embassy in London is part of the political order, as ten days ago, the British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson gave a command society to hold a protest against the Russian Embassy. On Thursday, several demonstrators blocked the work of the Embassy: the

The developer of “Iskander” presented at the “Army-2016” new machines of the air defense

{{$root.cfg.modules.slider.galleryTable_3600130.stepNow *12 +1}} – 2 {{$root.cfg.modules.slider.gallery_3600130.sliderLength-1}} Combat vehicle branch of the “Flexible” © Press-service of MSC Fighting machine intelligence and control of the commander of the “Flexible” © Press-service of MSC Editor’s choice In the Moscow metro has launched a thematic train “Great generals” 7 Nov, 14:13 “Dogs understand that this work”: how dogs taught to save tourists November 7, 10:32 March in honor of 1941 parade was held on red square in Moscow November 7, 10:04 The continuer of traditions of Russian painters presented their works in Paris November 7, 8:05 Exam: young Russian hockey players won the Karjala Cup 6 Nov, 21:20 CSKA and “Amkar” played a draw in the match of the championship of Russia 6 Nov, 20:57 1 … … {{$root.cfg.modules.slider[‘gallery_3600130’].sliderLength – 1}} {{$root.cfg.modules.slider[‘gallery_3600130’].sliderLength – 1}} + Combat vehicle branch of the “Flexible” © Press-service of MSC Fighting machine intelligence and control of the commander of

Russia and the United States defended the right of veto in the UN security Council

Russia and the United States voted against the abolition of the veto in the UN security Council called for representatives of London and Paris, according to TASS. The veto allows the members of the UN Security Council to block decision-making.   “Unacceptable to us any ideas that lead to infringing upon the prerogatives of the current permanent members of the Security Council, including the veto. It should be remembered that the institution is an important factor that encourages Council members to search for balanced solutions,” said Deputy permanent representative to the UN Vladimir Safronkov.   He added that the attack on the right of cancellation of the decision of the UN security Council is wrong both from a historical and political point of view. So the decisions of the permanent members of the Security Council are not subject to audit.   The words of the Russian representative supported zampolpreda US,

The interior Ministry said about the possible cause of the explosion in Ivanovo

The interior Ministry said about the possible cause of the explosion in Ivanovo Explosion of household gas in a residential building in Ivanovo, according to preliminary data, has occurred in the apartment of a man who led an asocial life. About it reports on Sunday, November 6, “Interfax” with reference to regional management of the Ministry of interior. “According to preliminary data, the explosion occurred at the third entrance on the ground floor, where lived the man who was leading an antisocial lifestyle. According to neighbors, in his apartment there was a gas explosion,” — said the representative office Vladislav Radostin. Earlier it was reported that the damaged building is dvuhpodezdny. A gas explosion occurred in a two-storey residential building located at Minsk street, 63-B, at about 04:00 GMT. According to preliminary data, saved six people, one of them in serious condition, one woman died. Another 14 residents were evacuated.

The drone held the first court in the Arctic seas

The drone held the first court in the Arctic seas The device was discovered, the ducts between the ice in the Beaufort sea and the Chukchi sea. American company Fairweather Science for the first time used an unmanned aerial vehicle for piloting ships through channels between the ice in the Arctic seas. As written by Aviation Week, a drone was used for reconnaissance of ice conditions and search for wide passages in the ice. Using the apparatus of the ships were able to pass through the waters of the Beaufort sea and Chukchi sea. Today for the posting of small craft through the ice in the Arctic use icebreakers or special aircraft. Both methods pilotage are quite expensive. This wiring through the ice with icebreaker assistance is still relatively time consuming and not possible in all Arctic locations. The UAV allows to carry out the court through the ice faster

NATO will increase the combat readiness of the “hundreds of thousands of war” because of Russia’s actions

NATO will increase the combat readiness of the “hundreds of thousands of war” because of Russia’s actions NATO translated to the strengthened mode of service is “hundreds of thousands of soldiers” because of the actions of Russia, said the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. He explained that this is the most serious measure taken by the Alliance since the end of the cold war. Hundreds of thousands of NATO soldiers will be transferred to the strengthened mode of service amid growing tension in relations with Russia. About it The Times said the head of the Northern Alliance Jens Stoltenberg. According to the newspaper, NATO command wants to prepare a significant number of military ground forces able to deter “Russian aggression”. Stoltenberg did not lead the exact figure, however, the British permanent representative to NATO Adam Thompson said the goal is translated to the strengthened mode of service of 300 thousand

Russia and the United States opposed the infringement of the right of veto in the UN security Council

© AP Photo/Mary Altaffer UN, November 8th. /Offset. TASS Oleg Zelenin/. Russia and the United States on Monday spoke against making any changes to the procedure for the use of the veto, which allows the permanent members of the UN Security Council to block decision-making. In this issue, Moscow and Washington diverged in the views from London and Paris, whose representatives at the meeting of the General Assembly called for the restriction of the veto.

The residence of the British Ambassador in Moscow threw “the bloody mannequins”

Photo: RIA Novosti At the residence of the British Ambassador in Moscow has thrown a few splattered with paint mannequins. This is with reference to eyewitnesses, on Friday, 4 November, reports “Interfax”. According to the interlocutor of the Agency, it happened at about 17:30. Unknown drove up to the fence of the Embassy in a van, unloaded “the bloody mannequins”, and threw them to the territory over the fence. An eyewitness reported that protesters were about 10-12, and they disappeared before the cops arrived. The journalists stressed that they did not have confirmation from official sources. 3 November a group of activists blocked the work of the Russian Embassy in London. The entrance to the Embassy was filled with pieces of mannequins, and the protesters in t-shirts reading “save Aleppo” chained themselves to the gates. Diplomats appealed to the British foreign Ministry with a request to ensure the safety of

Monument to the Creator of missile system s-300V was opened at the main office “Almaz-Antey”

{{$root.cfg.modules.slider.galleryTable_3626373.stepNow *12 +1}} – 2 {{$root.cfg.modules.slider.gallery_3626373.sliderLength-1}} © press-service, the EBA Concern “Almaz – Antey” © press-service, the EBA Concern “Almaz – Antey” Editor’s choice In the Moscow metro has launched a thematic train “Great generals” 7 Nov, 14:13 “Dogs understand that this work”: how dogs taught to save tourists November 7, 10:32 March in honor of 1941 parade was held on red square in Moscow November 7, 10:04 The continuer of traditions of Russian painters presented their works in Paris November 7, 8:05 Exam: young Russian hockey players won the Karjala Cup 6 Nov, 21:20 CSKA and “Amkar” played a draw in the match of the championship of Russia 6 Nov, 20:57 1 … … {{$root.cfg.modules.slider[‘gallery_3626373’].sliderLength – 1}} {{$root.cfg.modules.slider[‘gallery_3626373’].sliderLength – 1}} + © press-service, the EBA Concern “Almaz – Antey” © press-service, the EBA Concern “Almaz – Antey” MOSCOW, September 16. /TASS/. A monument to academician Veniamin Yefremov, who created