Five people died in a traffic accident in Kabardino-Balkaria

In Kabardino-Balkaria as a result of collision of cars “Lada Kalina” and Mercedes killed five people, injured another. On Tuesday, November 8, reported on the website of the Republican interior Ministry. The accident happened around 8:30 MSK on the road Cool — Baksan-Azau in the village of Zayukovo. After the collision, “Lada” was thrown at the stop. “Both women were at a stop, the driver “Kalina” and two his passengers died on the spot. Car Mercedes continuing the motion, overturned, its driver in a grave condition is delivered in medical institution”, — stated in the message of regional office. The circumstances of the incident are established.

Clinton won the voting in the first opened area in the USA

Hillary Clinton The candidate in US presidents from Democratic party won the vote in the tiny village of Dixville Notch in new Hampshire, where according to tradition, at midnight local time (8 a.m. GMT), opened the polling station at the election of the President. On Tuesday, 8 November, reports the Boston Globe. According to CNN, Clinton received four votes out of eight, the other two were its main rival — the Republican nominee Donald trump, another voice was candidate of the libertarian party Gary Johnson, in the last newsletter was written “MITT Romney” (the candidate in US presidents from Republican party in the 2012 elections — approx. “Of the”). The population of Dixville Notch, according to the 2010 census, consists of 12 people, says “Interfax”. In 1960, there was a tradition according to which the inhabitants of Dixville-Notch have the right to vote at midnight local time, that is,

SBU has banned entry to Ukraine 140 Russian artists

Photo: Sergii Kharchenko ZUMAPRESS/ globallookpress The security service of Ukraine on 4 November, was denied entry into the country 140 Russian cultural figures. This is stated in the official statement of SBU, which is on the page in Facebook published a Verkhovna Rada Deputy from “Blok Petro Poroshenko” Olga Chervakova. The document means that the activities and statements of the Russians who are denied entry, allegedly contrary to the interests of Ukraine. “I hope this closes the discussion about the total idleness of the security services in this direction, as well as discussion about the need to make room in the parliamentary bills that absolutely nothing will change”, – wrote the MP. Earlier it became known that the entrance to Ukraine has banned the honored artist of Russia, the native of Kiev, Natasha Koroleva. The singer on the decision of the authorities of the Square stated that she was separated

That Russian “blue berets” are doing in the Balkans

© Press service of the defense Ministry of Russia In the vicinity of Belgrade at five military airfields, and landfills are the Serbian-Russian-Belarusian military exercises “Slavic brotherhood – 2016”. They involve about 500 servicemen of special forces of the three countries, 10 aircraft and helicopters of the Russian Federation videoconferencing and the air force of Serbia, about 20 units of armored and military technology. From Russia – more than 200 paratroopers from the Ivanovo airborne division.

Fighters TSB neutralized group of saboteurs conditional

Russian, Belarusian and Serbian forces in the framework of the active phase of the exercises “Slavic brotherhood – 2016” seized the airfield, held by illegal armed groups, and ensure the landing of the main forces and military equipment.   According to the head of the Russian contingent in the exercises of major-General Oleg Palueva, at the initial stage of the active phase of the exercise units perform tasks for the destruction of illegal armed groups.   The first stage of the active phase involves the capture of the airfield for the transfer of units. The Russian division of the special appointment of 32 people landed on managed parachutes “Arbalest-2” aircraft Il-76MD in the terminal area “Kovin” and destroyed a unit of fire from a silent weapon.   On with Mi-8 helicopters landed Serbian and Belarusian special forces, who with the support of Russian colleagues completed the capture of the airfield.

The number of victims of gas explosion in a house in Ivanovo reached five people

The number of victims of gas explosion in a house in Ivanovo reached five people In Ivanovo on Sunday morning there was a gas explosion collapsed a two-story house. Killed five people, including four children, six people were injured. VORONEZH, November 6 — RIA Novosti. The number of victims of gas explosion in a residential building in Ivanovo has reached five people, reported RIA Novosti the representative of the regional Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Olga Goleva. See alsoIn the interior Ministry told about the possible cause of the explosion in Ivanovo Earlier it was reported about four victims. “Five,” she said, without specifying details. As reported by RIA Novosti the representative of EMERCOM in the Ivanovo region, “just” the rescuers pulled out from-under blockages the body of another woman. “Five people were killed: three women, a man and a girl four years”, — said the

The tourist fell on a crocodile in Australia

The tourist fell on a crocodile in Australia Crocodile remains a predator, even if it is freshwater. Tourist from Denmark checked out this truth in Australia, trying to take a picture with a reptile. It all happened under the cover of night. The protagonist of “Australian tragedy,” the tourist johnny bond said that he wanted to get closer to the crocodile 2.5 m to get a memorable picture, but slipped and fell right on the predator lurking in the lake Kununurra (Western Australia). Frightened and angered by the crocodile responded immediately, massaging the tourist’s hand. Dane emphasized that the consequences of his clumsiness is responsible himself and the crocodile did not hurt. I just wanted to get close to him, he lay down near the shore. All that happens is the result of my stupidity. I really pushed him. If I someone pushed the night, I’d be angry.Johnny Bond He

Olga Vasilyeva called Stalin a great politician with a big minus sign

Olga Vasilyeva called Stalin a great politician with a big minus sign The Minister of education of Russia Olga Vasilyeva said in an interview to “Interfax”, it ambiguously refers to the figure of Joseph Stalin, seeing his policies as positive or negative. “How can I treat Stalin the man, the tyranny which is self-evident? Man, the conscience of which — and not only on his conscience victims of political repression. But we must agree that this man is a statesman. I usually call a great politician with a great big sign “minus”. It’s my attitude, therefore, hardly possible to me as a Stalinist,” — said Vasilyev. She recalled that her master’s and doctoral theses (Vasil’eva — doctor of historical Sciences) is devoted to the Russian Orthodox Church during the great Patriotic war and Stalin’s attitude to the Church in these and subsequent years. In particular, the Ph. D. dissertation Vasilyeva

Kolokoltsev: it is Zakharchenko has crossed all the achievements of employees of the interior Ministry

Dmitry Zakharchenko © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, November 7. /TASS/. High-profile corruption scandals in the bodies of internal Affairs, similar to the case Zakharchenko, negate all the achievements of the interior Ministry. This opinion was expressed by Minister of internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev in an interview to the program “Pozdnyakov”, published on the website of the TV channel NTV.

The debate about the punishment of Skinner reminded Valuev discussion about pedophiles

Nikolai Valuev Discussions around stricter penalties for animal abuse, similar to the requirements to increase the sentence for pedophilia, said the Deputy of the state Duma of the seventh convocation Nikolay Valuev. This opinion on Monday, November 7, he expressed in conversation with “”. “This is reminiscent of the controversy surrounding the punishment for pedophilia. Humanly we are all “for” [tightening], but from the point of view of the law should be clear evidence base,” — said Valuev. In his view, the investigation should be considered proof of guilt video posted on the Internet. “Today, people reach such callousness and cruelty, that is not afraid to put this online,” — said the Deputy. However, the Deputy is sure that two years of deprivation of freedom is punishment enough (provided for animal cruelty committed by a group of persons upon a preliminary collusion or by an organized group — approx. “Of